
The Story Of The Black Angels

A mysterious town . Everyone knows the dangers of it . Dangers , in the form of anything and anyone . Everyone also knows that there are people to save them from the dangers . Angels , with amazing powers . However , their identities are unknown . Common people stay in their limits , don't show any unnecessary curiosity . Nothing matters as long as they are safe . It doesn't matter who is saving them . But ... Shouldn't they know the identity of their saviours .... .....or at least of their enemies ? How long will they live in legends ? Let this novel uncover the secrets of the town ..... ......... with the help of certain characters . Enilese has recently been added to the Angels group . She is always cheerful and friendly . She is the living embodiment of her Guardian Spirit . She has yet to know about their group's past , enemies and of course the secrets of the town . What would happen when she would unknowingly get involved with her group's worst enemies . Note 1 : no mature content and intense violence . Note 2 : main focus on mind , thoughts ,feelings and emotions .

Nabanita18 · Fantasy
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77 Chs

A Force of the Deads

Another base

" Aaron , is there any news ? " Shawn asked in the breakfast table .

" Yes , I found out that someone is forming a force against us . "

" That's obvious , since everyone has some motive . But who is it and what kind of force is that ? "

" As far as I've found out , the group is created with deads but neither are they vampires nor ghosts . For the details , I'm still looking into it . "

" Does that kind of creatures even exist ? " Ryan asked .

" If you guys can have supernatural powers despite of being human , so those creatures are not impossible ." Ammie's spiteful words make them turn their heads towards the door . She walked in gracefully .

" Darling , are you jealous of us , I sense jealousy in your words " , Ryan teased her .

" I'm not jealous of you . I won't be ever . " Ammie said angrily , while pouring herself a glass of juice .

" Ahh , I'm hurt ." Ryan let out a hurt expression . By then Ammie had already left the room .

Shawn's eyes were cold , " Look into it further , Aaron . "

" I'm on it . "

" Okay , I'll go , inform this to boss ."


At the previous base

The members have gathered again in the hall . They have formed a circle . Inside the circle , lies a dead body , the dead body of Lucas , which has become blue by now .