
The Story Of My Undertale

when frisk falls into the underground with her sister, promises are broken, friends burn their bridge, and the prisoner breaks free

Woufgirl · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 2: Your best friend

"O-OKAY! S-SO WHAT DO I DO?!" I yelled up.

"UH- I DON'T KNOW! TRY SWINGING TO THE WALL?!" Skyler yelled back down, panicked. I moved back and forth, barely grabbing the wall.

"W-WHAT NOW?" I asked.

"UMMM I- I DON'T KNOW! I'M NOT THE EXPERT ON THIS!" Skyler said, walking back and forth from what I could see. I looked down.

"Skyler! I can see a pillar formation, and some flowers down here! Maybe they'll break my fall!"

"How far down are they from you?"

"...30 feet..."

"Absolutely not! Do not even think about trying it Frisk! I'm serious."

"But what if their magic?"

"What if their normal buttercups?"

"Then I'll be squished into a million pieces of mush."

"No, I am not taking that chance."

"Your right..."

"thank you-"

"I'm taking it!" I untied the rope and jumped.

"FRISK!" That was all I heard before hitting the ground hard. The breath was knocked out of me... But I was alive. (I think)

"I-I'm fine..." I said getting up. I looked up and jumped as I saw Skyler falling towards me. She was falling with her arms and legs spread out. "SKYLER!"

I reached my arms out to catch her, but she still crashed into me. All I did was slow her fall. My arms did catch her but I was swung around, and still she flew, but this time at the wall as I fell back onto the flowers. Skyler hit the wall and screamed as I heard at least 3 CRACK!s before she fell back onto the floor. "Skyler!" I got up and raced over. She was unconscious, but her face still looked twisted in pain. "I-its okay! everything's going to be fine! I-I promise!" I looked around rapidly, but all I saw was a hallway, which was where the light was coming from. 'The monsters! They have magic! They can help!'

I picked Skyler up and noticed a bright pain in my left arm and my head. Blood was dripping down the side of my face. I checked Skyler's HP. 5/20. This was bad. Skyler took more damage since her DF was extremely low. I checked my own. Wait... what? It was 20/20. I had taken no damage to my health, yet I was hurt. IT hurt, But something was wrong. The bar was... moving, but not in a smooth way. It was all... glitchy, like when a video game crashes, or has a virus. 'It doesn't matter. I just have to help Skyler' I limped us over to the hallway and down it. Down it, was a room, and in the middle was a patch of grass. When I was around 5 feet from it, a flower rose from it. The flower was a golden buttercup. It was funny, the flower almost seemed to have a face.

"Howdy!" It said, smiling at me.

I jumped a little. I expected monsters, but nothing like this. "I'm Flowey! Flowey the flower!" He introduced himself before giggling and putting on a face that said 'really?'. "Why'd you make me introduce myself? It's rude to act like you don't know me, Chara."

"Because... I don't...my name is frisk..." I said. Deep down, he did feel familiar, and I was getting a huge wave of deja vu, but it was probably because of all the stories I've heard. The flower looked shocked.

"Did you really...?" He shook his head. "Oh, I had a different human friend. W-well you must be new to the underground, aren't 'cha? Golly, you must be confused."

"A-actually I just need help..." I said.

"Someone ought to teach you how things work around here! I guess little old me will have to do."

"W-Wait I know how things work, I-I don't need teaching I need medical help."

"Ready? Here we go!" Flowey started a FIGHT, and yet as the buttons appeared, everything stayed the same. I've been in a FIGHT, but never like this. It always went black and white. And there was another thing. I've only had 2 buttons before. ACT and MERCY. Now the buttons that were there was in the formation I read them in: FIGHT, ACT, ITEMS, MERCY. And at the edge of my screen, it was saying to things, glitching back and forth. It was saying Chara and going back to Mary.

"Flowey, please, I just need-"

A heart, my soul, appeared. "You see that? That's your soul! The very cul-" Flowey started.

"Flowey, I know how this works! I just need help!" Flowey stopped and looked at me as I shouted at him.

"O-oh. Well, do you see that?" He pointed at a number. "That's your LV!"

"LV?" I said, confused.

"Why, it's LOVE, silly! Your soul grows stronger every time you get enough!" He explained. "Down here, monsters share LOVE freely through little white 'Friendlyness pellets'. Here, ready?"

White pellets appeared in a circle beside him. "Move around, get as many as you can!"

I took a deep breath and tried to move around the best I could to catch one. I did catch ONE, but it stung as it hit me. It was an attack! Of course healing is green, not white. My HP lowered as another hit me, putting me at 6 HP. I fell down, catching myself with a hand and using the other to make sure Skyler didn't fall too hard. Flowey laughed.

"You IDOIT." His face curved, showing teeth. "In this world, it's kill or BE killed. Man, who would pass up an opportunity like this?"

The pellets surrounded me. "DIE." The pellets closed in as Flowey cackled louder than ever.

This is it. Me and Skyler would both die because I trusted a stupid flower. I squeezed my eyes shut. GAME OVER.

Until a orange light shone above.