
The Story Of My Undertale

when frisk falls into the underground with her sister, promises are broken, friends burn their bridge, and the prisoner breaks free

Woufgirl · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 1: Fallen down

"C'mon Skyler!" I shouted down at my sister, who was huffing and puffing behind me on the trail. "Hurry!"

"*huff* What for? We're not even *huff* supposed to be on MT. Ebott right now. We're supposed to be *huff* back home working on homework!" Skyler hurried right next to me.

"We'll be fine! And the sooner we find the underground, the better!" I said, slowing down a bit for her to catch her breath.

"The underground?! I did not sign up for this! It's just a legend, Frisk!" Skyler said.

"It's not! And you agreed to help!"

"Agreed is a strong word. More like I had to do it or you would tell my crush about my crush. Why do we even need to find the underground?" Skyler asked.

"...Well... you know how Mom always says how those stories are fake?"


"And when Grandpa says the part about the monsters being able to heal with magic and magic food, how she says 'I wish!'"


"Well... I know Mom's in a lot of pain. So I thought maybe if we were to prove to her that the underground is real, and maybe bring back some food to heal her, she'll be happy again." I said, pushing through some bushes.

"Frisk... that's sweet, but I don't think we should go against what she says for some fantasy that Grandpa made up." Skyler said, holding the bushes so she wouldn't get wacked.

"It's not a fantasy! I'll show you!" I said, holding the bushes so she could get through.

"Well Mom's work hours stop in 3 hours and she wont be home for another half hour." Skyler said. "And it took around 30 minutes to get where we are about now so..."

I let out a small snort. "That's kinda weird."

"What is?" Skyler said, with a small glare.

"That you know the exact time that Mom gets home from work and when she gets off of work. Do you know what time she eats too?" I teased.

"It's not weird!" Skyler defended.

"since when do you keep track of that?" I asked.

Skyler scoffed. "Ever since-!" She stopped realizing what she was saying. She didn't have finish.

Ever sense the day dad left. Mom and Skyler both assumed I had forgotten. After all, I was only 4 when he left. But I remembered vividly. Mom and Dad yelling, Skyler and I crying. One year later Me and Skyler had made a promise to always be there for each other. And now 5 years later, we still haven't broken it. We've stayed together since. "Hey...we don't have to search today. We can come back tomorrow." I said, bumping her arm.

"No, it's okay. But can we just keep searching through bushes instead of going through that cave?" Skyler asked.

"What cave?"

Skyler pointed.

I turned and looked to where she was pointing. There right behind be was a huge cave. I gasped. "I have a better idea. What if... INSTEAD OF SEARCHING THE BUSHES WE ONLY SEARCH THIS CAVE! SKYLER THIS IS IT!"

Skyler sighed and followed me in.

2 hour later...

"Frisk, we've been searching for hours now. We should head home, mom's going to be back soon." Skyler said.

"But the cave just keeps going!" I said, pointing down it.

"It'll be dark soon!"

"And we brought a flashlight in your backpack."

"We only brought a day's worth of food."

"We wont need it. Just five more minutes and we'll go home."

"We could get hurt!"

"pa-lease. There's nothing that can hurt us down heEEEEEEAAAARRR!" I started before nearly tripping into a deep pit. Skyler grabbed the back of my shirt collar and pulled me back.

"See? It's not safe!" Skyler said, helping me stabilize myself.

"Skyler..." I said, awestruck.

"what?" She asked.

"There was light. Skyler, I SAW LIGHT DOWN THERE!" I said, jumping up and down in place.

"No way." She gazed down and gasped.

"YES WAY!" I said, joining her. "Let's go down!"

"Nuh-uh. We need a plan." Skyler said, grabbing me before I swan-dived in. "We have some rope, but I don't think it's enough. So, I'm going to lower you down till your out of danger of breaking anything or dying. And you can jump from there."

She helped me tie it to my waist, and wrapped it around a stalagmite. I carefully climbed down. One. Step. After. Another. After what seemed like an eternity I was only halfway down.

"F-FRISK!" Skyler yelled down.

"WHAT?!" I yelled back up.


Hope you like it so far, stay tuned, it takes a bit to start. But while you wait, why not leave a review and let me know what you think!

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