
The Story of John you were wanting to do

On Earth war was extremely common for thousands of generations and throughout that a single family stood out for it's members being involved in all of the world's wars throughout history. These indivuals were usually legends in the heart of battle. Eventually humanity evolved warfare had also evolved and so did these family members than came peace. The descendents began to lose the ability to fight gradually eventually came members who could no longer fight at all. They were in building and destruction before they became farmers. Thirty nine generations of farmers later became a family of fishers. Forty generations later the youngest son of the family was killed in a car accident at the age of sixteen. His girlfriend was devastated by that and had taken her life soon after. After he died his soul was brought before God he says "Am I dead?" God says "Yes you have died in a tragic accident I am willing to give you a second chance at life" The boy says "What's the price?" God says "You'll be reincarnated in a different world one with magic monsters and the likes" The boy says "I accept thank you" God reincarnated the boy. The girlfriends soul soon after appears before God he says "Hello you have unfortunately died this is very tragic" The girl says "Agreed I wish that I could have been with my beloved in the afterlife" God says "I reincarnated him to another world" The girl says "Please send me to the same world" God says "Sure I don't see any reason to keep a love so strong that even death and reincarnation can't break it" The girl says "Thank you so much" God reincarnated her to the same world.

Goke_black · Fantasy
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108 Chs


Lucy takes John to the race's training area a large pit filled with billions of tiny monsters Lucy says "These things target one's mind and mental state and can aid in helping indivuals train mentally and efficantly they can also cause hallucinations but their naturally able to cancel that out for themselves keeping awere but their target is in a hallucination or in their mind" John says "Cool" Lucy says "Ok let's go" John says "Go where?" Lucy says "In your mind" Lucy uses one of the monsters to transfer herself and John inside of John's mind. John says "Why did you come?" Lucy says "To help you with this" John says "What do we do?" Lucy says "We control your inner demons and inner monsters" Lucy and John explore John's mind and fight a inner demonof John's they lose so they regroup and kept trying. One hundred years pass by with no results as they remain in the bottom however outside only a day had passed for a day in the real world is a hundred years in the mind world due to the monsters. Two and a half months later Sarah has made weapons sheild's and armour out of the corpse's remains fused together to make twelve sets of each for one person to have their own this would be good for a group of twelve but with so few people they are just spares. Sarah modifys John's sets of outfits he crafted to make them into a hybraid set instead of three diffrent wardrobes she has ten of these that took her half a month. After waiting for these three monthes she and Jade go in search of John. Sarah finds the pit of monsters and says "John would want these for an outfit of protection i'll do it for him"