
The Story of John you were wanting to do

On Earth war was extremely common for thousands of generations and throughout that a single family stood out for it's members being involved in all of the world's wars throughout history. These indivuals were usually legends in the heart of battle. Eventually humanity evolved warfare had also evolved and so did these family members than came peace. The descendents began to lose the ability to fight gradually eventually came members who could no longer fight at all. They were in building and destruction before they became farmers. Thirty nine generations of farmers later became a family of fishers. Forty generations later the youngest son of the family was killed in a car accident at the age of sixteen. His girlfriend was devastated by that and had taken her life soon after. After he died his soul was brought before God he says "Am I dead?" God says "Yes you have died in a tragic accident I am willing to give you a second chance at life" The boy says "What's the price?" God says "You'll be reincarnated in a different world one with magic monsters and the likes" The boy says "I accept thank you" God reincarnated the boy. The girlfriends soul soon after appears before God he says "Hello you have unfortunately died this is very tragic" The girl says "Agreed I wish that I could have been with my beloved in the afterlife" God says "I reincarnated him to another world" The girl says "Please send me to the same world" God says "Sure I don't see any reason to keep a love so strong that even death and reincarnation can't break it" The girl says "Thank you so much" God reincarnated her to the same world.

Goke_black · Fantasy
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108 Chs


John is improving as it continues to grow more powerful. In the forest a mage monster uses a barrier to contain the fight's destructrion inside the forest. This time there seems to be no way to defeat John however they managed to pull it off somehow unfortunately the monsters that were fighting John were all killed the protecters of Sarah and Jade were the ones to finish John off only one hundred of the mature ones survived. The survivors restrain John as they take him away followed by Jade and Sarah Sarah stops and than says "Jade I need you to gather all of the corpses together i'll craft with them later" Jade does as instructed as Sarah begins to follow the monsters one of them says "Don't follow our land is forbidden to outsiders" Sarah says "What about John?" The monster says "We will take great care of him he will be well taken care of" Sarah says "Ok" Sarah gets to work crafting out of the remains of all the corpses. One day later John awakens to find himself in a camp a girl says "Good morning Mr Hero" John says "What happened?" The girl says "You lost control and went on a rampage" John says "Really?" The girl says "Yes i'm Lucy and I have been tasked with helping you train to control that power buried within you as well as take care of any other needs you may have" John nods and says "I understand but I lost all the people close to me I can't risk putting others in danger" Lucy says "It's not too late to start protecting those who remain!" John says "Your right thank you Lucy" Lucy says "Your welcome!" John says "Let's begin now"