
The Story Of A Saiyajin [English]

When transmigrators cross over to another world they are always happy to do so and since arthur was no exception, at first he was glad to have crossed over to another world. however recognizing an object that was popular in one of the animes he watched in his previous life made his heart race like never before. "Shit! Did I really cross over to the dragon ball world!?" But in the end he was still powerless since he couldn't do anything about it, so he decided to live as calmly as he could in the new world, but his peace didn't last long since 1 year after his arrival in dragon ball the attack of androids number 18 and 17, he immediately knew that he had crossed into the future of trunks which made him renege against the sky again. "Heh...heh...if you want to send someone to another world at least give them something to start with right?" And as if Arthur's requests were heard by the heavens a robotic voice echoed in his head. " *Ting*... system loading finished... host found... starting system" "ha... haha... you finally show up... system...."

Machiner · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Chapter 8 - The Battle Begins, Shallot vs. Granola, 2

Where once was a beautiful forest now turned into a bumpy barren wasteland. In the middle of a crater there was a young man with green hair, red eyes, a green coat, a brown combat shirt and also his pants were that color.

This young man was Granola, who had a bit of dust on his clothes and blood stains on the corners of his mouth. On the other hand Shallot who was a few meters away from him also had some dust on his clothes and a blood stain on the left side of his mouth.

Staring at the two people, an oppressive aura condensed to the surroundings, causing the animals near the site to subconsciously move away.

The tense atmosphere lasted for a long time until a small stone fell to the ground from the rubble. The sound of this was the signal for the battle to continue.

With a quick movement Shallot appeared in front of Granola and sent a strong knee, which was answered in the same way. As their attacks hit, a strong shock wave originated from the two of them causing the ground 1 kilometer away to crack inch by inch.

Leaving no time for Granola to breathe, Shallot broke away from Granola before launching a punch at Granola's face which Granola blocked easily and instantly responded with a sharp elbow to Shallot's chest.

Without having time to react, he would receive the blow in full and with intense pain he was shot in a distant direction. Not wanting to miss this opportunity, Granola quickly followed Shallot and upon reaching him gave him a strong whip kick that sent him straight to the ground causing a strong impact.

Without stopping Granola put her hands in the form of a gun. After doing so, a crimson colored sphere formed at the tips of Granola's fingers, when he finished condensing the energy sphere, he launched it towards Shallot at a high speed.

When the energy ball hit the crater where Shallot fell, it generated a loud explosion that raised debris and dust everywhere.

Breathing heavily Granola looked at the curtain of dust that covered the place where Shallot lay, a few seconds passed until the smoke dispersed and she could see Shallot's silhouette again.

This one just had a few small scratches on his battle suit and nothing more, of course Granola isn't surprised that Shallot is okay.

Knowing that the two may have the same strength, he knows that this battle will not be easy. Not hesitating any longer, Granola took off her green jacket, leaving just her brown combat clothes.

Noticing Granola's actions and feeling the growing energy of this Shallot no longer had thoughts of any game, looking at Granola Shallot's aura rose to ultimate and with a roar lowered his power rose sharply.

Shallot's power wasn't the only thing that changed her appearance as well, her former golden aura is now green. The change did not end since there were rays intertwined with the aura, these appeared every so often.

In the same way, his physical form changed, his muscles grew a little as well as his hair, which stood on end more than before. This appearance is that of the Legendary Super Saiyan Phase 2, and although Shallot is using this form it does not mean that I used all of its power, it just uses a part since the power of its transformation far exceeds Granola.

Granola for his part was also surprised by the great power that Shallot radiates at this moment, of course he is only surprised since he feels that the two have the same level of power so their battle will be decided by the level of technique that both have.

Preparing to continue the fight, Shallot could see some people watching them from a relatively far distance. Curiously Shallot used her Kaio-Shin sight to look in the direction where he sensed the sighting.

Seeing who it was that was watching the battle Shallot wasn't surprised, it was Kibito and Shin who had a look of horror on their faces at what they just witnessed.

It is understandable that the two are that way, plus Shin who knows perfectly the power of Majin Buu the demon that torments him to this day. It is precisely because he knows the terror of Majin Buu, he was surprised to feel two energies that surpassed that demon and by far, also that this power came from two mortals.

There is also Kibito who believes that mortals are only slightly strong. Well that's what he believed until he felt the power of Granola and Shallot, at which point his whole concept of reality collapsed completely. And more if the mortals that he despised so much from one moment to the next became so strong.

Returning to Shallot, Shallot simply stared at the two useless gods for a few moments and his gaze shifted to the direction where Monaito was. Observing Monaito and his actions, Shallot could tell that he was preparing to summon the dragon.

Witnessing this fact, a slight relief crossed Shallot's eyes since his purpose for which he came to the Cereal planet was about to be fulfilled, he also sighed because this old man had to keep a secret for so long for fear of it happening to him something to granola.

Thinking of this old man helping him now, Shallot could only thank him later, now his current task is to deal with Granola and the Heatas brothers who will most likely come to Cereal planet because they were informed of the situation.

While meditating on the subject, Shallot did not realize how angry Granola was when he saw him distracted in the middle of their fight.

"What is it that distracts you so much that you ignore this battle?"

"Huh? Who knows... by the way, were you able to calm down already?"

".....It's not ironic to tell me that after you lost your temper too"

Hearing Granola's words an ironic smile appeared on Shallot's face since she couldn't say anything about it because it's true.

"Well it's true that I lost my temper but who wouldn't when dealing with someone like you?"


With obvious annoyance at Shallot's comment, with a quick movement, Granola stretched out her hand and a sphere of energy condensed in it and then launched it at Shallot.

Seeing this, Shallot simply waits for the sphere to reach in front of him and deflects it with a light swipe in a direction in which it explodes.

Sighing slightly in disappointment at not being able to have a normal conversation, Shallot prepared herself once again for the final part of the fight. An inexplicable emotion also welled up in his heart.

He knew that this was caused by the Saiyan blood in his body, although this doesn't bother him at all he also hopes to have a good fight since he hasn't had one since he came to this world.

But after all this time being used to his power Shallot does not consider himself a Saiyan completely, even having his blood and characteristics he still has the mentality of a human.

That by the way he has suffered many problems in the Camino and changes of mentality after the passage of time but, he is still a human and for him that will not change.

Having more control of her Saiyan instincts, Shallot calmed down a bit and began to meditate on something more important, the Heatas, the main antagonists in the Granola saga.

What makes him tense is the power of Gas, since if Granola presents this power that far exceeds an absorbed Majin Buu Gohan and can even surpass Vegetto in his first phase, he does not want to imagine how strong Gas will be.

And that still does not take into account his hidden power that has a certain resemblance to that of Broly, so during his battle against Granola he cannot allow himself to use the Legendary Super Saiyan Phase 3, even though he has a great energy that surpasses the rest of the Saiyan's Shallot still wantsconserve strength in the face of any untimely situation that arises.

He knows he already has him mastered to a point where he doesn't expend bone energy in his normal Legendary Super Saiyan Phase 3 form, however that doesn't include the perfect state of this transformation.

This one resembles the appearance of Goku Black's Super Saiyan Rose Phase 3, with the difference that this is clearly Mortal Ki that, although it gives great power, also wears down like the transformation of an ordinary Super Saiyan Phase 3.

Taking all these things into account, Shallot will fight Granola with the intention of saving strength in case the Heatas brothers suddenly appear and Shallot's assumptions are correct.

But if they don't show up, Shallot won't hold back and will release her power by beating up Granola to see if she calms down once and for all and can tell her the truth about what happened when she was little.

Maybe he will also convince him to join them, and later when the tournament of power happens they will be an unstoppable team with Goku, Vegeta, Broly, Granola and him. But who knows, that's an idea that crossed Shallot's mind at this very moment.

Now with a smile on her face, Shallot rose to Granola's height, coming face to face with him. Seeing the expectant smile on Shallot's face he didn't know why but Granola was quite annoyed that he did that.

"I hope you don't disappoint me, Ceresiano"

"Hmph, don't underestimate people too much, Saiyan"

Dropping those last words, Granola, impatient with Shallot's attitude with a faster speed than before, rushed towards Shallot and of course Shallot was looking forward to this fight, so without falling behind she also fearlessly advanced to meet him.

While the two were fighting at some distance from the planet Cereal, a relatively large ship approached, inside there were 4 blue-skinned beings and one of them was in the lead, it seemed to be the leader of these.

Seeing the image on the screen a contemptuous smile appeared on his face and taking a sip from the glass of wine in his hand he murmured something that only he could hear.

"Apparently you got this far, Granola"

"Brother Elec, are you sure to do this?"

The voice of a short young man next to Elec reached his ears. Turning to see his younger brother Elec didn't say much and simply put a hand on Elec's shoulder.

"If I'm sure, besides on this matter you personally handle it, Gas"


Doubting the words he heard Gas asked Elec to be sure.

"Of course you, so don't let your brother down"

"I understand, this sure brother Elec I won't let you down"

Listening to Gas's words, a smile appeared on Elec's face, then he returned his gaze to the screen in front of him.

On the other hand the two people behind Elec and Gas didn't say anything as they were used to this situation. As far as their thoughts on this matter were very simple, they believe that Elec is a very good manipulator and Gas is a very good manipulator.

As for whether Gas knew this, not at all, he simply wants to help his brother in any way he can and not make the same mistake again as he did a few years ago, the same mistake of losing against someone he knows he can't do it again. allow.

So in the silence that filled the room, the Heatas' ship slowly approached the planet Cereal without Shallot's knowledge, and these same Heatas would make Shallot feel what it's like to be in a life or death situation.