
The Story Of A Saiyajin [English]

When transmigrators cross over to another world they are always happy to do so and since arthur was no exception, at first he was glad to have crossed over to another world. however recognizing an object that was popular in one of the animes he watched in his previous life made his heart race like never before. "Shit! Did I really cross over to the dragon ball world!?" But in the end he was still powerless since he couldn't do anything about it, so he decided to live as calmly as he could in the new world, but his peace didn't last long since 1 year after his arrival in dragon ball the attack of androids number 18 and 17, he immediately knew that he had crossed into the future of trunks which made him renege against the sky again. "Heh...heh...if you want to send someone to another world at least give them something to start with right?" And as if Arthur's requests were heard by the heavens a robotic voice echoed in his head. " *Ting*... system loading finished... host found... starting system" "ha... haha... you finally show up... system...."

Machiner · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Chapter 1 - The First Mission

When Arthur regained consciousness he could feel how his entire body had completely changed. He slowly got up from the ground and looking around him realized that he was in a temple.

Seeing for a brief moment, he realized where he was, the Kami temple, the place where Goku trained as a child and where Gohan gave a great advance in his strength.

Shifting his gaze from the temple to himself, he was surprised to see his current appearance. She now had defined muscles, his hair grew a bit and so did his height, all this was accompanied by the great amount of power that she could feel running through his body.

"Hmmm, what is this...?"

As he looked at his current features Arthur felt as if he had yet another extension on his body, more precisely at the end of his spine. Looking up at him, Arthur saw behind him a tail swaying in a smooth even motion.

Realizing that it was Arthur was happy again, since with his tail he has the possibility of becoming a Super Saiyan 4, in addition to Broly Xeno having the ability to become a Saiyan 4 and his maximum strength is Super Saiyan 4 Limit Breaker.

With which he retained and almost beat up Vegetto Super Saiyan 4 Limit Breaker and a Vegetto Blue, which to clarify it could be said that the two fusions were on par with Beerus or could slightly surpass him or perhaps none of them and they still have a gap with him.

Of course all this is an assumption of Arthur among other calculations since Beerus has never shown his full strength and even in the battle of the Gods he barely used 1% of his strength and at most 10%, well not even that.

But all this has nothing to do with Arthur at the moment, right now he must focus on getting used to his body and his abilities, besides he wants to find a place to bathe since it smells horrible.

"Shit... these things must be the impurities the body releases... they always appear in cultivation novels."

Wasting no time Arthur walked slowly to the edge of the temple, with flying skills on his mind he slowly rose from the ground and then began to float in the air.

Feeling that sensation Arthur excited him since before he also imagined what it was like to fly, but he put that fantasy aside and began to descend slowly from the temple. As he descended from the temple his speed slowly increased.

Until after a while Arthur got completely used to the sensation of flying and the high speed that was handled so with a sonic boom he rushed to the ground.

While descending Arthur enjoyed the feeling of the wind hitting his body and at the same time the tranquility he felt, being distracted for a moment Arthur got back up and looking down he noticed that he was getting closer to the ground.

Before his body hit the ground Arthur ascended at the last second with no problem. Seeing that he already had a great degree of control over the technique, Arthur looked around for a lake or a water source where he could take a bath.

A few minutes of searching and cleaning later Arthur was fresh again, however now he was without clothes as all his clothes were torn and smelling horrible. Luckily for him though, the system he hadn't talked to for some time did it again.

<Congratulations to the host for the integration of blood, as a bonus he will be granted a change of Classic Broly clothes more resistant than any other>

<System, did you already have all this planned?>

But Arthur got no answer. He helplessly opened his status and in the upper right corner he could see a clothing icon. By clicking he could see how Broly's clothing set was, and at the bottom there were some words to equip and remove.

"It really looks like a game"

Murmuring Arthur came out of the lake and clicked on equip, instantly a white light covered his body so that some time later it disappeared and the next moment Arthur had the Classic Broly outfit.

With the difference that it only has the wristbands, the necklace and the boots characteristic of the suit, but not the other objects or the device that controlled Broly when he went out of control.

"Really comfortable"

Stretching and enjoying how comfortable he felt at this moment Arthur widened his eyes in surprise as a warning from the system reached his mind.

<Attention host, having acquired enough strength to defend yourself, it is time for your journey to begin, so that you begin your first mission, give yourself a new name by which you will be recognized from now on>

"A new name...?"

For a moment Arthur was confused with the words of the system but then he understood the purpose of this, since now he is a transmigrated and belongs to this world, in addition to the fact that he is no longer a human being of flesh and blood but a Saiyan, Of course, he still retains his human mentality.

So it's like the beginning of a new life. Meditating for a few minutes, a flash of light flashed through Arthur's head and it seemed that he had found a suitable name.

<System my new name will be Shallot>

Indeed Shallot, the name of the protagonist of Dragon Ball Legends and also a supposed predecessor of Yamoshi

<Congratulations to the host on the start of your adventure, now the first quest will launch.

[Mission 1 - Androids have been making chaos in this world for a long time, having enough power, what will you do about it?

Option 1 - Destroy the androids and save Gohan and Trunks.

Reward: 50% chance of not losing sanity when becoming Legendary Super Saiyan.

Option 2 - Ignore them, they have nothing to do with you if they wipe out all humans and even if they destroy the earth.

Reward: Final Flash.

Option 3 - Make friends with them and destroy humanity together.

Reward: Hermit Seeds. ] >

<I choose option 1>

Without waiting for a few seconds to pass, Shallot chose the first option, since you don't have to be so smart to see which one best suits your future training.

Besides, who would choose the others? This is the second option which is to do nothing with some guys who have murdered many people and what's more they have also been aggravating him for 10 years.

Finally, there is option 3 that you don't have to think too much about, who would join those two psychopaths? Well unless you are one but it is clear that Shallot is not.

<Congratulations to the host for selecting option 1 and acquiring the 50% chance of not losing sanity in the legendary state, it is recommended that the host complete the mission as soon as possible since if he does not the reward will be recovered and he will be penalized with the removal of askill>

"...Who would have thought that this happens when the mission fails? But anyway..."

Leaving aside the punishment of the mission, Shallot closed her eyes and tried to feel the Ki, yes feel the Ki since although she has great abilities and ability to fly, she does not have Ki Sense.

While practicing his Ki sense and at the same time trying to control his aura a question came to his mind so he quickly asked the System.

<Hey system, I can't control my aura, do Gohan and Trunks already know about my existence?>

Shallot had this doubt and what does it seem strange to him that with his current level of power those two do not feel his presence, it is not that he is anguished that they find out about him but that a misunderstanding is formed and they think that he is an enemy.

<The host need not worry, the system has isolated his aura until he can control his power normally>

<Really? Thank you very much System>

<No problem>

Being relieved that his existence had not been exposed Shallot continued trying to control the aura and feel the Ki like this, seconds even minutes passed, until a faint green flame covered him and a flash of light flashed through Shallot's mind.

Opening her eyes, Shallot cast her gaze in a direction where she felt an energy grow suddenly and a smaller one close to it. Instantly he knew what Gohan must be transformed into a Super Saiyan.

As for the aura near Gohan, Shallot guessed that it must be Trunks, and why Gohan increased his aura from hitting Shallot gets an idea. Gohan goes to fight the androids.

Before he started to head in the direction of the two Saiyans a mechanical voice sounded in his mind.

<Congratulations to the host for acquiring the Ki Sense skill, Aura Control. Now that the host is able to control their aura the System protection will wear off>

With the words of the system Shallot could feel as if something that was covering him disappeared out of nowhere, but it didn't bother him, since he can control his aura better now.

What really has him worried is that if the confrontation that Gohan is going to have is where he loses his arm, if so he should go as fast as possible since who knows what changes there will be for his arrival in this world.

He quickly rose into the air and raising his aura he went at a great speed where Gohan and Trunks were.

Meanwhile in a ruined city where once was full of people, who were hanging out to forget all the disaster that the androids brought.

This city has become the battlefield of 4 people. On one side were two young men which were Gohan and Trunks. On the other side were a girl and a boy, these were androids 17 and 18.

When these two attacked the city, Gohan immediately went to stop them, of course Trunks also joined him, since he didn't want to continue being useless and doing nothing.

Starting the confrontation Gohan was having the upper hand against Android 17 but Trunks was a different case, he was taking a beating from Android 18, still transformed into a Super Saiyan.

With no other options Gohan had to help Trunks, in doing so he was also injured by the number 17. So he had to protect Trunks and fight against the two androids.

Action that wore him down tremendously and now he finds himself in a really dangerous situation.

"hahaha... apparently this is your limit Gohan... to tell you the truth at first it was fun fighting you but over time it got boring, so it's time to send you to hell"

With a cruel tone number 17 sneered at the two young men on the ground. And what he said was also what he thought number 18.

"You're right 17, it's already boring fighting him. It's time for him to die, besides we can also kill the brat that is with him and two for one"


Laughing like hell, the pair of androids saw the two young men as dead people.

"Damn these guys...."

Cursing in frustration, Gohan muttered, although he may very hard beat one of them it's not the case when the two of them work together. And that was the case before. Intending to eliminate 17, number 18 got in the way and was unable to do so.

Thinking about what steps to take next, only something came to Gohan's mind. Saving Trunks, in his opinion if he dies Trunks is the future for the earth so he can't allow him to die, he will never allow that to happen.

With the conviction to die Gohan was prepared to stay and thus cover Trunks' departure, but he didn't expect the androids to act immediately after saying his words.

They began to condense two spheres of energy in their hands, Gohan immediately grabbed Trunks who was stunned by his side for being in Gohan's way.

Observing the actions of Gohan 17 and 18 they could not contain their laughter, with more intensity than before they condensed the energy spheres in their hands and at the moment that they were going to be ready.

From one moment to the next, a green sphere of energy shot out from a building directly at them, when the Androids realized this they did not have time to react and the sphere hit them full.

Causing a loud explosion to be present on the spot, even the explosion was stronger because of its two uncondensed energy spheres.

Gohan was confused, he didn't know what had happened, he simply turned to escape from the place but in a brief moment there was an explosion where the androids were.

Already a little calmer and not having the pressure of the battle, Gohan could feel a Ki coming from a building not far away. Looking in that direction Gohan was surprised to see a young man with his hand outstretched in a sign of attack.

This didn't surprise Gohan, nor did the strange clothes the man was wearing, it did the fact that he felt this man's Ki was the same as he felt a while ago when he was facing the androids.

Now that he feels the aura that the man gives off, he is surprised that a human has such power, if Gohan considers Shallot to be human since he hid his tail.

Of course Shallot doesn't have it in her mind at the moment to go down and explain things to Gohan, now all her attention is on the androids.

In a short time, the smoke and dust dispersed, revealing the figure of the Androids, a little embarrassed and with a distorted face of anger.

Looking everywhere the androids finally found Shallot and seeing him the first to speak was 17 with an extremely angry tone.

"Hey damn human....! WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE TO ATTACK US!"

However 17 did not expect that Shallot ignored her words and instead looked at the two with a little pity but not much, she knows that the two of them act like this because of what Dr. Maki Gero did to them.

But, that's not the reason why they have to kill so many people, now Shallot thinks that the androids of the past are different thanks to number 16. Maybe in one way or another she changed her mentality while she was with them.

Now he only thought in an instant how miserable these androids were, this thought only lasted a few seconds. Looking at the two androids with a murderous look, Shallot replied to 17.

"Who created me?..... Hahaha.... I'm the one in charge of sending you to hell, damn Androids"

Everyone was stunned after hearing Shallot's words, plus the androids who were the main ones involved in this event.

Seeing the confusion and then the mockery in the androids' eyes, Shallot decided something in her heart, to show these two what the power and terror of a Legendary Super Saiyan was like.