
The Story of A Double Broth Hotpot

Han Bing is a good person. She is respectful towards everyone she meets. The teachers love her. Her classmates are friendly towards her. This is what her life should be. A good person. … Screeeeech. A red Ferrari came rushing at her, and within a second, she was crushed between the car and a pole. People were screaming and shouting for help. However, Han Bing just slowly closed her eyes. Finally, she can be relieved. She hated being a good person. However, instead of the peaceful silence that she anticipated, Han Bing woke up to the pain from her body. She’s alive, and she also lost her pair of legs. An arrogant and handsome man slammed into her room. No apology, many threats, and an empty check. Han Bing smiled evilly at the check after the young man left. Just once. She will indulge just once. Just once she will be the bad guy. *Warning!!! The male lead is the man who crashed his car onto the female lead. I LIKE this setting, so no changing. *Another Warning!!! There are R18 scenes but I'm not going to restrict it so read at your own risk.

ILoveDogFood · Urban
Not enough ratings
40 Chs

Chapter 21

Qin Shi Ran took a stroll with Han Bing in the street market. There were forms of crowd in every tent despite the darkness of the nighttime.

Han Bing curiously looked around the street market. The most popular tents were selling antiques on the floor. People gathered around to try their luck.

A male student wearing a Zhong Hua Private High School uniform stepped out from that crowd. "Ay, I picked up a treasure."

The student lifted his head and saw Qin Shi Ran and Han Bing walking in his direction. "Shi Ran, come play with us"

Qin Shi Ran saw a classmate waving to him. His face became dark after seeing him interfering with his time with Han Bing.

The male student didn't understand what went wrong. Qin Shi Ran seems to be more moody than before. "Hey bud, you wanna go hang out with us."

Qin Shi Ran was about to reject but Han Bing spoke out. "Just go play with them. I will be perfectly fine by myself."

Han Bing was in a good mood. She was looking forward to relaxing on this trip, but Qin Shi Ran was sticking to her most of the time making it uncomfortable. Han Bing gladly sent Qin Shi Ran away, so she can get some time to herself.

Qin Shi Ran worriedly turned back to see Han Bing as he was pulled by his friends.

"Aiya Shi Ran, stop looking at her. She's going to be fine. We're in the most popular place in central France. No one's going to do anything to her in public."

Qin Shi Ran knows that Han Bing will be safe. His martial art was taught by her, and her ability was even better than the top martial artists that his father hired. It's just that this is the first time in a while since he was separated from her. He really wants to go back and never allow her to leave his eyesight.

Han Bing waved at him until he disappeared into the crowd. "Huuuu finally."

Han Bing rolled her wheelchair around the market. She asked around where the black market was but the natives looked at her as if she was crazy.

A muscular white man approached Han Bing as she was about to find another person. "Chinese girl, you look like you are not from around here. Why are you looking for the black market?"

Han Bing noticed this man observing her long ago. There are scars on his face and multiple areas on his arm showing that he is not a regular person. His light and skillful steps let Han Bing know that he was trained before.

Han Bing spoke to him vigilantly. "I heard that the black market in Europe has a lot of interesting items."

"Interesting or not. The black market is not for a kid like you." The white man made a sneer and decided to leave this pointless conversation.

Han Bing wasn't upset that she didn't get to see it but still slightly disappointed. Haaaa. Han Bing made a long sigh. What should she do next?

Han Bing wanderly rolled her chair around the street. The night was getting darker. Without noticing, she ended up in a back alley.

"Aaaaaa! Help!!" Han Bing heard a girl scream down the street. She rolled her chair faster to the voice.

"If you scream one more time, I'm going to cut off your mouth." The gangster waved a knife to Ning Ning's face.

Ning Ning covered her mouth as she sobbed. Afraid that the gangster might actually cut her, Ning Ning stopped her crying. If only it wasn't for Bai Rong Rong…

Just a couple of minutes ago, Ning Ning and Bai Rong Rong were shopping in the street market. "Isn't that Shi Ran?" Bai Rong Rong pointed at a group of students. "Let's go talk to them!"

Bai Rong Rong pulled Ning Ning to walk faster. "Rong Rong, wait a sec."

"Ah." Bai Rong Rong falls onto the ground along with Ning Ning. A man with tattoos annoyedly glared at Bai Rong Rong. "Watch where you are going!"

Bai Rong Rong, who has never been talked to like this before, felt someone should stand up to these delinquents. "You should apologize to me. You hit onto me first"

Bai Rong Rong tugged the gangster as he was about to walk away.

The gangster warningly looked at Bai Rong Rong. After looking at her face, he noticed that the girl looked pretty cute. The gangster took out his phone. "Hey bro, I found two good quality Asians. You want?"

Hearing this, both Bai Rong Rong and Ning Ning realized that they had to escape from this dangerous man. Bai Rong Rong pushed Ning Ning who just got off the floor and ran in the opposite direction.

Ning Ning unbelievably gaped at Bai Rong Rong pushed her to escape first. This was the person who she had treated like a sister.

"Well, your little friend escaped, but you are not bad either." The gangster slowly walked towards her.

Ning Ning clenched the dust underneath her hand. Swsh!

"Aaaa. You bitch!" The gangster tried to get the dust off his eye, but seeing that his prey would escape soon, he ignored the pain and followed after her. Ning Ning ran several streets down into the alley, but the man's speed increased as he adjusted his eyesight.

When he finally caught up to Ning Ning and the rest was what Han Bing had seen. Han Bing took his arm that held a knife and twisted it to his back. The knife falls onto the floor. Han Bing picked the knife up and held it to his back. "Let go of her"

The gangster raised both of his hands in the air. "Okay dude. She's free."

He cautiously turned around only to see a girl in a wheelchair. He sneered in contempt. Just a little disabled girl! "A legless girl trying to stop me?!" His hands went to grab the knife, but Han Bing already read his intention. Oomph!

The gangster was thrown onto the ground. Han Bing bent down and twisted his leg. A heavy scream came out of the mouth of the gangster.

Han Bing softly whispered into his ears. "Now, you are legless just like me"

Hate filled his eyes, but underneath the hate was strong fear. He's afraid of this girl.

Monster. This was the only word he could come up with to this girl that he would have sold as a top quality product.

Ning Ning shakily watched on the side. She never thought Han Bing was this strong, and she, who Bai Rong Rong said was a despicable villain, saved her.

"Thank you Han Bing. If you didn't get here, I would have…" Droplets of tears came out of her as she tried to wipe it away. If Han Bing came any more late, Ning Ning knew what situation she would end up in. Just thinking about it was enough to get her trembling.

Han Bing took out a napkin and delivered it to her. "Don't worry. Everything is going to be fine."

Her calm and smoothing words somehow affected Ning Ning. She started bawling into the napkin as if it's her last strand of hope.

Han Bing didn't know how to deal with a crying girl.

Clap. Clap. Clap. "Chinese girl, I didn't expect that you have skills under your sleeves."

Seeing the person coming out from the shadow, Han Bing realized that he was the man from earlier.

Han Bing made a silent hand sign to Ning Ning and waved her to move back. Although she defeated the gangster, Han Bing was not sure if she could protect Ning Ning while fighting this man.

The man chuckled. "No need to be alert. I was going to rescue her anyways, but you came in so I figured I might as well see what happens next"

Han Bing pretended to drop her alert. "If so, that is very nice of you. May I ask why are you here?"

The man stepped onto the gangster's back and took out a badge. "I'm from the special unit. Call me Mike. I've been looking for this guy for a while now. He has connections to the underground."

Han Bing nodded. "Alright then, Mike. It was nice seeing you again! Me and my classmate will have to go back now or else our teachers will get worried."

"Wait!" Mike took out a card from his back pocket. "This is my number. If you need anything just call me, think of it as gratitude for helping me catch him."