
Chapter 3: Glimmer of Light

Her pulse had slowed and her breathing was calm as she entered into a deep sleep after an exhausting day. The sight of her was angelic and Anthony longed to experience her serene dreams once more so he entered into her thoughts gently and tried not to disturb them. 

At first he felt an empty nothingness but in the distance she dreamed of a glimmer of light that was growing. It seemed hope was rekindling inside her. It was faint and hard to recognize at first but the warmth of this emotion drew him in like a moth to a flame.

Could this hope have been rekindled by their conversation? Could his attempt at kindness have been accepted and understood? He watched the flame continue to glow and rested in the small glimmer of hope it had ignited inside her. He didn't dare think of anything in this moment that may damage the flame that faintly gave off light. He just allowed the glow to calm him and he felt something begin to grow inside him that he hadn't felt in a very long time. This unfamiliar feeling made him feel like he was home. 

Anthony hadn't slept much after he left her dreams so she could rest. He just watched the sun rise as he breathed in her scent of fresh spring flowers. The carriage ride began to get bumpier as they got closer. The hills were windy and the road to his palace was a bit treacherous for travelers to follow. 

He liked living in a palace that was secluded on the hill top. He could see the city below and the surrounding lands easily from his palace walls.He could protect his people better from this vantage point. Lenore was awoken from her sleep as the carriage rocked and made its journey upward. She stretched to wake up as the sunlight met her face. She took in a deep breath and felt the silky fabric he had used to cover her while she slept from getting a night chill. As her fingers caressed the fabric, she remembered the reality of her situation and she sat up quickly while using her hands to smooth her hair. 

"Good morning," Anthony replied. 

"Good morning," she responded. "Are we almost to your kingdom?" she asked as she fixed her hair. Anthony thought it was endearing to watch her as she tried to manage her appearance after a night of sleep. 

"We entered my kingdom a while ago but this winding road takes us to my palace. My servants have prepared breakfast for us in our private garden. When we arrive, you may change and meet me there if you wish." 

"Thank you Anthony. I would like that very much." She said sincerely. He smiled at her response as the carriage came to stop in the courtyard. Anthony exited the carriage and took her hand to assist her. When they were standing by one another, he closed his eyes and kissed her hand gently exhaling his breath while he brushed his mouth lightly across the top of her hand. Then, he departed and left her in the courtyard with their servants. 

Her maids led her to their chambers where she took a hot bath and prepared for the day. She put on a lovely pink dress that draped lightly across her body. She let her long curly hair flow down her back while her maids pinned up the front exposing her neckline. 

Lenore always enjoyed preparing for the day and surprisingly this morning was no different. Their conversation last night left her hopeful and as she dreamed she started to wonder if he wasn't as monstrous as he first appeared to be. She felt there was something buried deep inside him that longed for closeness and intimacy. Time would tell if her golden cage was shared by a monster but for now, she'd cling to any kindness and goodness he would give her. She had no choice in her husband but she did have a choice on how their life together could be and she was determined to make the best of it.

After she was dressed, her maids led her to their private garden where breakfast awaited. Anthony was already seated reading a book. He had changed into a blue jacket with brown trousers. The material was expensive and his hair was tied back revealing his scarf and collar. He looked up from his book as she approached him. 

"Good morning my lady. You look lovely today." Her cheeks flushed as he complimented her appearance. 

"Thank you, your majesty," she replied. The servants pulled out her chair and she sat down gracefully. The table was filled with delicious fruits, meats, and pastries. They poured the wine and filled her plate with food. Then, the servants left the garden leaving Anthony and Lenore alone. 

"Please eat," he said.

"Is his majesty not hungry?" Lenore replied.

"We are alone now so you can call me Anthony. And no, I am not hungry. I do not have much of an appetite." 

Lenore nodded in response, picked up her fork, and began to eat some fruit. The berries were sweet and delicious, far better than any fruit she had ever eaten before. She moaned softly in delight and began to eat the fruit more quickly. 

"Do you like our produce?" Anthony asked. Lenore's cheeks flushed with embarrassment. The fruit was so good she had forgotten she wasn't alone.

"Very much Anthony," she replied. "I've never tasted fruit this sweet and delicious before." 

"It's because the soil in my kingdom is fed by a secret spring. The water is sweet and the soil rich in nutrients. Our economy is very prosperous because of our land's unique qualities." She listened as he continued to talk about his kingdom. He was very intelligent and educated on agriculture and trade. Through the conversation she could tell he deeply valued his people and had a high respect for those that worked hard to improve their economy and way of life. She listened intently as he discussed the landscape and seasons.

He paused as if he had said too much. "I apologize to my lady. My conversation about our kingdom and culture is probably not very interesting to you," Anthony replied. She smiled at his apology, pleased that he called his lands "our kingdom".

"It's Lenore when we are alone together," she replied. "And you are not boring me at all. I greatly admire these lands and look forward to learning all I can about them. This is my new home and I have no doubt I will be as proud of its accomplishments as you are once I understand its history and resources." Her educated remarks surprised him and her playful banter made the storm inside him start to grow as he felt his length begin to harden in her presence. 

"Would you like to go for a ride and explore your new home?" He asked as he put down his book and took a sip of wine. 

"I would like that very much," she exclaimed. She put down her fork and took a bite of her pastry. 

"Then it's settled. After breakfast we will saddle the horses and ride through the countryside. I will show you one of my favorite meadows. I ride there often when I need to be alone and think," he said. 

She finished her pastry, took a sip of her wine, and then pushed her seat back so she could stand. "May I take my leave to change my dress into something I can ride in more comfortably?" Anthony smiled, amused by her eagerness to explore her new homeland. 

"You may," he replied. "Be sure to pin your hair up as well. You do not want your beautiful golden locks to deter your vision as you ride through the countryside." 
