
Chapter 4: An Afternoon Ride

Chapter 4: An Afternoon Ride

Lenore's POV:

The way Anthony described my hair made my cheeks flush and a smile grew across my face. "Thank you for the advice Anthony. I will make sure my maids prepare me for the afternoon ride." 

He nodded and she departed back to her chambers to change. Her maids prepared her quickly and pinned her hair back for the ride. When she was ready, she sent word to Anthony and he had her servants bring her to the stables. 

Anthony was there preparing their horses and the stable boys brought the finest saddles and riding gear for them to use. The horses he'd chosen were well bred and trained. They stood stoically as he strapped on saddles, blankets, and gear for their ride. He stroked the main of a beautiful white stallion. 

"This is my horse Xanthos," Anthony said. "He has ridden with me into many battles and is an old friend." He moved towards a beautiful caramel colored mare. "This is the horse I have chosen for you," he said. "Her name is Arwen. She is fast, level headed, and loves a good adventure." 

"You have chosen a horse for me?" I replied as I smiled and approached the beautiful mare that was to be my own. I touched her soft coat and stroked her silky caramel colored hair. Anthony approached me slowly, his gray eyes seemed to stalk me intently. 

My heart began to race and my chest rose nervously by the closeness of his presence. He cautiously reached out his hand to brush the side of my face. Instinctually, I leaned into his hand welcoming his touch. His eyes swirled and raged like an afternoon storm as he leaned down to kiss me. I closed my eyes and parted my lips in anticipation for what would truly be our first kiss. He grabbed my waist and brushed my lips with his own as he tenderly kissed me. His kisses were soft and gentle at first but as the heat between us grew he deepened his kisses which left me light headed. I tried to catch my breath as I leaned on his chest for support. 

"Arwen means very beautiful and I could think of no animal more worthy to carry you on our adventures." He whispered in my ear as I listened to the sound of his heart beating. 

He helped me up and I rode side saddle as I grabbed her reins ready for our afternoon ride. We rode through the countryside passing farms and vineyards. My new homeland was rich in resources. Olive groves and vineyards spread the expanse of the countryside. Beautiful springs with waterfalls flowed from hilltops into crystal clear pools teaming with fish and wildlife. Birds flew in flocks more numerous than I could count and bright, vibrant wildflowers painted the landscape. Anthony's kingdom truly took my breath away and I never wanted the ride to end. We approached the edge of the forest and slowed our horse's stride. 

"Beyond this tree line about a mile into the forest is the meadow I spoke of. It is a treacherous descent into the valley along the canyon side. When we get to the edge of the canyon, we will tie our horses and descend on foot," Anthony said. 

I nodded in approval and followed him through the forest on horseback. The forest was peaceful and serene. The forest breeze was cool and sounds of birds and small animals filled the air. In the distance she saw the canyon edge and Anthony approached it first then dismounted from his horse. He helped me dismount and tied our horses to a tree. He grabbed a satchel and blanket before grabbing my hand leading me down into the ravine. It was a difficult descent but I felt safe as he led me down the treacherous path.

Once we arrived in the valley, it quickly opened up revealing a beautiful small meadow clothed in colorful wildflowers. Sunlight peeked through the trees covering the meadow in warmth and the flowers had a sweet familiarity. It was the most beautiful sight I had ever beheld. I was lost in my thoughts and did not notice Anthony approach me from behind. He spun me around wrapping his arms around my waist for a passionate embrace. His eyes raged in deep gray tints and hues so violent they made me shiver.

"I can't control myself around you any longer, Lenore," His raspy voice whispered softly filled with need. "I must have you, now!" Then before I had time to respond, he kissed me passionately with an unyielding force like a violent storm. 


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