
New Mission Acquire

The world of Mathias had many wars.the reason for this is because they were many countries searching for power, and each country differed in their opinions about the other countries and believes. Their opinions on religion created many of the war that happened. Many of the countries fought to gain more land and expand to become even more powerful than the others. This created a war that lasted many years

In this war-torn world, being a Mercenary Soldier was the fastest way to become were known on the army. This way many of them gained a lot of money. This also led to many people dying to gain acknowledgment of their brother at the arm.

It had been 14 years since Roy Chen have adopted his only son. He who was called the Reaper of Soul by his enemies, and allies. The reason for this because whenever he did a mission he turned into a reaper that killed anything on his path. This led to him gained many exploits. He is also the leader of a group of soldier mercenary called the Supreme Suicide Reapers.

Roy decided to bring his son Lee Chen into the lives of being a mercenary soldier. All the group of the Supreme Suicide Reapers was surprised by this decision. The reason why is because their leader has adopted a small child. Who would have thought that a high ranking mercenary Soldiers would turn up to be a father?

Roy's squad was a special one. The reason for this is because every single member of the squad brought something to the group of mercenaries. None of them were any good in anything else aside from their own specialty, Roy, of course, was the only one who could somehow do most of everything. Even the member of the squad could not do anything else except their specialist this brought the group closer.

They had the best demolition expert. This expert was one of the best in the world in this field of course. They also have one best marksman this person knew every single long-range rifle there is and how to use the best way possible. They also have one the best stealth operative this person was also the assassin of the group. She always stayed in the shadow. They also have one of the best drivers in the world. This expert, of course, knew how to drive any type of cars and vehicles there is on the world. They also have one of the best hand to hand combat specialist. This person has never lost a fight in this field. They also have one of the best researchers in the world. She was in charge of doing all the research in the squad. This included plans on how to destroy their enemy with many chemical weapons, and they also had the best supporters. Due to all these factors, their little squad was feared throughout the world.

They have never failed a mission. The completion rate of their mission was 100%

The squad didn't know how to handle the new recruit which was also the adopted son of their leader. The reason for this, of course, is because he is only 4 years old. When they first met Lee Chen no one knew what to say to him or how to interact with the small child. This, of course, was because who he father is. The Mercenary group decided it was best to teach Lee Chen all they knew. He will be the best in all the field. This will make this child be one of the most deadly mercenaries in the world. The group, of course, did not know of the fact that in the future he will be the number five SSS ranked in the world. This, of course, will change the history of the world.

Lee Chen was like a super sponge who would of thought that this guy would learn everything as easy as pie. He was able to absorb whatever you taught him quickly or not. This made him into one of the best perfect soldiers there is. Now after fourteen years of training, and many death and life experience. He became the Youngers Ranked SSS Mercenary soldier. By himself, Lee had the stunning achievement of a 100% completion rate in all of his missions. He could complete any mission by himself without the support of the mercenary squad.

Lee has a nickname that brought fear into his enemy. His nickname was Silent Lighting Reaper. The reason for this is because he killed his enemy flawlessly and fast.

The boy had a drive like no other. When he was given a mission he turned into the perfect killing machine. Of course, he only listens to his father and no one else. Hence whenever he heard the word, he would always try with all his might to complete it no matter the cost.

At the age of 8, he made his first kill, at the age of twelve successfully infiltrated an enemy base and killed the enemy leader without anyone noticing and this is how he gained the nickname of Silent Lighting Reaper. At the age of fourteen, he was able to blow up an entire enemy command center. This task would have required a group of at least 20 people to complete.

When he was 16 he was given a mission. This mission, of course, was one of the hardest mission he ever encounters. This mission was to save a hostage that was kidnaped by one of the largest terrorist group known as the Black Hand of Death. One of the reasons as to why this mission was extremely difficult is because he had to infiltrate their base. Of course, he would have to kill as many enemies as possible and rescue the hostage without a wound on her. He completed this mission on less than 2 hours. He also killed roughly 400 people. The reason for this was after he rescues the hostage he blew up the roughly 10 building that the enemy has. He would have blown up more if he had not to rescue a hostage. This mission earned him the rank of SSS. The reason for this was when he brought the hostage to safety he killed everyone else and the number of people he killed was anywhere from 2000 to 10000 people.

Though he retained his indifferent expression, he found new warmth in the company of the mercenary squad and was somehow satisfied with this life. He had become strong like his father had promised him. He also has become one of the best mercenaries in the world. He was ranked 5th strongest mercenary in the world. One of the thing that people did not know was that he could learn everything he wanted. He speaks 7 different languages of course. This language includes Arnica, Machara, Masio, Kilachi, Roiga, Praticalo, and his favorite Changlish. The reason as to why is his favorite is because it is the main language in his country.

Yet this kind of lifestyle came to an abrupt end when Roy had made his first mistake ever which resulted in him losing an arm. This was not a failure of the squad, but more on Roy's ability the reason for this was because he was getting older he had misjudged the opponent's abilities and was caught off guard by his opponent. Though the squad was able to finish the mission in the end, Roy needed to retire. The way that the squad finishes the mission was of course because of Lee Chen.

After appointing a new squad leader for his mercenary group, Roy alongside his eighteen-year-old son Lee Chen they no choice but to return to their homeland.

Roy always had the plan to return to normal society for the sake of his son Lee Chen. Ever since Lee Chen turned fifteen. The reason for this is because he wanted his son to have somewhat of a normal life outside of being a mercenary. He wanted his adopted son to become something more than just a killing machine. He wanted his son to be able to do anything he wanted in life.

Roy always wanted to return to Canish which is his homeland, but Roy could not find a way to go back to Canish for his son. Since he could not find the right opportunity to tell Lee Chen, it was postponed for a 3 years. Then, this incident happened, so he thought it was unlucky to lose an arm but he was happy it happen since he have a reason to return back to his homeland.

' If an arm is needed to be sacrificed, so my son can have a normal life then it's worth it, ' he thought.

After years in the battlefield, Roy had amassed a fortune, and with it founded numerous companies. The reason he founded this company was of course in case he ever left the mercenary world. The companies he owned were varied- he owned a gaming company, a shopping mall, a brand line of bags and shirts, and so on and so forth.

In his home country, in normal society, no one knew his true self as the former leader of the Unique Squad. The reason for this, of course, was that he wanted it to be a secret from the world All the normal people saw Roy as a big businessman. They never thought he was more than that.

Using his money and status, Roy was able to easily hide the truth from the public eye. This of course because he has many friends in the government. He also was well respected in the normal society as well as the mercenary one.

Once the father and son arrived in front of their mansion, a bunch of maids and butlers greeted the two. This maid had one type of uniform making it seem like they were a group of innocent people, but were they? After a few second 3 butlers took their luggage and fixed their rooms. They were not expecting for their master to return. Roy and Lee, on the other hand, were at the living room discussing some important matters.

"Nope, it's final, you're going to go to a university," Roy said to Lee Chen with finality in his tone.

"Dad, I don't understand why you want me to attend university. You know I know a lot I can earn a Ph.D. easily by just taking the exam. I had the best teacher, and you know this." Lee asked his dad confused at the whole situation.

Roy knew his son was smart and didn't really need to go to college, but he still wanted his only son to have a normal life and become someone with a normal career. Since he could just inherit his companies, or return to the battlefield, but that was not the point. He wanted his son to find love and have kids. He also did not want his only son to return to the gloomy battlefield

A college was the best way for him to accomplish this of course. This way he could find someone that will help him forget about the day of being a Mercenary.

'Tsk I didn't want to do this, but you give me no choice, Lee so I will have to give you a mission.' Roy while looking at his at the stubborn Lee and sighed.

"Fine then, I have a mission for you, Lee Chen. This mission will be one of the most important missions you ever completed. I expect to have a good result" When Lee Chen heard the word "mission" from his father, he stood upright and did a military salute. When Roy saw how his son reacted. He nodded in approval.

"The mission objective is to find a girl in this college. I want you to talk to her and make your girlfriend in the future. You will also have to protect her of course.

'This way he could bond with a girl, and try his absolute best.'