
Eliza Fiore

My name is Elizabeth Fiore. It has been 2 years since I was rescued from the terrorist group by a handsome guy. I have been looking for him ever since then, but I have no luck to find him. He disappears like a ghost. I will explain how I got captured by those stinky terrorists, and how I was saved.

It was a beautiful day in the country known as the empire of the free. The sky was so beautiful that anyone could fall in love with the sight. Many of my family member and I were in this country to do business. The reason for this is because my family owns one of the biggest company in this world.

During the night, I went out with one of my cousins. His name is Mario Fiore. This is where I got captured by those stinky terrorists. The good thing was that my cousin could escape and inform my family about what had happened.

I was taken to a house by a group of terrorists. They started to hit me on my body. The feeling was so horrible. I was treated worse than an animal. I wanted to die, but they did not give me that wish. A couple of days have passed, I was feeling like there was no hope what so ever.

Out of nowhere, a guy appears in front of me. This guy had a beautiful face like one of those actors. I always have seen on television. His hair was dark blonde almost brown. The eyes color that the boy in front of me is blue like the ocean. When I saw, I thought he was an angel that came to bring me to heaven.

The boy in front of me grabbed my hand without saying anything. The boy led me out of that hellish room. The boy had a knife in his other hand, and he used the knife to silently kill the enemy. This made me throw up of the sight of blood. I also knew that he was doing this to save me.

After 10 minutes, we finally left the compound. The night was so beautiful. The stars were shining. I could feel the breeze hit my body while still being led by the handsome angel in front of me. After he led me for a while, the young man pressed a button, and a loud boom was heard.

After I heard the loud boom, I turn my head toward where the sound was heard. All that I saw was fire as well as smoke coming out of the direction we have just left. I could hear the sound of mini-explosion going off. This sight was horrifying, but at the same time, it was beautiful. It was like seeing many fireworks going off at the same time. I should have been scared, but I was not I felt safe for the first time in a long time.

The young man and I kept running still we reach a car. This car was a military car. It also looked like a sport type of car. I have never seen a car like this before. It was like a new type of cars was in front of me. The phone of the young man started to ring, and he answers the phone.

"The mission was a success. I am bringing the girl to the airport, and I will bring her to canish. Please inform her parent that we will arrive at the airport tomorrow."

He finished the call like nothing has happened on this night.

"Are you hungry?" He asked me.

"I am I have not eaten in 3 days. I would like to eat with you." I answer him with a smile on my face.

"We will go to a restaurant after you take a shower and change your clothes. You can call me Lee. I know your name is Eliza, so you do not have to introduce yourself to me." He said to me with a cold voice to me like he did not care.

About 20 minutes later, we arrived at a house. The house was small, but it had a charm to it. Lee led me to a room and gave me some clothes. After he gave me the clothes, he pointed to the bathroom. I knew what he meant, so I went inside the room and took a shower for like 20 minutes. After the shower, I put on the clothes that Lee have given me.

When I left the room, Lee already had a change of clothes. He looked so handsome on his formal attire. He was wearing a three-piece suit. He also has a beautiful tie. The clothes he was wearing somewhat matched the dress he has chosen for me.

We left the house, and he brought me to one of the restaurants that I will never forget in my life. It was not because it was a five-star restaurant. The reason as to why is because it was my first time that I went to a restaurant with a boy that was not my family.

After we ate, he brought me to the airport. It seems like we will be leaving on the first plane that will be leaving. After 30 minutes, Lee and I got into the plane. The plane landed in canish about 3 hours later. The time when the plane landed was 7 AM. Afterward, he brought me to my house, and he left not even waiting for my family to come out.

After he left, I kept looking for him and, 2 years have already passed. I still have not found him.