
The white city

A city of peace, somewhere in Palestine, also called 'the white city' due to its extremely brilliant glimmer in every corner produced by the luminous hybrid trees near the roads. Besides this, an enormous number of fireflies also impart their own light to this city in the night. Most of the time, it is discussed only due to its prodigious look and exquisite fireflies. Its placid nature commences dominating as the nightfall.

Once in the midnight of late November, when the shivering cold was alarming and the beauty of the city was scintillating in spite of the darkness, a pale yellow spherical path opened with a sparkling light beside a solitary house.

It looked like a wormhole. This structure kept circling for about a minute, producing a weird but delectable sound. Then, all of a sudden, a girl and a woman of around twenty two and twenty eight years old respectively appeared from it in milky white and attractive dresses.The elder one was crowned like any queen and was pregnant.

Soon after stepping out, the woman staggered and fell down on her knees, screaming and swaying a little. She put her left hand on her stomach and the other on the arm of the younger girl who was bending the towards ground to give her support. They crawled a little away from the circle, to get the support of a nearby tree. But she was still screaming in pain.

Suddenly a young couple came out of the house. The man- named Roger Boom- was a researcher and a doctor while his wife Julia was a housewife. It had been about 5 years of their marriage but they still didn't had any single child of their own.

After coming out, Roger got totally startled for a moment when he noticed the sparkling structure. He whispered, "A wormhole ? Unbelievable!" and moved towards it.