
The Demon!

"Oh my god ! Roger, see there ", cried Julia,"someone's in pain."

Her intrusion made Roger to notice them sitting backing a tree in grief. After getting to her, Roger questioned politely,"who are you? Where you both came from?"

"I am Aileen and she is my queen Akexandra from the city of angels . Please , help in getting rid of ger pain, she is dying ", girl sobbed.

"Yes, don't worry, we will", Roger replied bending down to took her up," Julia help me in getting her inside".

But then, an uncanny, fithy and chubby demon appeared from that sparkling  circle. He was certainty a daredevil with about 3m long spinny tail which seemed to be more sharpened towards the end.

Seeing this, Aileen aimed the demon with her spectacular magic stick but missed the shot. And then, the demon  flashed his long tail on her hand which bounced her stick off her hand falling down on the ground near the main door.

"Quick ! Get her inside ", said Aileen and rushed towards the demon.  Forthwith, Julia and Roger Boom kept her at bay inside a lab.

Slowly the demon was also approaching Aileen furiously. On reaching to her, he grabbed her neck with his powerful hands, raised her easily in the air and threw her violently on the ground just a stone throw away from the magic stick if hers.

Getting a chance, she stretches out her hand while llying to get the stick but then the demon's spinny tail rushed around her body and bumped on the fence. And while letting her hung there, the demon started heading her by pointing out his sharp sword.

He then came near her, and as soon as he swang his cutlas through the air to finish her, Julia turned him down into ashes with the powerful rays if that maguc stick and Aileen tumbled down on the ground with scream.

And in the lab, after a great effort, Roger safely brought the life to the child. It was a girl. But doing so, within a moment, Alexandra kicked the bucket after a severe fight for the life if her child. And her body burst out like any cracker into glittering white spherical dots which flew away in the sky penetrating the ceiling .

Roger then came out desperately with the infant in his arm and found only Julia.