
The Special Path To Divinity

Alex a guy who came of age and got his system, He has a goal to become his strongest Awakened through his own designed path, though he doesn't know that there is more to this life than the power of strengthened. Will he accomplish his goal the easy way or the other way around after finding out there are stronger people in life and few are after his pathetic self. ............. Some readers might be wondering why an Eastern Fantasy Novel has an English name. Well the reason is that our MC is a World traveller, this might be considered spoiler to some people but it was because of the complain I received that I am adding this to the synopsis of the Novel. In the tags there is one that says Wastern Fantasy, it is not a mistake or grammatical error, the MC might have an English name now but he originated from an Eastern background, I will not reveal further but once we get to that volume it will be explained. I mean Volume 2, if you can wait and get your answers that is great.

Charming_Immortal · Fantasy
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44 Chs

Chapter 32: System Skill


{So would you like me to explain it to you?} Helius asked

[Yes I did love that] Alex replied

{First about your level, due to the incident of your bloodline awakening twice now it has helped to increase your level though we don't really know your bloodline due to the fact that it happens so fast even the current one, we expected it to happen but instead of your bloodline fully awakening like that day it only took over your mind instead of your body} Helius said

[So in other words, My bloodline didn't activate but something else did am I right?] Alex asked

{Yes you are, we don't know what but since you just activated your system it will take some time to fully understand everything about you because some information we try to tap into has been secured, like the dream we had, the system should be able to see your dreams if necessary but that dream was inaccessible making us come to the conclusion that it was a summon, but if you're summoned the system should also be with you thanks to a particular skill that I can't say now, which means there is a part of you that can lock us out from viewing things} Helius replied

[As happy as I am that you can't see everything about me in one go it is making concerned of what that thing that's locking you out is, if it's more troublesome than you then we need to make it a priority and find it out] Alex said

'You aren't even supposed to be happy at all because it's is what we know we can tell you about so if we don't know about you it will make your progress slow down big time' Allison chimed in

[Yeah but it is still dangerous for someone to be able to see everything about you in a go, Look at it as with a glance you can see through everyone cloth most people won't be comfortable with that] Alex said defending his point

{I have to agree that is true but as you said we will have to make it top priority since you need to level up faster, According to what that guy you met said about Underworld King, that is not to be taken lightly} Helius added

[Okay, Please continue with the explanation so we can get to training] Alex said changing the topic with another that was also important

{The EXP you gained from the mission has not been added because it been a long time since you have meditated so your power is not equivalent to your level so this is where the training comes in, Once your body is used to your current Status the exp will be automatically be added, meaning when you meditate and train you will automatically enter Qi Perfection Stage 1} Helius said

'The reason why it is necessary that you meditate and train instead of only training is because meditation is used in this world to put one's Mind, Body and Consciousness at rest so you can level up' Allison added

{To the next, the new skills which you have now are mostly combination of other skills then the upgraded version while most skill has a chance to be upgraded in the future, Lust Scent is to increase a woman Lust Metre or state of lust you don't really have to do anything since it's a passive skill, you can turn it off and on though Physical contact can fasten the pace of arousal, it is the upgraded version of Lust word, The Dimension World is a world of your own but it still full of void you have to learn to summon your world and also be able to go In and out of it which means you have to learn about space and world travelling, Travelling through space or creating a gap in space to enable you to go in and out of your world, with the system knowing even the tiniest bit of the concept of space will be enough, Once you go in and out of your dimension for the first time the system will lock unto it making it easier to go next time and creating a new skill with the help of Blink, Insta-Blink, immediately teleporting you to somewhere you have been to before as long as you have a clear image of the place, this skill is not like Blink since it is can be used for creating Spatial Portal} Helius said

[Cool so you mean if I don't want to use Blink I can use Insta-Blink] Alex said

'No dummy, it is a system skill that is, the system that uses it only for Crossing to you dimension but your blink ability can be upgraded to that version when you will not need the system's help to travel to your world' Allison said

{Domain similar to Dimension World is a space created from the bloodline which will make the owner stronger while fighting in it while making the opponent weaker depending on the way you want it, some people domain can do both depending on how strong their bloodline is Like Ice Phoenix Domain, it can freeze your enemy while in it making it so you are the only one moving, it is rare but powerful bloodline, though Dimension and Domain may seem alike they are different because Dimension is a world of it own while domain you are still there in the world just creating a space for yourself, only few who has understood their bloodline has Domain while Dimension is rarer because you are literally carrying a whole world with you, you must understand the concept of all six laws, we don't know how you got both but when it was added to your skill it made it possible for you to use it but at the weakest level and the power gauge skill has been upgraded making you able to see two realm ahead instead of one, In this world you may seem like the perfect Over-Powered Awakened but it's nothing compared to the strength of the person you want to face, also the blink ability was rewarded due to the fact that you already opened the store, it is the first step for teleportation, you can teleport anywhere within ten kilometres but it is limited to only five times, as time goes on you may even be able to teleport others with you, The Telepathy can be used to talk to others through the mind it a skill for invading privacy but some people has a pretty good mind defence which may backfire at you and turn you to a book that all his thoughts can be read, This skill is the weaker version of Mind Reading, if you can upgrade it then you will be able to read others mind and also communicate with them, also you have some unused item from the mystery box and you will need to find the more about the Sage God inheritance while we are in this world so as not to miss any details, I think there a piece of the map here and lastly your storage space is Full it can only accommodate three items so now you need an Inventory, you can buy an Inventory or you can upgrade the storage space for 10000 Lust Coin so it can accommodate fifteen items instead} Helius Explained

[That is a lot of things but in this world it is only thirty people that has activated their bloodline and still don't know about domain why is that?] Alex asked

{It is because this World's standard and knowledge is low so many don't know much about it, many don't even know how to use their bloodline to it full potential but they are people who has domain, You should be wondering why I picked Ice Phoenix Domain to use as explanation, it is quite simple because their is someone who has an Ice Phoenix Domain in your school but it's still dormant since bloodline like that need a vast amount of Cultivation Resources which you know as Levelling Materials to awaken it} Helius replied

'Come to think of it, In this World you gave lame names to big shot terms cause of your knowledge level probably that is why you are here since no one will think to search a world with such low standard for someone with a bloodline as great as yours' Allison said

[Well it has to be given a name and they gave it whatever came to mind, I still don't know why the Underworld whatever is searching for me] Alex said

'Leave that to us while you concentrate on training after this, and train hard' Allison said

[You said someone in this world has a rare bloodline in my school if I was to guess I did say that is Xueyue since her knowledge on Ice is strong and it seems she is more stronger when using ice] Alex said

'That is why you need to be careful, If she likes someone and then you cause harm to that person she will devote her time to make your life miserable' Allison said

[Like when I tried to harm her father though she don't like him that much but it will still be hard for her to accept the fact that I injured him] Alex said

{Correct} Helius said

[Okay so what about the Shop items?] Alex asked
