
The Special Path To Divinity

Alex a guy who came of age and got his system, He has a goal to become his strongest Awakened through his own designed path, though he doesn't know that there is more to this life than the power of strengthened. Will he accomplish his goal the easy way or the other way around after finding out there are stronger people in life and few are after his pathetic self. ............. Some readers might be wondering why an Eastern Fantasy Novel has an English name. Well the reason is that our MC is a World traveller, this might be considered spoiler to some people but it was because of the complain I received that I am adding this to the synopsis of the Novel. In the tags there is one that says Wastern Fantasy, it is not a mistake or grammatical error, the MC might have an English name now but he originated from an Eastern background, I will not reveal further but once we get to that volume it will be explained. I mean Volume 2, if you can wait and get your answers that is great.

Charming_Immortal · Fantasy
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44 Chs

Chapter 31: System Functions

'Today was sure a great one with a lot of fun and surprise perhaps I should go out and dates more often' Alex thought

'Wow take it slowly boy, you just finished one and you are expecting more' Allison said

'And why shouldn't I?' Alex asked

'Seriously, it is only normal to fully win a woman's heart before bringing in another harem member' Allison replied

'See you are the one misunderstanding me, I meant go on more date with her, also from her expression she enjoyed every bit of it see how worn out she is not disturbing herself with anything as she sleeps while smiling....., Come to think of it this is dangerous she is smiling like she is daring me to take an action on her....., Calm down Calm down' Alex said

'Man your heart sure gonna fail if it keeps beating this fast' Allison said

'But this facial expression is devilish for an Angel character, wait is that a grin or a smile I can't tell anymore' Alex said

'Don't you have other things to do' Allison said

'Like what?' Alex asked

'Your system' Allison said

'Yeah... Right, System' Alex said finally looking away after giving her a passionate kiss

'You just couldn't do nothing' Allison said

'I can't refuse that invitation fully, at least I should be compensated for being tempted that way' Alex said

'No one was tempting you, you just couldn't keep your act together' Allison said

'What?, Sleeping while grinning is definitely tempting for someone with a White skin like her's, An Angel with red hair, White skin, Skirt and blouse is sleeping while smiling is damn bad, some men will kill their couples just to see this' Alex said

'Whatever, when it comes to this topic I know when not to argue with you any further' Allison said

'Okay Now back to business'

"Open Status" Alex said

...The Heavenly Lust system.....

Name: Alex Jackson

Age: 18

Level : Qi Gathering Level 20 ( 2000/4000 )


Longer reproduction time (Physique bonus)

Lust finger: Make any lady cum with your hands easily

Lust Scent: Release a scent which makes opposite sex horny

Telepathy: Ability to read and talk through mind

Lust and Love metre: Check how horny a girl is or how much she loves you

Fire Arm: Create arm out of fire Unlocked

Dimension World: A special world owned by few powerhouse of the Cosmos

Power gauge: Ability to check power level of those two realm ahead of you (Upgraded)

Desolate Palm: A strong palm smashing technique Locked

Mastery ability: Ability to learn skill of enemies killed or if used on you. Limited (Can only use twice)

Advanced Elemental Fighting Skills: Learn basic Elemental fighting skills faster (Upgraded)

Physical Ability :

Swimming , Driving , Shooting , Music , Fighting , Business oriented

Elements owned :

Fire Element

Air Element

Water Element (New)

Passive ability:

Available in the store

Store: Unlocked

Lust Coin : 23230 (+5000) Gained from flirting and Mission Reward

Lust Coin : 27230 (-2000) Deducted for personal use

Lust Coin: 26230

Women Conquered : 1

Items: Cloak of invisibility: Makes wearer invisible

Two Appearance changing pill: Changes a person appearance to what he wants)

Map of Treasure: A map to the inheritance of Sage God with instructions

Hidden Mission Rewards Available

.... Current Mission...

Status: Completed (You may still have some secrets that haven't been told by both party but man that's part of what makes Couple life interesting)

Make Emily Anderson your woman

Reward: Second elemental body ( Water)

1000 EXP will be gained making store automatically unlocked

1000 coins will be rewarded

(X2) for having a SRMO back up part of your harem for total reward


2000 EXP gained

2000 coins gained (has been added)

Second elemental body (has been given)

Blink: Can be used to teleport 10 kilometres from where you are and it can only be used 5 times a day (Since store has been unlocked host was given a new skill)

[Uhm Helius, what the hell is up with the remarks]

'Sigh so that is what you noticed first' Allison said

{The system and skill is being upgraded daily so am I, as more humanly features are being unlocked for me and some other restraint are being removed, like the Punishment System, it was added to urge to level up faster but since you know the situation in which you are in...., well let say no one needs to teach you} Helius explained

[Yap, if I don't want to get torn to pieces then I have to] Alex replied

[How do I open the shop?] Alex asked

{The Same way you open status by you can make it simpler by Saying Menu Bar} Helius replied

[Menu Bar] Alex said and suddenly a transparent blue screen popped up at his front

[Wow what is this?] Alex said almost shouting out of shock

{The Menu Bar} Helius replied

[That's clear enough, I mean what do I do with it and why did it suddenly pop out if others can't see my system?] Alex asked

'You should have said that, well for one others can't see it and it is the upgrade, you can tap it making it easier for all of us you don't need to say everything you want to do when you can do it by yourself' Allison replied

[So you mean I am being lazy] Alex said

'Yeah, we are our people's too you know' Allison said

[I guess, I am sorry if that how it looked especially during the date when I was just giving out orders that you should wipe out data, block camera and other stuffs, even if I am paying it's still not fair] Alex apologized

{It no problem that my job but Allison just came up with this idea saying it will help us all especially if I am not available} Helius replied

[No it's okay I already knew it was her idea but it's surprisingly beneficial to me too] Alex said

'Meaning?' Allison said

[Nothing] Alex replied

[Come to think of it you guys are the only people I can talk to so freely like this though it would have been better if I can see you faces]

'Can't say you might receive a gift if you complete your training' Allison said

[What training?, I already completed the one for the duel] Alex asked

{Well you are really levelling up quickly according to the standard of this world so such a big leap in strength is strange to your body and most be trained, also your new skill must be trained, so we are thinking of starting Endless Training for you with breaks but it is A daily one, well just like exercise} Helius explained

[That's kinda stressful but I think it is great] Alex said

'Good for you' Allison said

[So..uhm... how do I do this thing that's at my front?] Alex asked

'Just Tap it' Allison replied

{As you see there appears to be Four options; Status Bar, Shop Function, Others and Close Bar, you tsp on the one you want to go to and it appears, instead of image projecting that you have been using since the past few days this method will make you head free as it will appear at your front and you can give anyone permission to view it} Helius explained

[That kinda cool, Nice thinking Helius] Alex said

{Actually it is Allison tha.....}

'He knows just leave him' Allison interrupted


Weapon Section

Cultivation Techniques Section

Skills Section

General Section

[Uhm why is this showing?] Alex asked

{Double Tap the Shop for full details then keep scrolling up till you read it all, or is showing what the shop is entailed of though some are still locked die to location or certain requirements but it will be explained to you} Helius replied and Alex did just that


*Weapon section

Sword ( 1st Grade) 1000 Lust Coin

Hell blade: summon Hell and burn enemy to crisp

(3rd grade) 5000 Lust Coin

Demon spear : Ability to weaken anyone with Holy energy (4th grade) 10000 Lust Coin

Soul devourer: The more Soul it rips the stronger it becomes (9th grade) 70000 Lust coin

Divine scythe: Transformation, Enlargement (Divine Grade) 50000 Lust coin

Heaven piercer: Regeneration, Destruction, Magical barrier (Spirit form Immortal Grade) 250000 Lust Coin upgradable

*Cultivation techniques Section (locked)

*Skill section

Alpha Eye: See through anything 10000 Lust coin

God Eye: See through anything and also can crack any lock 12000 Lust coin

Mystic Sense: See through things, create anything you imagine, super hearing and Energy beams 25000 Lust coin

Physique of Gods : Super strength and eternal Stamina 12000 Lust Coin

Potion Section

Sleeping Pill: Sleeps for 1 hour 100 Lust Coin

Invisibility Potion: Makes one invisible for one hour 500 Lust Coin

Double strength Pill: Makes a person strength doubled (Permanent) 500 Lust Coin

Beauty Pill: Make a female beautiful 300 Lust Coin

Development Pill: Increases a person sexual asset 500 Lust Coin

*General Section

Slave contract: Make a contract with someone to be your slave permanently 1000 Lust Coin

Teleportation Talisman: Used to teleport anywhere 1000 Lust Coin

Inventory: A space for storing things can accommodate infinite items 50000 Lust Coin

{So would you like me to explain it to you?} Helius asked

Hey Guys thanks for waiting, I decided to upgrade Updating status to daily starting today, so there will be seven chapters per week.

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