
The space mecks world and a crazy mechanic worrier

Welcome to my world of space and machine I am Hunter Dragny a man or well I guess I am now you might have guessed but to the people who haven't guessed I died and was reborn into this world in my old life I wasn't human nore was I what people would call a good person I had been in many wars and had killed many people I came from a world of fantasy and magic I was a master of both magic and fighting I used my knowledge and skill to craft many weapons and equipment but sadly every good thing must come to a end I was stabbed in the back by a man I called my friend but I got the last laugh cuz you see my heartbeat was connected to a bomb so when I died the bomb want boom let's just say I painted the town red hahaha o sorry back to this world I was reborn in a human body and in a world of space and mechs I was birthed into a family that was well known for being trading merks my family was part of the moon empire one of the oldest families to be exact but my family want away from that hole noble thing we loved the coin the humans of this world have this odd thing when we are born we are injected with nanites which will awaken a system in are body there are many types of systems what will I get and what will this new world hold will I have to kill again will I lead a army ones more well only the fates knows come and let's walk this path together

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The party part 1

As we were walking I got the sense I was being watched no that's not the right sense they wasn't watching me in the physical sense and more of a mental sense I could feel a tingling feeling in the black of my mind I stopped walking as I looked around but I wasn't surprised that I didn't see anyone other then the smith and I the smith stopped and turned around he seen me looking around so he asked Hunter what is it and as fast as the feeling came it was gone I looked to him saying nothing first smith I just my mind started to tingle and I had the feeling I was being watched the smith nodded saying don't mind that feeling that's our mind flare they are mind readers and he comes from a galaxy far far way from this place he is part of a huge intergalactic government he was sent here do to our company reaching a silent level of space travel he is also part of a group simply called the hidden ones and they like you have the gift of the galaxy that's originally y he came to this galaxy to find children like you and bring you back with him to train and raise them with people like them self's and to master there ability but as you already have seen a few of our members can us this gift and they have trained them self's and mothers how to use their power so they stayed to both watch, learn and help us all in one they are quite an interesting being you will like them but come the food will get cold I nodded and we started walking again as we were walking I started thinking of a song but that was only an image to hide my true thoughts at the very end there the first smith used the silent language his message to me was short and sweet they have been keeping an eye on not only me but Hegle sense we landed mmmm I wonder y this person has been keeping a eye on Hegle and me out of all the others at this camp I will keep my guard up for knowledge and when I get a chance I will tell Helge the smith and I walked out of the forge and started walking down the stairs luckily I was wearing a helmet or people would laugh at my stunned slack jaw expression do to what I was seeing at the bottom of the stairs of the forges was a huge party there was huge tables where individual families and tribes would sit at in the middle of this area was a huge dance floor or that's what they made it anyway there was a group that formed a band and singers everyone had there helmets off and was dancing laughing eating drinking and having a good time but it didn't stop on this area it would seem the hole block was a huge party and git together I seen Clones dancing laughing and drinking with many of there friends I looked to one of the biggest tables where placed behind it was a banner with a red serpent drake showing it's gold fangs in a snarl in the middle of it I seen sitting at the head of the table wasn't my father but a old lady who had on a red and black shirt and pants with a black thin coat her gray hair was tied up with two metal spikes going through it she was smiling looking down the table her eyes was light blue my father was sitting on her right sitting next to him was his wife and sitting across from them was Rec and Rage sitting next to his mother was Fives he was stuffing his face across from him was a 5 year old boy who looked a lot like Rex but only the had his mother eyes sitting next to Fives was two 5-year-olds a girl and a boy both looked like my father's wife only they had the gold eyes of my father there were a few other relatives but they were either dancing or making tbs rounds but sitting at the end of the table was Heavy across from him was Cortana both of them had there helmets off and was talking amongst themself's the table across from them was the second biggest table and behind this table was a blue giant black claw holding it's head sitting at the head of this table was a old man he had on a simple blue and black button-down shirt with black jeans his body looked weak but his dark red eyes showed strength but it was odd my instincts told me that this man could not hold a candle to my sweet looking grandmother but sitting on this old man right was Hegle's mother and sitting next to her was Helge's father who unlike the mother he didn't wear any armor hell I didn't even see a weapon on him he had on a nice blue suit his blown hair was cut short and slicked back and his brown eyes held kindness sitting next to him was Helge who was scarfing down food with her helmet sitting on the table next to her plate her helmet looked interesting she also want with the sharp into a point for here eye slots the glass that protected her eyes was black very similar to my helmet but her colores were different all although not by much her base color was a dark blue with three black lines down the front of her helmet like claw marks but she had small spikes that want from the stop all the way down to the bottom sitting across from this three was three other women all of them looked similar to Helge's mother but all had there defining features but they was definitely Helge's moms younger sisters sitting on there side was there kids each of them had one and all of them was girls about the same age of Helge and they all looked similar you could tell they were family but none of them had Helge's charm Helge was eating mostly with her hands ripping parts of meat off the bone and she was both taller and bigger than her small thin petite cousins who all were acting very lady like and proper and one of them was really giving Helge a dirty look I could tell there was bad blood but I wasn't going to get involved the first smith turned to me saying go and have fun this is a party after all and good luck and he walked off to a table that had a banner that had two hammers crossed on it on an anvil I side at his words and started to walk to the fang table when I got closer almost everyone turned to stare at me Fives moved a little over and waved me saying come sit brother I glanced over to his mother who was sitting next to him who was giving me and him the death glare I simple shook my head at him and walked around the table and sat next to Heavy I took of my helmet and placed it on the table and started grabbing food most of it meat Heavy and Cortana glanced at my helmet Cortana smiled saying o what's this you put a clone mark on your helmet mixed with the fangs you sure know how to pick them kid that will piss off a lot of people cuz this means you see us clones as brother and sisters in arms and not pieces on a chest bored I shrugged saying y shouldn't I if people don't like it I don't care this is my helmet this is my way of honoring the brother and sisters who have died in a war they didn't ask for and died cuz there leaders didn't value their life this is also my pride as a worrier I won't sit back and watch you all die no if you're going to storm the beach will storm it with you I will be by your side all the way to the end this is how I will lead besides I smiled tearing a piece of meat off the bone of a leg of a bird I can't let yall have all the fun when Heavy and Cortana heard my wards they looked to each other and started laughing I chuckled with them Heavy smack me on the back saying damn straight we ate talking and laughing with each other I saw out of the corner of my eye my step bother was glaring at us laughing but the old lady was smiling right then the band started playing a fast upbeat song Heavy stood up smile he walked around the table he stopped next to Cortana he lowered a hand down to her saying will you grant me this dances Cortana looked up to him she brought one hand up to her chin and in a sarcastic voice she said I don't know did you shower before this Heavy was stunned Cortana laughed at his stunned look saying yes lets dances and she took his hand but Heavy didn't lead him onto the dances floor Cortana took the lead I laughed seeing Heavys face I took a bite from a blue potato when out of the corner of my vision I seen someone waving at me I looked to my right and my grandmother waved again I looked at her she smiled her blue eyes softening when they landed on me she waved at me to come and sit next to her I stood up grabbed my helmet and walked down the table she scooted over so I could sit down next to her and my father I put my helmet in front of me as I crossed my legs sitting down my eyes didn't leave grandma she was smiling happily I lowered my head respectfully saying what do you need elder the old lady chuckled and in a warm polite voice she said O so respectful and polite you are a rare gem these days but where's my manners my name is Silverea Nix Dragny the elder of the fang tribe and as you have probably guessed Fang is my oldest son and Rex is the second they do have a younger brother but she side he is too busy locked up in his lab that damn little brat where did I go wrong with him not even taking the time to come and see his dear old mother on her death bed instead what does he do he stays in that lab building new mecha and ships and her face got sad but her eyes still shined with life I I doubted that she was on her death bed hell I even doubted that she was anywhere close to that by the look she shot at the claw elder they was definitely having an affair but I didn't care what they did it ant my problem she glanced at me then at the helmet in front of me saying how interesting I see you have met the clones what is your thoughts on them I shrugged saying they are like us in many way but also different we both respect strength and experience and we both hold a certain level of honor when we conduct our self's even how we paint are armor its very similar and go good with each other but where we differ is that we are seen as people and are respected for our skill wall the clones very rarely get showed respect for there skills plus many people don't see the clones as people just towels my grandma nodded smiling like she understood but I heard someone scoff both the elder and I looked down the table to my stepmother who was trying not to laugh my eyes got cold and sharp but before I could even open my mouth to say anything my grandmother spoke what is so funny Serenity please share it with the group, please Serenity apparently that the name of my stepmother was a little stunned when the elder asked her that but Serenity just shrugged looking at the elder saying it's nothing elder is just funny to me that this boy speaks suck nonsense when he hasn't seen what the clones have done besides this boy doesn't understand how the real world works he is just a naïve child who apparently doesn't understand that the clones was made in a lab to fight for us and to die for us for him to call the clones his brother and sisters in arms when he hasn't even suffered or fought against the enemy I just was amused that's all the elder's eyes which felt so warm a few seconds ago they were now sharp and angry but before the elder could speak I spoke Serenity huh I see unlike your name you definitely ant serene nore are you peaceful to presume so much about someone you just met when you have no idea what they have seen and gone through how sad I stood up picking up my helmet as I did O don't worry I am us to being the outcast and the disappointment to my family so don't concern your self with me and I walked away from the table from there stunned expressions I walked over to the claw table and sat down next to Helge she looked over to me worriedly she was close enough to hear my talk with my stepmother she pumped my shoulder saying you alright partner I shrugged saying I expected this nothing more she side I looked down the table at Helge mother who was watching us with a happy expression I smiled at her saying but where is my manners I am Hunter Dragny it is a pleasure to meet Helge's parents and I must say I see where Helge's good looks come from Helge's mother laughed saying o he is a smooth talker I see it is a pleasure to meet you to Hunter I am Betty b dragon Helges mother and this is my husband James R Dragon Helges father the father looked over to me and smiled nodding I nodded back to him the woman across from me are my 3 younger sisters Ronda, Sara, and Linda and there daughters Purl, Gem and Daphne and that's from oldest to youngest I smiled at them nodding politely Randa and Linda simple ignores me but Sara nodded back smiling there daughters did basically the same of there mothers Purl and Daphne ignored me but Gem smiled at me I decided to read Ronda and Linda's thoughts what I got back as a shit load of curses and hidden anger both directed at me, Helge and Betty both of them was jealous that James choose Betty instead of them self's I glanced at Helge who's was trying not to grin I knew she was reading their thoughts also I glanced at Purl and Daphne who started whispering among them self's and I had a feeling they were scheming and making a plan and I had a feeling I was part of it so I read their minds as well and what I found made me smile both of them was jealous of Helge and wanted to piss her off they thought the best way to do that would be to ask me to dance I looked up the table to James saying sir if I may ask y do you not have any armor or weapons on you James laughed rubbing the back of his head saying you noticed that huh well you see Hunter I was never good at fighting nore was I that good at making things but I found I had a very strong skill in healing and helping others so I became doctor I am the head doctor and researcher for Cybernetics I grinned happily o really this must be my lucky day I am looking for a hand James chuckled saying yes I would live to give you a hand both Helge and Betty rolled there eyes at are dad jokes i nodded saying I already got a blueprint in mind and I used my innate ability to send him a message he taped his watch and pulled up a 3d blueprint it was a full arm well sort of it was pretty bare bones for a full arm and I actually mean that in the literal sense it really only looked like the bone structure of a arm example for the shoulder and muscle part I wrapped many strong thin wires together to make up the muscle structure and tendants in the arm his eyes want wide when he saw the materials it listed on the side he glanced over to me saying this arm is very unusual how did you come up with something that is this tuff and yet so light and efficient but there one little problem Hunter these materials you listed are very expensive and I don't got the skills to fully make the bone the rest of it I can do but not that part y do you want to make it out of moon steal anyway I smiled saying if I had a say in the matter I would make it out of scale steal but that's the cheapest i could make it but that's not the when I want you to make I just wanted to show you that sense I thought you would appreciate it and just thank that blueprint ant done yet but enough of my crazy ideas the next image isn't he arm I want from you he swiped his hand in the air and another image of a arm appeared it was a hi-grade military equipment instance meant that most special opts and assassins us it's light way easy to mod and hide weapons in it and unlike most cybernetic's that most people get this arm packs one hell of a punch it was made for people with hi ranking systems so it could keep up for at least a bit this model the outside shell was made from moon steal so it could tank hits from small rounds and even some medium shots but only a sirtent amount and this arm had a few weapons that I choose to put in it he nodded saying this is much more reasonable and is a good choice for someone like you I will send it off to my lab and my people should be able to get it done by tomorrow and when you come in to retrieve it I will also do the operation to attach it to your shoulder I nodded saying thank you sir right then the song music want from fast upbeat to slow and peaceful right then Daphne got up and walked around the table to me saying sir Hunter would you permit me this dance I held back a chuckle when I seen her glance at Helge and flashed her a pretty smile Helge mouth twitched but smiled back I looked up to Daphne I am sorry my lady but I already got a dance partner and I stood up and turned to Helge I held out my hand to her saying my lady will you honor this simple mechanic with a dance Helge smiled happily taking my hand nodding saying yes I will and she gave a glance of victory to Daphne who face want white from anger I helped Helge stood up and I lead her out onto the dance floor which had people slow dancing swinging and swaying to the music I put a hand on her hip whispering in her ear sorry about this but if we danced the other way we would look like fools she smiled throwing her arms over my neck saying no this is fine and we started slowly swaying to the music I started reading Helges mind and she did the same with mine I heard her ask y did you cut off your full arm Hunter you know it won't grow back right I smiled nodding thinking back yes I know as for y I did it well I knew I would have to show my dedication I was only going to cut off my hand like before but then I thought y do that sure losing a hand is bad but losing a hole arm is worse people might have tried to walk over me by brushing off that I only lost a hand they would say so it's only a hand you still got the rest of your arm but if I cut off the hole arm and burn it so it could not grow back they can't simple brush that off so easily when people look at my mechanical arm they will be reminded of my dedication she side thinking your plan definitely worked a little to well, to be honest, I grinned thinking there and nothing as efficient as overkill She nodded at my words she glanced over to Serenity who was listening to my father who was talking angrily but he kept his voice down so only the people at his table could hear him Serenity face was white and almost getting whiter if that's even possible and her cheeks was a little red from shame my grandma listened to my dad but her cold angry eyes didn't move off of Serenity Helge's side thinking they are talking about your past and how your mother used illegal jean-splicing drugs to make you into this and what your grandfather did to you I shrugged thinking let him tell them I do not care it's in my passed and Jim well I chuckled Jim will be dead soon enough Helge was a little shocked thinking Hunter if you do that who will take care of the kids I smiled and gave her a wink saying I got a plan that reminds me and I used my innate ability to send coded messages to Rick saying hi big bro heading to the store will you please lock my house thanks this was are code for hi I am still alive and to keep a eye on my siblings for me Helge and I danced moving around a couple who stared kissing instead of dancing I made sure no one other then Helge was listening to my thoughts and I told Helge about how the mind fear has been watching was Helge nodded thinking yea I already know she has I raised a eye brow she I asked Helge nodded and she danced to the side which made us spin as she thought here she comes know and she was right walking out of the fang family house was a women who had on black robs on her head was a dark blue and purple helmet with gold tentacles where a mouth would be at she was very tall and lengthy and I got a glimpse of her skin it was dark purple like her helmet she walked and sat down next to my grandmother she reached up and I seen her purple long smooth fingers and he took off her helmet and what I seen made me almost stop dancing do to I recognized this monster and then memory's of my old life started coming back I was really deep underground and I stumbled into a hive of these monsters who eat the minds of others and who could control minds I remember killing many of them I came close to getting my mind eat one's and gods did it hurt these monsters had long thin body and a squid face but there was a few difference's for example the creatures I remember they didn't have male and female well they did but you could not tell them apart from one another but this mind flare had the body of a human female just instead of a normal face it was squid head she put her helmet in front of her and took my grandmas hand lovingly her head was purple her tentacles was black and her eyes were black but painted on her face was gold tattoos of a lightning storm this tattoo want from between her eyes up and spread out all around the top of her head it was both beautiful terrifying and odd all in one the last thing I seen on her hip was one of those laser swords but hers looked way different them the ones I had seen hers didn't look like any sword hilt I knew of hers was circler the handle was made out of a dark twisted wood where the guard would be there was simply a button and a hole at the top of it where I assumed the laser came out from and on either side of the hole was to spikes that came up and stopped but at the bottom of her handle it had the same exact thing those spikes was definitely only for design nothing more turned back to Helge my eyes wide thinking holy shit are they dating Helge laughed nodding thinking yea it ant any big secret that your elder is dating the mind flare that's one of the reasons y she hears is cuz she feel in love with your grandmother I was both stunned and confused thinking then y did she look at your elder like she wanted to tear him apart Helge laughed thinking that's no big secret either all three of them are dating that's one of the reasons my ants don't like my grandpa at the moment he is not only dating and fucking the elder of the fang tribe but he is also dating and fucking a aleain my mind felt num like all of a sudden so I started thinking of a song I glanced over to the mind flare who had her eyes locked on us but I turned to Helges grandfather impressed Helge laughed and out loud whispered in my ear saying don't tell me your interested in the mind flares as well I chuckled shaking my head definitely not but I got to respect the man for not only satisfying my elder and a alain and he hasn't been killed he must be doing something right Helge laughed at my words but right then I heard an unfamiliar female voice in my head say come Hunter and Helge lets talk and be properly introduced I side asking Helge you heard that as well I assume Helge simple nodded well let's not keep the elder's girlfriend waiting Helge laughed but right then I heard that female voice again I heard that Hunter and it's your elders, fiancé get it right I shook my head I could feel a headache coming.