
The space mecks world and a crazy mechanic worrier

Welcome to my world of space and machine I am Hunter Dragny a man or well I guess I am now you might have guessed but to the people who haven't guessed I died and was reborn into this world in my old life I wasn't human nore was I what people would call a good person I had been in many wars and had killed many people I came from a world of fantasy and magic I was a master of both magic and fighting I used my knowledge and skill to craft many weapons and equipment but sadly every good thing must come to a end I was stabbed in the back by a man I called my friend but I got the last laugh cuz you see my heartbeat was connected to a bomb so when I died the bomb want boom let's just say I painted the town red hahaha o sorry back to this world I was reborn in a human body and in a world of space and mechs I was birthed into a family that was well known for being trading merks my family was part of the moon empire one of the oldest families to be exact but my family want away from that hole noble thing we loved the coin the humans of this world have this odd thing when we are born we are injected with nanites which will awaken a system in are body there are many types of systems what will I get and what will this new world hold will I have to kill again will I lead a army ones more well only the fates knows come and let's walk this path together

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The first fight with the Draggion

Thats when Copper appeared below Heavy she had her helmet off and I seen her medium mecha move from where it was resting at her mecha was a long range mecha there was 2 thunder cannons on its back attacked to the sides of its hands was two barrels for plasma shots and attacked to its left hip was a short plasma rifle that had a shinny bayonet attached to it as for the design it was a old model that the moon empire has used for a while its name was Copper do to the copper camo paint scheme funny enough almost all the mecha under Coppers command had the same paint style Drake and Rambo was the only mechs that didn't match with them but that wasn't surprising unlike Heavy and I Copper and her man don't own there mecha the military does and they choose the paint color sure you can put in a request but its all up to the caption and if they allow it but back on topic her mecha head was just a basic knight helmet design nothing flashy I heard her clear her throat before yelling listen up everyone the Draggion ships has descended and soon they will be coming after us I have been given are orders half of us will be moving to the east we are to meet up with 2 other squads we are to aid the big city to the east which is one of this planets capital cities which means huge population of people wall the other half stays here and protects this bass at all cost this will be both are medical hub and are repair bass from here is where we will evacuate the wounded I have already sent everyone there orders and everything we have on the Draggion look over that info as you move go and like that this camp burst to life mechanics and pilots was running around to get the last calibrations done to there mecha wall the infantry ran all around trying to collect as much firepower they could find plus anything else useful I looked over my orders and noticed something strange my orders was this 

Drake by orders of commander Copper you are to stay at camp A and protect it with your life you will be given 500 infantry, 200 light mecha, and only 100 medium mecha to command over and all the resources at camp A at your disposal and in tell commander Copper comes back you are in command this means you talk to command and everything I have high hopes for you Drake do not let me down under stood signed copper 

Shit I mumbled she wants me to lead I then used my innate ability to look over all the info about the Draggion and I was shocked they was a humanoid race that had was covered in bright white scales there face was human but just a very small nose there heads was bigger thin most humans and in a odd shape many of them had spikes coming out of there heads like a lizards that want up there head their eyes was lizard-like also but it was purple or red in color they had no tails and they had the same strength as a human they might have been a bit faster but compared to us soldiers from the moon empire they at best could overpower people with a d or C ranked system but compared to the likes of me a person with A A ranked system not a one of them could overpower me in a fist fight sadly this wasn't a fist fight cuz the Draggion us black and green mecha that could go fight on equal footing with are medium mechs and if that wasnt bad enough they was known to preform bombing runs before they attack plus they never fight fare they strike hard and with overwhelming numbers which is far in my eyes but apparently, it isn't to whoever wrote this info and appearing in front of me was a 3d image of there mecha slick and music I thought as I looked it over was made from a black and green metal they had slightly clawed hands on there back was a sword and in there hands was a plasma rifle that was glowing green but this was only a masic mech of there's the reports say that they all are outfitted with a plasma rifle but that's it any other weapons is specific to that pilot and this didn't cover there heavy mecha which was just a bigger copy of the medium mecha but much more powerful the mech disappeared and what appeared next was a image of a Draggion they had bright white scales and they had on black metal armor and in this Draggion hand was a lazer rifle that was glowing green to many people they would appear ugly but not to me they just looked like another race similar to me but unlike me these Draggion was holy butchers of the highest caliber they believed the galaxy is there's to conquer by holy right they think there god put the galaxy there for them but that's all we knew about the Draggions as a race the rest was just battle reports I looked through them all but got bored in seconds they used basically the same strategy every battle but I did find out they do have a sense of honor they respected the strong but back on topic looking over this data took me seconds do to my innate ability Drake looked over to Copper and I cut off all calls except for Copper I looked to her asking you wish for me to command over this camp she nodded yes but y I asked confused she smiled cuz your a leviathan and I will need Rambo at the capital I was confused even more no offense sir but are you insane you don't even know me really and there are a few other people who have way more experience then me so I don't understand why would you pick me she smiled shrugging my gut told me so but enough of your complaining Drake you will take command till I come back sorry but only the convicts volunteered to stay back so they will be under your command and that's final with that she cut my call damn it I gralled I looked to Rambo and appearing back on the screen was Heavy it would seem big brother we will be split up for a while he chuckled indeed I expect great things from you little brother do not let me down I gralled you have something to do with this don't you he laughed perhaps I did or perhaps I didn't but I have faith in you brother don't forget your training and you will be fine I have been training you for just this moment remember your not only a leviathan but a Dragny leading is in your blood besides even the last man who wear that armor had to start from somewhere I promised your father by the time I am done you would have grown into that armor and the responsibilities of wearing it so fight hard little brother the ancestors will be watching us I slammed a hand to my chest saying this is are way he slammed a hand to his chest saying my the galaxy watch over you brother and with that, he walked over to his group I turned Drake to the side to see people waiting on my orders I smiled sying well lets start shall we what the hell yall waiting for long range mecha on the wall infantry take up heavy guns on the wall who is the leaders of the light mecha units step forward and 10 small mecha stepped forward one yelled we are sir I looked them all over and brought up there names Slay, Credit, echo, Moose, Asmo, Witch, M, Cat, Vex, and Ron the highest ranking member out of them all was Slay which was the woman who yelled first she was the leader of all the leaders the mom of them all if you will I nodded good Slay I want you to send whichever group you think is best in scouting out and cover the surroundings ones your done with that come back to me I looked to the medium mecha who was pained in that copper color but I seen orange stripes that formed a x on there chest this was a sign that they was convicts who is the leaders I asked and 4 mecha stepped forward and appearing on my side screen was 4 familiar faces 2 male and 2 females theses was the convicts I commanded over on the ship when them damn bugs attacked I never did get there names so I quickly looked them up 

Name: Ace 


Moon empire planet: born planet removed came from prisoner planet 229

System Rank: B 

Job: medium mecha pilot mecha called the owl sharpshooter

Deployment record: 100 drops 20 space infiltration and over 100 confirmed targets taken down 

Name: J


Moon empire planet: unknown but came from mental prisoner planets 20 E

System Rank: B

Job: medium mechs pilot mecha name is Joker close range loves chopping his enemies into pieces plus is a huge pyro

Deployment record: 50 drops but over 10000 confirmed kills do not let him play with a flame thrower for Christ sakes 

Name: Quin


Moon empire planet: unknown but we think Nigrna came from Nigrna mental prison 

System Rank: B

Job: medium mecha pilot mechs name is Harly explosive expert but has been trained in all range of combat she likes using the thunder cannons on Harlys back on none mecha targets

Deployment record: 90 drops 50 space infiltration confirmed war crimes broken yes and confirmed cities destroyed over 20

Name: Shewolf


Moon empire planet: known came from prisoner planet 223

System Rank: B

Job: medium mecha pilot mech name wolf cannoner and strategy training

Deployment record: 40 drops and only 10 space infiltration confirmed shuttles blown out of the sky over 100 

I quickly scanned there files and smiled perfect Wolf take your man and post up on the wall spread out Owl go with the Harly your team will be providing suppressing fire for the group that leaves out side of the camp ones they leave and as for you Joker stand by I have a fun job just for you and your group he laughed rager that sit and like that the mecha followed my orders I turned to the infantry who was already posted on the wall setting up mock 7 plasma machine guns and grenade machine gun I looked them over and noticed Slay was commanding over them to or her people was anyway I scanned through the camp seeing what all I had to us and by the gods I am so happy this was a military testing sight or I would have a hole less resources but I had to sustain off just these resources for a while till I either get more supplies from the moon empires drop ship or I scavenge off the Draggion which I will happily do if I need to I sent a message to Slay which said ones your done with that round up all your explosive experts and anyone who has been trained in gorilla warfare i simply got a rager back this reminds me it has been a while sense I have looked at my systems so y not we look 

Compatibility ] rank A

[ primary Attribute] DEX 3.0x/ SPD 2.5x/ STR 1.5x




[ Innate ability] hack jar head

[ Innate ability] Body regeneration

[new innate ability ] predator sense 

[ Additional Abilaty's locked]

Holy hell no wonder I could jumped to the top of Drake and easily swing into the hatch I was 3 times as faster then the greatest human runner not just that my strength no wonder I can lift all those mecha parts and this is scary this was only the beginning for me normally most humans would cap out at 5 or maybe 7 and that's if they even get that far most don't but I was no longer human I was a subhuman I wonder how far I will be able to go damn I need to get more blood from Albedo I need to start evolving as soon as I can but no matter I should turn on my radio and see if there's anything the moment I turned on the radio I started understanding how outnumbered we was people was asking hundreds of different things be it supplies or ships to leave I side turning down the noise but I let it play in the background that's when I got a message from Commer we are ready are you ready Drake I looked to Slay asking are the guns in place she looked over to me nodding yes sir I looked to Harly, Owl and Wolf asking your units ready they all smiled and at the same time they said locked and loaded sir I nodded and I looked back to Slay asking I know its a little soon but have the scouts got anything she nodded yes actually sense I knew where are other mecha was heading I sent man that way first and they reported back we got 100 mecha charging this way no ships I nodded ok Drake looked to Copper nodding yes we are ready she smiled good see you soon then hopefully Drake and she put her helmet on and her mecha slammed a hand to her chest as she said this is are way I smiled slamming Drakes right hand to its chest saying may the ancestors watch over us and good luck commander she nodded always and with that we opened the gate I walked next to Harly saying spear head formation we will go first we Will charge 30 feet destroying anything we see before we open the tip up for them to pass you ready I heard weapons be cocked and activates Harly giggled cock lock and ready to rock sir I nodded good I looked forward as I pulled the grenade machine gun from off my waste and looked forward the gate slowly opened I waitied till the door was half open when I yelled go and I rushed Drake forward we was the tip of this formation Drake and I lead the charge and gods I am happy I did cuz as I rushed forward my predator sense locked on hundreds of targets in front of us I shared this with everyone as I rushed forward when I got to 20 yards is when I seen them 100 ships diving down and getting low to the ground these ships was green in color with 4 legs 2 sticking down and 2 sticking up I seen the green engine right between these legs on the back of this strange triangle ship the sky I roared and my plasma Gatling gun moved onto my shoulder and roared to life and my thunder cannon was a bit slower but it got in place and boom the first sounds of war filled the area from these few sounds and flashes of lights came hundreds more as Harly and her units opened fire flowing slightly behind me I slide drake to a stop at 30 yards and put away the grenade machine gun and pulled the regular plasma machine gun from my other hip and it flashed to light as hot red beems shot up the first shot impacted a ship but I seen a green force field flash but the next 2 plasma shots that came right after that completely overloaded the shield and exploded the ship and I hadn't stopped firing my Gatling gun and thunder cannon I was deadly accurate even when firing 3 guns after a few seconds only a quarter of the ships was left and they varied to the side and turned around but I wasn't letting my guard down my predator sense was picking up on more enemies this time they was directly in front of us my Gatling gun and thunder cannon swiveled down and pointned forward and boom they roared to life again mowing and blowing down trees and green mecha that was hidding behind them ones they realised they had been spotted the Draggion mecha rushed forward there guns awakening to I laughed seeing quite a few shots had been aimed at me but I simply laughed as I kicked the piloting room of one of the Draggion bommer ships I had shot down this was just big enough to cover most of the shots wall 3 got passed which I easily dodged I didn't stop firing as I moved I heard Harly laugh saying your a mad man commander I like it everyone learn from his example yes mam they yelled I laughed saying fine sense yall want to learn I will teach rule one us anything in your surroundings to your advantage like this and I kicked a boom that was flying on the ground at a group of Draggion the boom slammed into the center of a mecha but didn't explode well that was up till 2 plasma shots impacted it which made a huge boom the next second the ground shook from that boom took out 4 others mecha that was around it at this point the Draggion mecha was about on us one mecha in front of me through its plasma rifle on the ground as it pulled a axe from its back and in a hissing voice I heard them say prepare to die you damn ant I grinned holstering my plasma machine gun on my waste and I flicked out my claws the Draggion mecha swung his axe down I simply moved to the side and grabbed his mechs by the head as I ripped it up the head got ripped right off this forced the mecha to stumble back and soon it tripped over its own two feet sense they couldn't see out of the mecha sense I noticed most mech display out from the eyes this makes it easier for us to control our mecha sense it's disorienting for creatures with eyes to look out anyway other then the eyes this is a weakness almost all mechs have even the heavy mecha but there was way to get around but no matter and I jumped up and landed on the mecha thrusting my claw down into the piloting room killing the pilot I looked up grabbing the axe next to this body I stood up as I did some mechs took a few steps back from me I chuckled Rule 2 strike fear into your enemies and I brought the Axe onto my shoulder with one hand and with my other hand I backend them to bring it on this seemed to anger them cuz they didn't hesitate to rush at me this time I laughed my Gatling gun roaring to life bowing down mecha as I swung the axe to the side shattering a sword that was swing at me the axe quickly sank into that machs chest I thin pulled it out and with to hands I through the axe right into the center of a Draggion mech that was pulling off a rocket launcher from there beck but the axe sank deeply into the piloting room and soon the mech feel forward my Thunder cannon want boom then and 3 mechs chests exploded rule 3 over kill is underrated but enough of this clear the path with that my claws started to glow red hot and I lunged onto a mecha on the side taring into it as Copper and her group ran by me cutting down anyone that got in there way and soon they was out of sight and the last Draggion mecha dropped Harly walked next to me asking so whats next sir? I stood up my claws going back to normal as I turned around saying we go back to the camp and prepare more will come she nodded.