
The space mecks world and a crazy mechanic worrier

Welcome to my world of space and machine I am Hunter Dragny a man or well I guess I am now you might have guessed but to the people who haven't guessed I died and was reborn into this world in my old life I wasn't human nore was I what people would call a good person I had been in many wars and had killed many people I came from a world of fantasy and magic I was a master of both magic and fighting I used my knowledge and skill to craft many weapons and equipment but sadly every good thing must come to a end I was stabbed in the back by a man I called my friend but I got the last laugh cuz you see my heartbeat was connected to a bomb so when I died the bomb want boom let's just say I painted the town red hahaha o sorry back to this world I was reborn in a human body and in a world of space and mechs I was birthed into a family that was well known for being trading merks my family was part of the moon empire one of the oldest families to be exact but my family want away from that hole noble thing we loved the coin the humans of this world have this odd thing when we are born we are injected with nanites which will awaken a system in are body there are many types of systems what will I get and what will this new world hold will I have to kill again will I lead a army ones more well only the fates knows come and let's walk this path together

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The battle at the junkyard part 1

And like that everyone started to leave but before my dad left I pulled him to the side out of earshot of everyone i will make my own copy off all the information but I warn you there is a lot and most of it you won't like he side nodding yea I figured that but tell me Hunter do we even stand a chance against them I shrugged saying I don't deal in absolutes or odds there is always a chance to win it might be low but it's always there we just need to watch our step and don't bite off more then we can chew he nodded yea but on a separate note how is your relationship with Serenity I know be being here hurts your relationship he side looking away from me and at Serenity, she took the news hard but I think she is warming up to you after I told her how you was raised or what I know which to be honest isn't much all the information I got on you Hunter is what Rex found out about you which wasn't much he turned and looked me in the eyes saying the only thing I know is you grow up pore and your mother treated you like a girl and that your step dad Jam wasn't the best man to be around and that you grow up on the streets but other then that I don't know anything else I don't expect you to tell me but just know you have a family here you can come to me for anything and if it's in my power I will help I smiled nodded I might take you up on that offer but it will be after you come back my dad nodded I will tell my mother that if we ant back when your done with your arm you will need a set of armor but we will see if that happens sense I know Betty will out fit Helge property I might as well do the same to you even if your not 15 yet I chuckled saying we will see go I got a arm to make just come back ok he nodded and he hugged me he walked away I side and was about to get to work when Helge walked up to me she had conflict in her eyes I looked into those dark gold eyes and I simply said be careful partner Helge side and nodded and I will but if I don't but I cut her off angrily then I will hunt you down to the ends of the galaxy to find you and whoever took you will wish they didn't Helge smiled at that answer she hugged me and ran off to Cortana I walked over to my work table I looked to the two smiths asking will you assist me in making my arm the first smith looked me over nodding we will help you Hunter as long as some of this scale mail steal is donated to the younglings we will happily assist you besides I talked to the other smiths and we have chosen you as are 7 smith we will show and tell you the secrets of Leviathan do you swear to guard these secrets with your life I looked at him nodding I swear on my name and blood to keep leviathan secrets to the end the first smith nodded good I the first smith and then the girl spoke and I the second Smith and at the same time they said we are your witness to your promise the first smith then spoke excitement in his voice let's get started I nodded and put my helmet on but before we could start elder John stood up saying I will take Helges place the first smith was shocked and he asked master will you real John waved his hand saying I told you Quill I ant your master no longer Quill nodded saying sorry elder hard to break a old habit John laughed saying indeed know let's make the steal sing but not here let's move back to the forge where we have all the proper tools we all nodded I looked at my watch and I saw the files was done downloading I looked to Star and my grandma saying I will leave the memory cards here you can look through them at your leisure they nodded picked up all my parts and carefully put them in a bag Quill picked up the box but I stopped him and through my coat, over the top of it Quill nodded saying good idea I looked back to the table at the 4 weapons and hallow disks I picked to the two hilts and put them on my belt I then looked over the pistols both of them was deactivated but it wouldn't be that hard to activate them and get the ammo for them I picked them up as well and tucked them in my pants let's move I said and we walked back to the forge we walked to Quills area we moved some stuff to the side so be could put the box down on the table I sent them all the blueprint of the arm we will do this in sections Quill and I will focus on the bone structure miss and I looked to the woman she simple said Meg ok miss Meg and elder John will focus on the outer shell does that sound good to you Quill and Meg nodded but John shook his head saying son this arm won't be able to move fully if we go with your plan here and he changed the blueprint just a little bit what I seen made me smile asking elder will this way have the same amount of defense as the other one he smiled saying it will have more but just by a little bit also this arm will also be easier to modify and attach stuff to it sure it might cost a little more but we got enough here to make three arms like this I looked over the blueprint nodded ok you deal with that wall I deal with making the inside brackets I will also be the one that will put everything fully together wall Quill and Miss Meg makes the anvil sing is that ok with you elder he nodded yes let's make some sparks fly.

Helges point of view- in a secret underground vault under her family's house standing in front of the vault door mother y did you bring me down here it's about time to go I looked ever to my mother who walked to the hand scanner that was placed on the right side of the door she put her hand on the scanner it scanned her hand after a few seconds I heard a beep and the door unlocked and swung open mother simple walked through the door saying follow I did and what I saw on the inside shocked me it was a small armory or that's what I thought at first but at closer inspection, I seen it was a museum or close to it at least all along the walls were weapons from old I seem spears old blasters and hilts of many types of swords but in the middle of this room was the most important thing of them all armor stands with scale mail armor on them there was 15 armor stands in total only 5 of them were empty my mother walked to one of these armor stands I could not see her expression do to her helmet but I could tell that spot held a special place in her heart but she side and turned around to me saying choose your armor Helge I was stunned I shook my head no mother I ant of age I said she nodded indeed your not of age nore have been trained in our ways but I can't send my daughter into danger without outfitting her right I shook my head again no mother the others will not like this she shrugged saying I do not care what they think father gave me his blessing and know you have my blessing Helge go and choose your armor and you might as well choose a weapon as well you don't want to be left behind or outdone by Hunter do you I glared at her saying Hunter would never the same way I wouldn't him Betty laughed saying o what's this has my daughter fallen in love with the bastard child of the Dragny's how intriguing I clenched my mouth saying what if I have what then Betty was a little stunned but shrugged it off saying if that's what you want to do then so be it I quite like the boy and I know your father things hily of him as well I was stunned this time but what about are family's rivalry I asked Betty laughed saying what about it Helge you can't tell me that you and Hunter don't got a rivalry I shrugged saying well yea a healthy one but it brings us closer together she nodded indeed just like you and Hunter there isn't any bad blood between our two families we push each other to be better nothing more but enough of this choose your armor I looked over the 10 that was here 3 of them was for men so I ruled them out and out of the 7 that was left only 3 that was in my size I walked in front of the first a red and black breastplate that had flames on it with shoulder pauldrons painted the same as the chest it's gauntlets was pained in the same basically the right gauntlet had a small barrel which was for a flame thrower next to that barrel was a hole for a claiming spike on the left gauntlet had two barrels for blaster shots between the barrels was a small rocket launcher I moved on to the next armor the breastplate was painted dark green thorns with the rest being black there wasn't any shoulder pouldrons on this one I looked down to the gauntlets the right one had a hidden blade that came out the top of the hand plus this one had a small energy shield that could be activated it would only be the size of a buckler shield but still handy for the left gauntlet which could shoot stun darts but also had a barrel for a small electric net I moved onto the last one which was painted in a dark blue and black there was sea monsters painted on the in a mix of the colors this did have shoulder pauldrons but they was simple painted black I looked down to the gauntlets for the left it had 4 small holes that 4 sharp spikes would get shot out from placed on top of these holes was two small barrels one was for another flame through but the other one was for shooting small disk sized salls for the right gauntlet it had a small barrel for the claiming spikes placed next to it was another barrel for a blaster there was one last slot next to these barrels and it was for shooting them salls out from it placed on top of this was the device that could make a small energy shield I stopped at this armor and slowly started to walk around this armor the jet pack on the back of it was painted in that same black and dark blue my mother walked over to this one I could not see her face but I could tell she was smiling is this the armor you choose she asked I nodded saying yes I the look of this armor besides I feel like a connection to this armor like I have seen it before my mother nodded saying thats because you have that's my mothers armor I was shocked I looked to her asking this was grandmother, my mom, simply nodded yes it was this armor protected her my it protects you as well but enough talking let's get it on you I nodded and she helped me put on the armor it felt a little loose but I didn't know if that was done so I wasn't just the armor or that it wasn't my size my mother walked in front of me she looked me over how do I look I ask my mother nodded you look good sort of reminds me of her but there ant much time quickly choose a sword before you go I looked around the room my eyes feel on a plan looking bastard sword hilt I raised my hand and the hilt shot off the wall I activated it and what extended out from the hilt was a dark green long sword blade I moved the blade from side to side feeling the wait and it felt heavy like I was actually holding a real sword and not a hilt and a beam of hot light I nodded saying I choose you hello my new friend I dedicated the sword and put it on my belt my mother nodded saying know go you got a mission go kick ass for me I laughed saying mother I won't fail you and I ran out of the vault.

Fangs paint of view few minutes later in the control room of his ship - ok Helge are you sure this is where fallen star is I looked Helge who was also staring at the map she shrugged saying no sir I ant fully sure sense Hunter and I didn't use a map wall We were in the junkyard but it should be close enough I shook my head saying hopefully Heavy and Cortana can give us a update before we hit the junkyard ok I pushed a bottom that was on the wall which made a image of the map appear downstairs for the rest of the crow ok listen up I said we will be coming from the east here and I pointed at the map where a ship appeared on the map Heavy and Cortana is on the ground around here and I moved my hand in a circle where Helge thinks the mech was when Heavy and Cortana find that mech they will send us there coordinates when that happens we will move in and I moved my finger back to the ship and moved it down ones we get in range we will drop and connect the hooks to the mech and quickly leave you all might ask your self y are we trying to recover a old broken mech well the computers in that mecha has data on are packs where about but also the where about of the other packs out there this mecha can not fall into the wrong hands as we all know just before a mecha is destroyed there data is looked through then whipped and we all know the rich bastard that runs the junkyard I don't expect this to be easy but we got the element of surprise on our side they won't be expecting a ship to swoop down and pick up a broken mecha but in the off chance we can't get out without a fight then Rex and Rage will fly the mecha out of here and we will go throw the tunnels we got two tunnels in this junk yard we will split into two teams and head to these tunnels this is plan a but in the chance that the mecha has already been taken back to the furnace are plan changes then we will come in and infiltrate from the top goal is to disable the furnace in the north and I pointed to it we don't know what's on the inside or what force we will find just know that this place is locked down tight Gold has definitely spent a fortune on getting a lthe hi-grade security ones we are in we find the security room which will probably be in the middle of the furnace I heard a beeping noise I turned around to see a green button that was flashing at me I pushed it and on the map in the area where we thought the mecha was at in the middle of that circle a mecha appeared but that wasn't the only thing that appeared there was two ships that was gold merks they were protecting the mech I smiled saying the plan is ago when we fly in we will destroy the two ships after they are destroyed that is when we drop expect a fight these mercenaries are well armed so do not hold back shoot to kill Helge and I will when the first two hooks are on the mech remember Heavy and Corana is out there don't shoot them or if you do good luck cuz when we get back to base you wish you where died if they get a hold of you Rage turned around in her chair saying 1 minutes till we get to the wall I nodded saying you hear that yall one minute prepare yourselfs and I pushed a button behind me and the map disappeared I looked to Helge who hadn't really said much the hole way I put a hand on her shoulder and I could feel her shaking she had her helmet on but I assumed she was scared to death she looked at me don't worry you got nothing to be scared about Helge just stick close to me and shoot anything that shoots back I will keep a eye on you sense I think Hunter would kill me if I didn't come back with his partner she chuckled saying sir Fang you are wrong I ant shaking from fear no I am excited I life for this shit my mind want blank hearing her I laughed slapping a hand to my head saying how could I have forgot your crazy probably not as crazy as my son but your definitely up there seeing how your his partner and sense you have chosen him I stood up still chuckling I put my helmet on my head and walked to the stairs I stopped and glanced back to her saying come future daughter-in-law let's get this done so you and that crazy son of mine can start your training I chuckled and I walked down the stairs Helge followed the door opened and I walked into the storage hall everyone was sitting in the seats along the wall right then the room want dark the only lights was from a red light I heard Rex's voice flying over wall know get ready to drop when he said that I heard a creaking noise and the floor under the seats opened up the floor opened up all the way till there was only a path in the middle nothing more I glanced down and I seen junk piles moving my fast then I heard prow prow prow from are ship and a few moments later I heard two explosions moving over drop point good hunting yall make sure to say hi to the locals for me Rex said and the ship stopped moving and started hovering the red light turned green and the ground jumped off there chairs there jet packs slowing them down but even before they hit the ground they started shooting I seen many people in white armor fall are group hit the ground that's when people started firing back but the unite farmed up into a arrowhead formation and I seen more mercenaries fall I seen one hook get connected to one shoulder of the mecha which was connected to a long thick wire that was connected to the ship I saw the other hook connect to the other shoulder I turned back to Helge who held a shotgun machine gun that shot many warheads that gun will be a load but anyone that she hits will have a very bad day I took out the 1911 blaster pistols off my hip let's have some fun and I jump out of the ship my jetpack slowing me down I pointed my pistols down and started shooting by the time I hit the ground I shot 15 times with each blaster and I was just getting warmed I pointed my two blasters at a group of 6 that was shooting over a medium mecha leg they was targeting the two that was connecting the hooks I pulled the trigger and two means fell to the ground with shocking holes in there head wall the other to 4 took cover I used the radio in my helmet saying get those hooks on the damn mech know I heard rager back from them right then I heard a very load bowm bowm bowm I looked up to see Helge coming down she was painting at the group of 4 that took cover I looked back to them and I seen body parts Helge landed next go me saying damn I like this gun I shook my head but we took point in the formation but almost all the enemies was dead or dieing we all stayed in cover and in formation the last two hooks were secured I heard Rex say ok everyone gets your asses back to the ship we all looked up to take off but right then I heard a whistling noise I looked to the north and I saw 5 missiles coming from the furnace Rex missiles incoming I yelled the ship turned around to face the missiles and I heard the guns roar to life and I seen the missiles get shot out of the sky get your asses on the ship Rage yelled 7 ships incoming but before we could activate are jetpacks I heard the rattatatta of a machine gun and one of the wings on the ship got hit from behind I looked to the south to see a broken down light mecha my helmet magnified the distance and I seen a scrapper inside that broken down mech he wanted us to die so he could scrap are loot probably Fucking scrapper Rex go where moving to plan B rager that caption and I seen the drop doors shut and Rex shot off back east I turned to everyone else saying Heavy Cortana where are yall over here boss and I heard gunfire from there radio and there locations appeared on the map where moving to you I looked to everyone else saying let's move I said as I took off in their detection but that scraper in the broken mecha wasn't going to let it be that easy no he started firing at us he hit one of us luckily it was only a clip but then another not hit in the leg but we was almost there that is when Helge turned around in mid air and raised her shot gun I heard dosh dosh dosh dosh from her shot gun then I heard a explosion not before a shot hit her in the chest which made her spin in the air crash landing behind Cortana and Heavy we landed beside them shooting at the group of scrapers that they was fighting Cortana laughed saying nice of you to drop in Helge are you alright I heard a angry grall and Helge slowly got up holding her chest she was breathing hard she nodded yea I am fine but fuck that hurt Heavy chuckled saying it's better then death know get up and make ohmya go boom Helge side saying Ohmya huh she looked at the shotgun nodded ok lets make her go boom then and she pushed Cortana to the side and just the sheer noise from that bowm bowm bowm bowm would make anyone scared but mix that with it shooting throw metal and blowing off body parts and big holes in people that would make anyone scared and the scrappers ran away I turned to Heavy and Cortana saying Coryana talk half of our group to the closet tunnel Heavy will lead the other half to the other tunnel we got to move fast claps the entrance understood they nodded and the teamed split evenly 8 and 8 that's counting Helge and I with Heavy lets move see you back at home I said and we took off they going straight wall we want northwest we was half way there when I seen the ships being displayed from the furnace they was a simple gunner ship it had two blasters in the nose if the ships with holes below these for missiles they wasn't very big only about the size of a boat hell they even looked like a boat in an odd space steampunk way gunner ships I heard Heavy say over the radio I nodded saying yea keep moving we all have trained for this I put away my pistols I reached behind me and from the back of my belt I took off my sward I activated it the black blade extended out from it and in my other hand I pulled out two sticky bombs many people pulled out bombs and those who had laser swords activated them but it was only me 3 others Fives want with the other party and Heavy didn't us one Helge did but she raised her shotgun instead the gunner ships shot at us 5 incomings I said I heard laughter and it was from Helge she flew next to Heavy she passed him her shotgun sense Heavy's main machine gun was two hands and was hard to us in the air he put his Machine gun on his back taking the shotgun nodded and I seem the many machine gun on his shoulder activate I haven't seen that for a while when Heavy activates that little shoulder turret it's for good luck he calls it his good luck turret Helge grabbed the hilt on her belt and she activated it we was almost there but the ships would get to us before then they was about ontop of us green blaster shots shot are way I rolled over one I didn't have time to see how everyone else was doing cuz the ships was here I flipped over the ship that flew straight at me I stabbed my sword down into the ship which slowed me down but didn't stop me sense I waited till half of the ship had passed me I cut through the engine which shot off on him and that ship shot to the ground exploding two more also hit the ground exploding and one more just exploded in the air I turned around to see the tunnel follow me I said shooting down at the ground in front of the tunnel the others followed landing around me we ran to the tunnel but Helge who was the fastest tried to run unto the tunnel a invisible barrier which became visible when she hit it but it also shocked the hell out of her she hit the ground breathing I looked around yelling its a trap right them a blue barrier trapped us and three bright lights shinned down onto us from 3 medium mechs that rose up from scrap piles and they wasn't damaged at all but it wasn't just them I seen many mercenaries in that same white shitty armor run from there hiddy holes and surround the barrier one of these mecha walked forward and appearing in front of us was a blue hallowgram of a fat balding man in a fancy suit those buttons looked like they were about to shoot off the hand rings on every finger and a fancy watch on his left hand it also looked like it was about to break off the man smiled saying so your the group that has been causing me suck a headache so what do you get to say for your self for stealing and murdering on my land huh I dedicated my sword putting it on my belt stepped forward saying we haven't stolen anything from you all this junk is the government you may own the wall around it but nothing more the man laughed is that so well I gauss I will just turn you over to the public then they have been looking for a group of tourists that killed two cadets and blew up some of a school and stole 3 heavy mecha and many smaller mecha tell me was that you I shrugged saying no it wasn't us sorry friend the man shook his head saying is that so how unfortunate for you cuz you see and his hallowgram walked to the side I heard through the grapevine that the sun empire is looking for a group of people called leviathan who where full scale mail armor they would pay a pretty penny for your heads but even more then that they will pay double for each member that is captured alive and if I add onto of that the prise of all your armor and weapons he licked his fat lips I would be a very rich man indeed take them leave there equipment on them no point stripping them of that stuff since no one can escape are prison take them and the hallowgram disappeared and the mercenaries in the white armor raised their weapons their barrels passed through the barriers with ease and a let's just say they lit are asses up with stun shots we all got nocked out we didn't even have a chance.