

A few hours later the carriage was led through a small town where they stopped and entered a tavern.

Eating some food Elder Huang and he told Xiao Wuya "When we go to the Beast Continent it doesn't matter if you turn into your full Nine-Tailed Fox Form or you stay in your humanoid fox form. Most beasts that descend from a Divine Beast can transform from a humanoid form to a beast form but this sect is filled with those individuals so it won't be too uncommon."

Xiao Wuya nodded his head and said "That is good, I will try and stay hidden most of the time because I don't want my secrets to be exposed. I am going to go and practice some of the techniques I comprehended so please excuse me."

Xiao Wuya finished his food and left the tavern towards the outskirts of the town to start practicing the martial arts.

On Elder Huang's shoulders a snake engraved with a Control Array and an Observation Array appeared. He sent the snake to follow Xiao Wuya and protect him from the shadows.

Elder Huang then relaxed and took a sip of the tea in front of him, it wasn't very often that he could relax like this.

Xiao Wuya was on the outside practiced various martial arts and techniques, several kids saw the light emitted from each fist and kick from Xiao Wuya and they were mesmerized.

After a while Xiao Wuya collapsed to the ground with sweat covering his body and he started recovering his True Energies. He used the Nine-Tailed Qi Gathering Technique, Star Revolving Technique, and his Gate of True Energy to quickly recover his strength. A normal person who was at the peak of the Foundation Establishment Realm would take at least a day to recover but Xiao Wuya only took 25 minutes.

He used the Universal Suppression Seal to make sure none of his energy leaked out allowing him to cultivate at maximum efficiency.

Elder Huang walked over after Xiao Wuya stood up again and said "The horses were fed and rested, we can go now."

But before they could leave the heard a shout from the distance "Oh they are just lowly vagabond cultivators. I thought you told me some master came to our town."

Xiao Wuya saw a group of men walk over calding some armor and holding swords and sabers in their hands. Elder Huang's smiled and he leaned over to Xiao Wuya and said "You will take care of this problem. It will be a good learning experience for you since you are going to a sect with lots of competition."

Elder Huang waved his hand and a needle appeared in his hand, he then started picking out the food in between his teeth and started walking away while saying "Good luck Xiao Wuya, be sure to go easy on these townsfolk."

The leader of the group didn't hear any of their conversation so he and his group surrounded Xiao Wuya. The leader of the group stepped forward putting his saber on his shoulder and he looked at Xiao Wuya like prey "Little brat, I heard that you were using some techniques that emitted light and stuff. I am Xiao Da, young master of the Xiao Clan that rules this Xiao Clan Town. Give me your techniques and you can leave this place safely."

Xiao Wuya held his hand to his mouth as he started snickering trying to hold in his laughter. This 'young master' was the strongest in the group with only 3 gates broken while the rest of his goons only had 1 or 2 gates open.

Xiao Wuya simply raised his hand and gathered the Universe Suppressing Seal on his hand. The energy from the seal caused them to fall to the ground and writhe in immense pain. The entire group passed out only after 3 seconds giving them no room to retaliate.

Xiao Wuya put down his hands and walked away like nothing happened. The kids that were watching to the side were clapping and yelling at Xiao Wuya with excitement because somebody finally did something about this 'young master' that has been terrorizing the town.

Elder Huang saw Xiao Wuya walk over and asked "How did you take care of them?"

"I just suppressed them for 3 seconds and they passed out." Xiao Wuya responded with a hint of playfulness in his tone.

Elder Huang shook his head as he made the horse go forward and spoke "There will be people stronger than you in the sect. What will you do if they try to target you, after all there are quite a lot of secrets in your body even though you are so weak."

Xiao Wuya took a second to think "Well, I don't think that will happen in the first place. With my seal to block and aura from being released and me laying low it is a very low chance anyone even notices me. If there is someone that tries to make trouble for me in general I will first see if they have a reason, what the reason is, if it is unreasonable or not, and if it can be settled peacefully. If all that doesn't work then they can take my fist to their face."

"That is a good plan if people were all the same but that isn't reality. People come from different backgrounds and have different attitudes and values. Some people might be amiable and others arrogant, some hatred may be directly or indirectly your fault but you will slowly have to learn how to deal with that. In this world cultivation is the only power that truly matters but that doesn't mean cultivation is the only solution to every problem in the world. Just remember that cultivation isn't just a straight path that everyone walks down. Think about cultivation as a road and everyone starts at the beginning, at the beginning there are 2 ways to go, left or right, then after that there are 4 different ways you could go, and after that 16 different paths to go… everyone will chose to go a different way than everyone else so you must pick your path with a confident heart and keep going sprinting forward with a never ending conviction. Now go and practice your alchemy and arrays."

Elder Huang caused a lot of issues in Xiao Wuya's heart to be cleared up and so he bowed and said "Thank you Elder Huang for taking care of me. I see what I must do now."

Elder Huang laughed as he rubbed Xiao Wuya's head "Little brat, you only now see the greatness of this Elder. Now go on and practice there is no time to waste."

Elder Huang reactivated the Noise Cancelling Array went to the driver's seat of the carriage. Xiao Wuya grabbed a metal plate that Elder Huang placed on the seat for him to practice arrays. Elder Huang is very proficient in alchemy and arrays and is highly regarded in the Human Continent. One of the reasons he is so proficient is because of his Myriad Ice Flame Seed in his Dantian which allows him to create a flame that can be both incredibly hot and incredibly cold giving his pills and arrays that use the flame a very different boost in quality.

He created a Myriad Ice Flame seed in Xiao Wuya's Dantian many years ago but Xiao Wuya wasn't able to use it due to his lack of energy. Now that he reached the peak of the Foundation Establishment Realm he could use the Myriad Ice Flame Seed and the Origin Crucible to refine top tier pills that he could use and sell just like Elder Huang.

He practiced inscriptions for a while doing various defense, offense, and miscellaneous arrays that would help him in the future.

He then used some of the spirit herbs and spirit plants that were in his Storage Ring and used the Origin Crucible with the Myriad Ice Flame Seed to create some Energy Recovery Pills and Injury Recovery Pills for future use.

The ranking for a pill purity was determined from the amount of rings it has, and each of these pills had 9 out of the 9 total rings a pill could have meaning they were all superior pills. Xiao Wuya thought this was normal since Elder Huang made them all the time but he had no idea that only a Pill Emperor, a pinnacle of the Alchemy World, could do such a thing.

Even Elder Huang in the back could create them that easily and was surprised to see Xiao Wuya who was using a common pill formula with common Spirit Herbs create 9 ring pills. He then realised it was due to both the skill of Xiao Wuya's control of his flame and Energy that allowed it to rise beyond the level that was known possible.

The levels of alchemy are Pill Apostle, Pill Apprentice, Pill Master, Pill King, Pill Ancestor, and Pill Emperor. Being a Pill Emperor causes everyone to respect that person and anyone who dared offend a Pill Emperor would become an enemy of the Alchemy world and most cultivators.

The carriage kept moving forward at a fast pace as Xiao Wuya practiced his skills and Elder Huang hummed a song.