
The Sound of Harmony

Sapphire and Echo must overcome the forces of Dr. Hurricanes evil creations.

That_One_4565 · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Episode 4

I can't focus! I can't even read my music properly! Ugh! I don't know what to do. Should I tell someone? Or keep it a secret? I don't want to upset Sapphire, but at the same time I don't know how to deal with becoming Echo. My dads shop isn't doing to well. Big chain stores keep moving in and my dad can't keep up with the demand. And, where's Archer?! Archers never late. We've been best friends since the sixth grade. He always knows how to cheer me up.

"Hey bro!"

"Hey Archer! Where have you been?"

"Oh you know, just running some errands."

"On a school morning?! But you're never late!" I say suspiciously

"Dude, chill out everything's fine!"

"Alright if you say so.."

The bell rings and we go our separate ways. I have math first so I'm already dreading the day. But, it's okay because Rosie's in that class. "Shes so beautiful and talented and smart and the list goes on." I think to myself. But, I'll never be able to bring myself to tell her that. I'm too awkward all the time. I can talk to her but I always tense up a little.

"Oh hey Daniel!"

"OH! Ah haha heyy Rosie!"

"Ya ready for class?"

"Uhh class? Oh right math! Yeah of course!"

"Great! Let's go!"

My heart is pounding out of my chest! I almost forgot what class was for a minute!

Class ends and Rosie and I were talking.

"Oh my god that test is going to be a nightmare! I'm horrible at math and it all just fogs together!" She says as she sits down in a huff. "My moms going to kill me if I fail!"

"Well, I could help you, if you want?" I ask

"Really!?! That would amazing! Oh! Thank you, thank you thank you!" She says as she gave me a hug.

"Great! How about at my place?!" She asks.

"Umm sure!" I say.

Oh my god! I can't believe it! Rosie Tillman just gave me a hug! And I'm going to her house! This has to be the greatest day of my life! As I think this Rosie says "Hey nice bracelet! Where'd you get it?"

I panicked what am I supposed to say that I got it from a mystical figure in darkness. "Oh, haha Umm my mom made it for me when I was a baby." Whew! That was a close one.

"Oh that's so cool! I just thought it looked familiar! That's all!" She said


It's around 5:00pm, and I knock on Rosies door. She answers with the most gorgeous smile.

"Hey Daniel! Come on in!" She says.

"Wow your house is so nice!" I say


We walk up a flight of stairs and then another narrower flight to get to her room. It's in the attic. It's purple, with flowers and plants everywhere. Her bed was in the corner with white desk next to it. Just as I imagined.

The room is filled with light from the windows and she has a couple of bean bags in the other corner.

We sit down on her bean bags and she says

"Okay where do we start?"

"Well the test is on Quadratics so let's start with the formula."

"Okay!" She says happily.

The night goes on and 2 hours later we still haven't finished.


"AAAH! What was that!" Rosie screamed.

"I don't know?! I'll go check. You stay here okay?" I say.



"Well crap! If I leave and Sapphire shows up. Daniel will definitely know it's me." I think to myself. "But I have to see what's going on."

As I step outside I notice Echo is already there fighting A giant blob!


I run up to Echo. "Oh hey Sapphire! What's goin on?"

"Now is not the time for chit chat Echo!" I say annoyed.

"You didn't have to come! I've got this handled!"


"Echo! You almost got smushed by the things arm! You definitely do not have it handled! "

"Okay okay! I need you!"

"Thanks for admitting it but I already knew that! So, what are we going to do about this thing?!" I say

"Well I was thinking we could blow it up!" Echo says excitedly.

"Would you like to do the honors Echo?"

"Gladly!" He says and then used his magic musical notes to make the blob explode!

I then quickly ran off and changed back so I could get back in the house.


"Jeez that was tough!" "Oh no Rosie! I hope she's okay!"

"Rosie!? Rosie?!"


"Oh my god Rosie are you okay?! You just disappeared?!" I say

"Yes yes I'm fine. You didn't come back for a few minutes so I thought you were taken so I ran and hid! Thank god you're okay though! What happened to you?!"

"I was trying to see where that loud noise came from but I couldn't find it!" I say nervously.

"Good you weren't hurt!" As Rosie said this she hugged me again! Two hugs in one day! Wow! This really is the best day of my life!

"Okay well I really should be going home now bye Rosie!"

"Bye Daniel thanks again!"