
Falling for a stranger

Alice ran back to the village. The rain poured over her wavy hair, her eyes turned to a light blue for better vision, even her skin felt more soft towards the drips of the rain. No one was out anymore, the night creatures were only at bay. She stopped and listened to the sound of silence. "Hello?" A familiar voice called out to her. Her wet hair whipped towards the voice. "Alice?" The boy walked closer till their eyes met once again. "Oh! Hey Neji, I didn't notice you for a second," she smiled happily. Neji wasn't too happy, his eyes narrowed to the mark on her cheek. "What's that?" He gently touched the mark, Alice hissed. "That hurts!" She moved back and rubbed her cheek, the sting of the whip still lingered on her skin. "Sorry! Would you like some cream for that?" He moved closer, his warm hands touched her arms, she gave a small nod. Neji took her hand and started to walk to his house, "no one is awake, I can help you here," he brings her inside and sits her down on the couch.

He quickly, silent as a church mouse, found cream. "Okay, hold still, this might hurt," he sits down on across from Alice. She gulped a bit as his fingers touched the mark. Neji gently rubbed in the cream and the pain soon went away. Alice sighed in relief. A warm smiles waved across her face. "Thank you," she looked away. He kissed her other cheek and nodded. "Your welcome," he got up and stretched. Alices face was as red as the blood sea, she got up and looked down. "Um....may I stay here for the night?" She thought of her sleeping father. Neji looked at Alice, his face was pink. "S-sure" he stuttered. Neji took her hand and led her to his room. "You can sleep here," he takes out a blanket and a pillow, slowly he placed the blanket and pillow on the floor. "Oh is that for me?" She looked at the floor bed. "No, that's for me, you can take my bed," he blushed. Alice felt bad for using his bed, but she wasn't up for a fight. She yawned silently and slipped off her shoes. Sliding in bed, she stared up at the wood ceiling. Before she wondered off to sleep, she heard Neji's tiered voice, "good night," then silence again. Alice slowly fell asleep afraid of what might happen next.