
The birth

Alexander hellfire was born in the family of the Emperor of Hellfire Empire which was located in the Alvion continent on the planet of star-kill which is located some millions to billions of light-years away from the milky way galaxy in another galaxy which by its inhabitants was known as the Starfire galaxy the reason behind it was that it a had five gigantic stars of five different colors which were burning down almost anything sent near them in a matter of minutes. So, the galaxy was named the star fire galaxy due to the presence of ever-burning five stars in the galaxy who formed a star-like formation due to their position in the galaxy.

Out of the hundreds of millions of planets in the galaxy which were divided into four types: low-level worlds, mid-level worlds, high-level worlds to Mega level worlds who almost every time under the control of different factions who ruled the galaxy in peace with each other not that they wanted but were forced to do so because they had factions that were looking for an opportunity to eat them all up if any moment of weakness or distraction was found in the galaxy. The galaxy itself was nothing in the grand schemes of things but who couldn't like a free tasty meal but certain things always stopped them from doing so.

As for who was the one which stopped them from fulfilling their greed it was only known to certain people who were at the very top echelons of the factions surrounding the star-fire galaxy. That's enough knowledge about the galaxy itself. The star-kill planet is in itself a low-level planet under the jurisdiction of a Mid-level planet which has many low-level planets under it who are almost independent to the inferences to its own workings but they have to give a huge amount of tax for maintaining the independence which is compulsory and cannot be avoided at any cost. The population of the planet was very diverse in many ways as it had many races that were similar to humans but also very different there were beast people who had the blood of divine beasts in their veins although very diluted, The vampire race for example was the prominent race ruling the beast people due high-level generation factor, long life, and incredible strength. The dwarfs ruled their continent with neighbor elves who were best of best in archery and potion making due to their close relation to nature itself and humans were ruled by people of their own kind with their own ruler but had the lowest buffs on the planet but were able to survive and thrive to there crafty and creative nature which helped them in thriving in almost in every type of habitat.

Emperor Leonard the third felt like he was the happiest man in the world as he was just minutes away from becoming a father which was giving him major anxiety as he wads never became before this and didn't know how to raise a child properly but had enough belief in himself to stop thinking about it for the moment and focus on the matter in front of him which was the safe delivery of his firstborn and safety of his wife for which he had called the best doctors in his Empire and also all the famous doctors around the planet.

Just moments away from the moment the empress went into labor dark clouds started to gather and the wind started to blow heavily lightning started to crackle all around the planet and fall on the ground causing people to shut their doors and windows while no dared to go outside due to heavy rain and thunder but empress and emperor had no awareness about it as they were moments away from getting the most precious treasure of their life.

Suddenly the empress muscles contracted and a head popped " Keep applying mistress the baby is coming out don't stop or it will hurt the baby" said maid 1 " Yes, yes mistress keep on going you can do it " said maid 2 the empress a little angry looked at the ceiling for a moment and started applying pressure again moments later the baby popped out completely from the empresses body and doctors did their thing and two minutes later the mother saw the baby for the first time while tears of happiness started to come out of her eyes.

The new born child was in deep sleep after crying his eyes out the father of the child quietly came in the room and took the baby from the mother for while looking at the newborn baby in silence then burst into laughter and said " That's my boy the son of the emperor of the greatest empire and the future ruler of my empire look how beautiful you are looking even the same face as mine with eyes red as roses and beauty transcending the moon in the night sky" the emperor continued to talk bullshit despite the looks he was getting from the people in the room and magically the rain which was wrecking havoc outside is gone and sun is shining bright in the sky rain clouds had started dispersing.