
Growing up

In the capital city of the hellfire empire, there was a majestic palace where the Emperor and royal family lived it spanned about hundreds of kilometers alone by itself but despite its massive size only a certain amount of people were allowed access to its grounds who were mainly relatives of the emperor and high ranking nobles of the empire and lastly the servants living in the massive palace and luxury buildings surrounding it. In a certain room in the palace, there was a cute little child lying in a cradle looking at the ceiling with tiny eyes.

Suddenly a middle-aged man breaks into the room and starts carrying the child in his arms and after a while starts laughing while looking at the child " what a good looking son I have you are the most child that I saw in my life even better looking than me in my toddlers years my sweet little son", the king continued to blabber on and on how good looking he was in his childhood and talented he was in everything he did which was some bullshit he made up to just shamelessly praise himself about his qualities which he knew was some lies he invented. A woman came into the room and looked towards the man who just shamelessly praising himself in front of his own son and smiled then said with a threatening gaze," my dear husband can you stop yourself from corrupting with your self praising ability I don't want him to become a shameless man like you," the man looked at his wife and stoped his shameless blabbering to not anger his wife. Then a young man came into the room and said to the emperor and empress that the birthday party of the young emperor is about to start and all the important guests have arrived and requested them to arrive as soon as possible then left leaving the couple and child alone to let them prepare for the party gathering.

In a majestic hall made with gold, silver, and precious gems embedded in the walls many people gathered from highest-ranking archdukes and to the lowest ranking nobles were there excited to see the young king of there's who no one was allowed to see till this day as the emperor always behind the walls of the palace for an entire year. This gathering called by the emperor is the only chance they have to see their young emperor and they all wanted to know how their young ruler looked like and just anything about him as they knew their future will be dependent on the young ruler himself as they knew all of the empire's future was depended on him and he may himself alone can cause the rise and fall of the empire.

soon a middle-age came and sat on the throne of the emperor and everyone went silent with that no one dared to talk in the presence of the man who ruled the biggest empire of the continent all by himself without his permission first.

" Start the celebration " the emperor said in a heavy and majestic after which the true celebration party with everyone enjoying party envrionment and each others company.