
The Son of Marvel

What happens when a random working joe dies on the job, and the poor schmuck doesn't even realize it. That is when this particular putz wakes up from his perceived nap to a completely different perspective and a whole new world to be completely normal. What this guy doesn't realize is that this new world is far from normal. (I am a new writer so bear with me, and because of my American public-school education even though English is my native language. Grammar and punctuation is not my strong point.) No harem and some lite romance elements

UnlimitedRage · Movies
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42 Chs

Chapter 4

POV Nick J Fury(lord of the spies)

Nick Fury's fingers tapped impatiently on his desk as he stared at the secure line blinking on his monitor. He reached for the special sat phone, the one with a direct line only a few had access to. As the call connected, Agent Phil Coulson's voice came through.


"What the hell happened, Coulson?" Fury's voice was sharp, a mix of frustration and concern. "How did our surveillance get compromised? We had eyes on that family."

Coulson's voice was even, but there was an underlying tension. "It seems the kid has some tricks up his sleeve, Director. Our agents didn't stand a chance. He... incapacitated them, took them out swiftly."

Fury's eye narrowed. "Incapacitated? He's just a kid."

Coulson's tone remained steady. "He's more than that, Director. He's got some kind of advanced abilities – speed, strength, something akin to superpowers."

Fury's grip on the phone tightened. "And what's his game? Is he a threat?"

Coulson's pause was measured. "He claims he wants to protect his family, work with us. Wants a partnership, not an enemy."

Fury's skepticism was evident. "You buying that, Coulson?"

Coulson's voice remained neutral. "I'm cautiously considering it, Director. He's smart, and he's got potential. But I won't let my guard down."

Fury's thoughts raced as he considered the situation. "I want a full analysis on this kid. His strengths, weaknesses, any vulnerabilities. And Coulson, if he turns out to be a threat, I want a contingency plan. Neutralize him if necessary."

Coulson's voice was firm. "Understood, Director. I'll gather all available intel and keep a close watch on him."

Fury's eye bore into the screen, his caution overriding any other emotions. "This kid could be a game-changer, Coulson. We can't afford any surprises. Keep me updated."

The call ended, leaving Fury with a weighty sense of unease. He was no stranger to dealing with extraordinary individuals, but this situation felt different. As he leaned back in his chair, plans for every possible outcome raced through his mind. This kid – Jason – could be an ally or a formidable adversary. Either way, Fury was prepared to do whatever it took to ensure the safety of the world, even if it meant facing a new breed of power head-on.

POV Jason

I stand in the fields, my senses attuned to the distant hum of a helicopter. My instincts are on high alert, and as the sound grows louder, I know that the man approaching is none other than Director Nick Fury himself. He's coming to see me, to gauge my abilities, and to decide if I'm an ally or a threat.

I've heard about S.H.I.E.L.D.'s cautious nature, their ability to turn allies into assets, and assets into liabilities. I know that Fury's no fool – he won't be easily swayed. I've also seen the shadows lurking within the organization, the hidden enemies, the Hydra agents that even S.H.I.E.L.D. might not be fully aware of. I've gathered evidence of their presence, proof of their infiltration.

As the helicopter lands in the distance, I prepare myself. My heart races, my mind sharpens. I can't afford to show all my cards to Fury, to let him know the full extent of my abilities. I need to maintain some independence, to ensure that I have a say in this alliance.

Fury steps out of the helicopter, his eye fixed on me. I approach him, a mixture of confidence and respect in my stance. "Director Fury."

He nods, his expression guarded. "Jason."

I get straight to the point. "I have conditions, Director. I'll offer my assistance, protect my family and help S.H.I.E.L.D., but only if you meet my terms."

Fury's eyebrow raises, but he remains composed. "And what are your terms?"

I take a breath, my voice steady. "I need your assurance that my family will be safe, that they'll never be used against me. And I want your commitment to teach me – martial arts, tactics, strategy. Help me control my abilities, use them for good."

Fury studies me, his eye assessing. "You're asking for a lot, kid."

"I'm offering a lot too, Director. I've seen the rot within S.H.I.E.L.D., the Hydra agents lurking. I can give you their names, their plans. But only if you agree to my conditions."

Fury's silence is heavy, and I can almost see the gears turning in his mind. "Proof, Jason. Show me what you can do. Then we'll talk."

With a nod, I shift into action. Using my super speed, I retrieve the incapacitated agents from their scattered locations, bringing them before Fury. He watches in silence as I lay them out, evidence of my power and my potential value.

Fury's lips press into a thin line, his skepticism warring with something else – maybe curiosity, maybe the realization of the threat within his own ranks. "Coulson," he murmurs into his earpiece, "get down here. You need to see this."

Agent Phil Coulson appears at Fury's side, his eyes widening as he takes in the scene. I can sense his surprise, his wariness, but also a glimmer of hope.

Fury's gaze shifts back to me, his voice low. "You've got my attention, kid. Let's talk."

And so, under the watchful eyes of Fury and Coulson, I lay out my terms, my conditions. As the conversation unfolds, I can see the layers of caution and skepticism gradually giving way to something else – a begrudging respect, maybe even a hint of trust. It won't be easy, but if I can prove my worth, show them that I'm not just a powerful force, but a responsible one, then maybe – just maybe – I can secure the protection of my family, forge an alliance, and play my part in shaping a new chapter in this world of heroes and secrets.