
The Son of Marvel

What happens when a random working joe dies on the job, and the poor schmuck doesn't even realize it. That is when this particular putz wakes up from his perceived nap to a completely different perspective and a whole new world to be completely normal. What this guy doesn't realize is that this new world is far from normal. (I am a new writer so bear with me, and because of my American public-school education even though English is my native language. Grammar and punctuation is not my strong point.) No harem and some lite romance elements

UnlimitedRage · Movies
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42 Chs

Chapter 10

POV Jason

Over the span of two years, Jason Vega had undergone an astonishing transformation. The year was now 2010, and his powers had grown exponentially since his early days as Vega. Every passing moment seemed to bring him closer to the full extent of his capabilities, and he felt the surge of boundless energy coursing through his veins.

As he patrolled the skies above continents and countries, Vega had become a beacon of hope and justice to those in need. The people's cries for help served as a magnetic force that drew him toward danger, his presence heralded by the resounding boom of his supersonic flight. The distinctive V emblazoned on his chest became synonymous with salvation, inspiring courage in the innocent and striking fear into the hearts of criminals.

Vega's expeditions beyond Earth's atmosphere had become more frequent, a testament to his unyielding determination to unlock the full potential of his Kryptonian heritage. With each journey, he could feel the sun's rays infusing him with strength and power, enabling him to push his limits further than before. Yet, alongside this newfound might came an ever-present awareness of the responsibility that came with it.

Control was his constant companion, a vigilant presence in his thoughts. With just a hushed breath or a measured exhale, Vega had the power to reshape his surroundings. The sheer force he wielded had the potential to freeze lakes, topple structures, or devastate landscapes. The challenge lay in mastering his abilities, in learning how to harness his immense strength without inadvertently causing harm.

In the heart of his training, under the guidance of Agent Coulson, Vega dedicated himself to honing his control over his powers. Each movement, each action, was a careful dance of precision and restraint. Coulson's wisdom and guidance provided him with the tools to navigate the delicate balance between strength and control, ensuring that his actions would bring about positive change without unintentional consequences.

One day, as the year 2010 dawned, Jason Vega embarked on an extraordinary journey beyond Earth's atmosphere. His gaze was fixed on the sun, his destination, his very source of power and strength. The air around him crackled with energy as he accelerated, breaking through the atmosphere and hurtling toward the luminous star.

As he drew closer to the sun, basking in its radiance, Vega's senses sharpened, and he became acutely aware of a disturbance in the cosmic equilibrium. It was a feeling, a nagging intuition that something was amiss. His instincts went into overdrive, his eyes scanning the vastness of space around him.

Suddenly, a shimmering anomaly appeared before him, coalescing into the menacing form of a Kree battleship. Vega's eyes narrowed as he recognized the alien vessel, its sleek design and advanced weaponry unmistakable. The Kree were a force to be reckoned with, a formidable species known for their technological prowess and ruthless determination.

The battleship's cannons blazed to life, firing bolts of energy toward Vega. With incredible speed, he weaved and darted through the onslaught, his reflexes honed by years of training and experience. As the energy blasts whizzed past him, he focused his gaze on the Kree vessel, his vision sharpened to pinpoint accuracy.

With a burst of heat vision, Vega's eyes emitted intense beams of energy that sliced through the battleship's hull, causing it to shudder and erupt in a brilliant display of explosions. Yet, his victory was short-lived as more Kree ships materialized around him, encircling him like a pack of predators.

The battle raged on, Vega's movements a blur of crimson and black against the backdrop of space. He employed his super speed to outmaneuver his adversaries, his fists and feet striking with precision and force. He deflected energy blasts with ease, his body a living testament to the indomitable strength he possessed.

Amidst the chaos, Vega heard the voice of the Kree captain resonating through the void, accusing him of being Captain Marvel, a champion of Earth known to the stars. Vega's frustration grew as he attempted to communicate that he was not the Kree warrior they sought. But his words were lost in the maelstrom of battle.

Just as the Kree battleships intensified their assault, a brilliant burst of light erupted on Earth's surface below. Vega's heightened senses picked up the signature repulsor beams of Iron Man, heralding the arrival of another defender of Earth. While Vega was too preoccupied to assist, he felt a sense of camaraderie with the hero's presence.

With renewed determination, Vega continued to hold his ground against the Kree onslaught. His movements were fluid and graceful, a ballet of power and finesse. Gradually, his relentless assault began to take its toll on the Kree fleet, their vessels succumbing to the might of his Kryptonian abilities.

As the last Kree battleship crumbled under his onslaught, Vega hovered amidst the wreckage, his chest heaving with exertion. The silence of space surrounded him, broken only by the faint echoes of distant battles. The realization hit him with newfound clarity—the universe was vast, filled with both wonders and dangers, and Earth was but a speck within it.

The memory of the Kree encounter served as a stark reminder of the challenges that lay beyond his home planet. Vega understood that his mission extended beyond the confines of Earth, encompassing the protection of all life from cosmic threats. And as his gaze shifted back toward the sun, he felt an unshakable resolve. For he knew that his journey was far from over, and the trials he faced were only a prelude to the ultimate confrontation that loomed on the horizon—Thanos, a name that echoed with a sense of foreboding and a destiny that Vega was determined to shape with his own hands.

With the Kree battleships vanquished and the stars still glimmering in the inky expanse, Vega's determined gaze turned back toward the life-giving sun. He descended gracefully, his body enveloped by the sun's radiant energy. The golden light embraced him, its warmth seeping into his very being. As he plunged deeper into the sun's corona, a sensation of immense power washed over him, like a torrent of cosmic energy coursing through his veins.

For weeks that felt like fleeting moments, Vega immersed himself in the heart of the sun, his thoughts and reflections as radiant as the celestial fire that surrounded him. He contemplated his origins, the weight of his responsibilities, and the purpose that had driven him thus far. His mind became a crucible of thought, and with each passing day, he felt his connection to the universe strengthening, transcending the boundaries of his mortal form.

In the midst of this solar crucible, Vega's abilities underwent an awe-inspiring transformation. His strength, once formidable, surged to unimaginable levels, his muscles rippling with power beyond measure. His speed became a blur of motion, his movements more fluid and instinctive than ever before. His eyes blazed with a newfound intensity, his heat vision now capable of releasing beams that could rival the very sun he bathed in.

As the days turned into weeks, Vega's meditation deepened, and his connection to the sun's energy grew more profound. He could feel the boundless power coursing through him, a force that transcended the physical world and touched upon the essence of creation itself. With each breath, he absorbed the sun's energy, his body and soul becoming conduits of an immeasurable force.

Eventually, as Vega's solar journey reached its zenith, he emerged from the sun's embrace, his form shimmering with an ethereal radiance. His presence was now a beacon of incandescent energy, his aura an embodiment of hope and power. With newfound purpose, he soared back toward Earth, his speed eclipsing even his previous limits.

As Vega returned to the familiar embrace of Earth's atmosphere, his landing was accompanied by a resounding sonic boom that echoed across the skies. He touched down with grace, his feet barely making a dent in the earth beneath him. His eyes glowed with an otherworldly light, his every movement a testament to the boundless strength that now surged within him.

Standing amidst the natural beauty of his home, Vega took a moment to center himself. He felt the weight of the universe on his shoulders, a responsibility that had only grown with his newfound power. He knew that even the might he had gained from the sun's dip might not be enough to face the challenges that lay ahead. But he was resolute, his determination unwavering.

With a final glance toward the sun that had granted him this unparalleled gift, Vega took to the skies once more. His heart was alight with purpose, and as he soared above the world he vowed to protect, he carried with him the boundless strength of a star, the unwavering resolve of a hero, and the unquenchable hope of a symbol that would shine brightly in the face of any darkness.