
The son of a god

After the chaos war between the strongest being that ever existed, the universe was broken into fragments and this beings who fought the war took each fragment for them self. Orton, the chaos being of end and beginning too a fragment where she hid her children and strengthen them to grow stronger before going into slumber. Many unkwon year's after the war, a complete being was born who had Orton's soul force and blood in him, along the way to save his planet and earth; he met people who will assist him in carrying the weights on his shoulder and help him complete his almost impossible task... Will the complete being, lucian be able to accomplish his task as the 'son of a god' or will he let the humans and beings who put their fate in him down...follow along lucian's adventure of Romance, war, adventures and betrayal as he strive to become the god of war and be the strongest being that ever existed....

Ilovebigsister · Fantasy
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41 Chs

A new side of life.

After a very long persuasion and pleading of what seems like an eternity. Emera decided to follow lucian to the eastern continent on several conditions.

"you will make a stop when I want to, you will carry the luggage and prepare the food, you will buy me what ever catches my interest when we get there, and I won't go to any of your little errands no matter what you say. All in all, you are to give me absolute respect while providing all my needs".

It wasn't a very difficult condition but what would Nari think when she sees Him acting all respectful to Emera.

"sigh... " he was out of words and even the energy to demand a reconsider of Emera's conditions.

"what did you say? " Emera asked. She learned from her teacher, lucian's father, that an agreement could only be sealed if both sides agree to it, and sighing isn't part of an agreement.

"okay...but are you really okay to order your prince around like that? " Lucian asked. He wanted to use his position to make Emera change her mind concerning the 'absolute respect 'which he is to give her.

"hmph...you think I give a damn about that?" she asked, "I had rather not go with you than I be your errand boy " she said.

"y-you...are you really a boy? " Lucian asked confused.

Emera looked at her chest, then felt her face. For some reason she felt insulted "what do you mean?! " she asked with literal vein coming out of her head.

She knew she wasn't the most beautiful but she is beautiful enough, and even though the lump on her chest wasn't all that big, she had not gone past the age of puberty. "I am still in my puberty goddam it. How can you body shame a person" she screamed out in annoyance

"you said 'I had rather not go than I be your errand boy'. " lucian quoted her saying. He was indifferent to her display of anger, "I mean...you said it your self ". He whispered that to himself. He may get pretend to be indifferent to Emera's anger, but that was just him trying to act cool, he still remembered Emera kicking his ass without effort.

Emera seemed to realize that she caused the misunderstanding her self so she decided to pardon lucian's word as a bigger person.

"I believe I am the bigger person here" she coughed slightly to stop the awkwardness she feel " but seriously, do you take me for a male? " Emera asked with a look that says 'you better not say something stupid'.

'you are threatening me and still expect me to answer ' Lucian had sweat coming down his body 'I really need to get strong, and fast' he resolved but the truth is, he sees Emera as a beautiful lady as well

"to be honest...you are beautiful enough to turn a man's heart" he said but waited for her to react but there was nothing on her face 'this monster' he wanted to tell that outside 'how can she do this to a prince? ' but he wouldn't dare. "but...never mind" he stopped himself when he felt Emera's breath on his skin.

Emera blushed at lucian's confession she turned facing her back towards him. It's not that she didn't want to say anything, but she was too shocked to say it, though lucian's praise of her beauty is just a normal statement usually used by the scoundrel of a man to woo an innocent maiden like her, she couldn't shake it off due to it being the first time a person told her that.

" I am leaving. We will depart when my master, your father has impacted the knowledge he wishes to share with me" Emera said leaving the hall in quick steps so as not for lucian to notice her predicament.

"her ear was definitely red" lucian said as he watched her leave in huried step. There was an awkward silence in the hall but he left it at that "even if she's sick...well, the medical team are there to take care of that. But does she fall sick? " that was a question onl y Emera could answer.


"so you finally did it? " Adam sighed after getting the meaning behind Ray's confession. He wasn't all that worried about Ray's decision but he felt a strong headache when he finally realized how far Ray would go for none pureblood "this is bad"he said rubbing his forehead with his palm. He would have really want to celebrate the council being dissolved it not in this period of war

"your brother will use this against you as justification for the war" Adam said.

"why? " Ray asked confused. Eliminating the council has no involvement in the war with his brother.

"the council has lots of power and backings among the pureblood's. Do you think they wouldn't join your brother in his rebellion when they awoke from slumber? " Adam asked. He knew Ray not to think before he act but to act before he think. They were never on the same page through out his training as a knight and Ray's training as a future king, it also came as a surprise to him when Ray succeeded in his usurping the throne from the former great king of Orton without telling him.

"oh, I thought about that already "Ray answered to his question. Ray wasn't all that bothered about his friend's lack of etiquette. Everyone knows to leave a few moment out for who ever you are talking to to explain him or herself before drawing conclusions.

"what...! " Adam exclaimed in surprise. He would not believe it a million time if a person was to tell him that Ray thought before he took an action.

"Are you sure of that? " Adam asked.

"mhmm... " he answered nodding his head "very sure" he added.

"I am not sure you did...if you did, you would not had killed the council members " Adam said with disdain written all over his face.

"they won't awoken this time" Ray said with confidence.

Adam raised an eyebrow in Ray's confidence 'where di he see that from? ' he thought 'well never mind'. Ray might be an idiot but he is always sure of what he say's, especially when he has that look on his face.

"how are you so sure of that? " Adam asked.

"of what? " .

Adam thought his friend was playing joke on him until he saw how confused he truly was "are you dumb? ".

"No..." Ray answered. He did not understand why Adam changed a friendly conversation into an insult filled question.

"we were talking about something now" Adam reminded.

"oh...i killed them with the furies weapon " he explained.

"so you gave them true death...sigh...then why didn't you tell me since? " Adam asked. He felt wrong for worrying for nothing.

"I tried telling you, but you kept saying things your own way " Ray answered.

Vein threatened to burst out of Adam's head but he held it in " lets keep that apart, but gave you considered what would happen to your student if what you ask of me failed? " Adam asked.

"...no... " Ray answered briefly.

"...sigh... " Adam hit his forehead again. He thought he would have a serious headache after this conversation with Ray.

"are you fucking kidding me" Adam yelled, picking word for word in his anger and frustration.

" she won't die " .

"and how are you sure of that? " Adam asked "well, never mind" Adam cut I'm short from speaking. He really didn't want to hear the answer. "let's go perform the ritual for your student" Adam saidas he waited to Ray to teleport them to a secluded place so that he could prepare the ritual before performing it on Ray's student.

This is definitely too long for me, but I will keep trying to make it this long.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! Vote with your power stone! And rate my book for daily update.

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