
The birth of a new supreme being

Have you ever took your time to watch a magic realism movie before, anime, or cartoons? All the mentioned art have one thing in common when it comes to magic, there are always weird shows and diagram with strange written words in it. Some will call it runes, others will call it ancient language, but we all come to agree that those written texts in those weird shapes and diagram are the real power connector to magic.

Magic...well, I can definitely not put it in simple words.

Some call magic the ability to influence the universe in a certain way. Others call it the ancient language to manifest one will while some call it the ability to use one's emotion's to shape their desires effect.

Witches exist as well as wizards, those two are the same entity (they use magic) but do you know? That magic originated from a single human. They call him Adam, the first human to ever exist and lilith, the first woman with the strongest magic to ever exist. Adam followed the part of wizardry. He did not have such strong emotions to use witches magic so he opted to use wands and long spells. Lilith became a witch. Fueled by her revenge, she wanted to wage war against her creator but ultimately failed so she searched for another who could hide her from her creators reach. she met a man which she named after her first husband, a being who wielded power never seen before in her universe, he was also interested in her. she taught him magic in exchange for protection against harm from her creator, and that was how their story began which will be told latter, but remember...in every story, there is a betrayal.

"what are you drawing? "Ray asked. He tried comprehending it but he could not, it really caused him headache so he had no choice but to ask before it gets worse.

"did I tell you or not to keep quiet? " Adam asked with annoyance written on his face. Before Ray went to bring his precious srudent, he sang a long poem of how Ray should be quiet through out the ritual preparations, but just like always, Ray did not listen.

"well...you won't blame me for asking. Anyone would do the same if the we're to be in my shoes" Ray justified himself. He believed he did the right thing by asking even though it was wrong.

This annoyed Adam even more but then he went back to drawing his shape all over again "please, be quiet this time, for the sake of your student at least " Adam pleaded.

He drew a very large cycle on the ground with a triangle in the middle, then he wrote some strange letters which couldn't be understood but would surly be taken as runes, at the edge of the circle were other small circles where the hand and leg would be placed.

"I am done " Adam released a sigh of relief when he finished his drawing, he went over it again to check if there was any error but he found none.

"you must be Ray student? " he asked a girl with short blue hair cut to her ear. Only when he was done with his weird shapes and design mixed with even weirder letters did he notice her.

" yes, my name is Emera" she bowed slightly while introducing her self.

"she is a well brought up young lady, isn't se!? " Adam nod his head in approval when he saw how polite and well mannered Emera was"unlike a scoundrel who lacks etiquette in what ever he does. " he added facing no one in particular.

"oy..." Ray called out angrily. Only a fool would not notice who Adam was talking about.

"did you see your self as that fool? "Adam mde an innocent expression that read 'I wasn't talking to you though', that expression would have been believed if he didn't have a mocking smile on.

"are you mocking me?! " Ray asked in annoyance, but he decided not to ask any further when he saw Adam's mischievous smile.

"may I ask why this ritual is necessary? " Emera asked, since wasn't briefed on the reason she had to undergo this ritual or whatever.

"Ray did not brief you on it?" Adam asked in disbelief, then realization, then he got his palm on his forehead...he seems to do that a lot.

"what is with that realization look on your face? " Ray asked in visible annoyance "argh... " he really wanted to send this friend of his into samsara.

"don't blame me. You are usually an idiot" he said with his two hands spread outward in a 'not my fault' manner.

"are you crazy...? " Ray asked.

Emera has been watching silently as the two men yelled and cursed at each other since she was called. Ray especially acted differently to the way he usually acts dignified and proud as the king of Orton, it made her wondered who the purple man with feathers on his head was.

"this ritual in a way, is turning you into a pure blood" Adam explained but he explained further when he saw the unwilling look on Emera's face to change her race "you would still be a fey and will be able to use your bloodline powers, but you would be able to create your own unique energy just like every other pure blood" after he explained the last part did Emera heave a sigh of relieve.

" What are the pros and cons. Being able to use the purebloods bloodline ability to create their own unique energy and the ability to still keep my bloodline powers, I presume that you made huge adjustment to this weird shape of yours?" Emera deducted.

"ah...you are such a smart girl, aren't you. Yes there are pros and cons" Adam answered than went further to explain.

" The consequences being death of we were to fail"he said raising a finger to signify first and pros...well, you will become so strong that the future lucian would probably become a speck of dust to you. You will be as strong as Declan" Adam answered the pros proudly.

" But...i am stronger than lucian already" Emera said. Though she wanted to me as strong as Declan, the mightiest and strongest being in all the universe, she was scared of death. She was too young to die. Declan was even said to be stronger than Orton the creator of their planet, furies and pureblood, this can be testified by the fact that all chaos being and even chaos beast with the secret and hidden entities in all the planes and universe are scared out of their wit when they hear his name and the chaos beast attacking planet Orton only when he was away, but if she were to die in the process of becoming as strong as Declan, it will be her loss.

"Wrong. You are stronger than lucian now but not in the future. Lucian has unlimited energy in him, and he is fated to be the second strongest like Declan, but if you succeed in undergoing the ritual, you will take his place as the second". Ray explained.

Ray's word was difficult to digest but the most confusing aspect of it all, is that he wanted a non-pureblood as well as a future knight to be so strong 'is he not scared of a rebellion? ' she asked her self still confused.

"why do you want me to be that strong, at the extent of me besting your son? " she asked.

"the idiot just don't want to lose to his old long rival" Adam answered.

"what...!? " Emera asked confused.

"well that is one of the reason" Ray wanted to hide his face in embarrassment "but as a king with such great power...lucian would need someone who will keep him in check" he explained.

"Now chose. Will you undergo this ritual or not? "

I tried completing this early but...well, I am sorry.

There is a bonus chapter for Sundays. I didn't post it but I will make it up to you all later(it is just 500 words, it should not be taxing for me).

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