
The Snake God of Pandora

3B-1H75M-857T-23T-89 successfully connected. Analyzing player compatibility with the Paradox Stream. Checking Compatibility... ... ... ... ... Compatibility... 100% Due to the player's high compatibility, please pick one of these races, Job classes, and Path, (Be warned!!!), once a Job class is picked, that will become the player's permanent reality. Name: Ophis LVL: 1/∞ EXP: 0/10 Age: 24 Race: Elder Naga Job class: Mountain Deity Path: Chaos Alignment: Chaotic Evil Net-worth: 0$ The human body is a fragile thing, flesh, and bones can only get you so far, we feel pain, we are blinded by emotions, we are vulnerable to everything in the environmen, and worst of all, the lifespan of a human being is pitifully short. I hate humans, no! it's more like I hate the human anatomy, who could blame me, I can't eat, I can't partake in the pleasure of the flesh, I can't feel, I can't speak, I can't walk, I can't see, I can't smell, and worse of all I can't even die. And to think, one machine is the problem to all of my suffering, one plug is the only thing keeping me alive. God! Satan! Cthulhu! anyone; anyone at all, if you could hear me. Please end my suffering, may it be heaven or hell, or somewhere else entirely, I don't care, I just want to die, do you even know how it feels to have no arms, no legs, no eyes, no mouth, no lower half? All I have is my hearing, and even now that is failing me, soon I will be nothing more but a conscious mind stuck in a worthless vegetable with zero sense. Can you even call that living? Cain prayed like this every day for the past ten years, until one day he heard the TV advertisement that was the closest thing to mercy. "Isn't reality just boring?" "Typical?" "Sad?" "Unfair?!" A man said his form was unknown. "We lived in a world, where human limitation can only carry us so far, here on earth, the world is split into two categories, the rich, and the poor, the lucky and the misfortunate, the talented, and average. Hehehe... I said six, but it still came down to the same thing." "But what if I tell you, there is a way we escape this illusion, what if I tell you there exists a world where all wishes can come true, a world with no laws, no rules, no consequences, and best of all, a world filled with monsters, and endless servers aka worlds with different genres all together within something call the Paradox stream." "Well if you are interested in a world of absolute freedom, a world that can be considered as real as ours without the limitation of human logic, we at Eqrisum LTD, present to you the new VRMMORPG game Pandora, a world where even the poor can become rich in both worlds, a world were even the weak and hopeless can become God among man, and best of all; if any player finds all 13 crowns of power, they can become the Gods of both world." "That's why, today and today only, we are offering a 1-month free trial at a worldwide scale to give everyone a taste of true freedom, you can now download Pandora on your Celebrium free of cost, to all children of the Box, I welcome you to Pandora."

Iam_hastur · Sci-fi
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31 Chs


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2 Extra Chapters >> 20 PS

4 Extra Chapters >> 50 PS

6 Extra Chapters >> 75 PS


Black rain coated Ophis from head to toe, and the radiation level stored within the oily rain was lethal to all life, as exposure to it can cause severe and uncontrollable mutations to occur in the body. Or more like it was lethal until Ophis adapted to the surrounding area after a couple of hours.

Now his body naturally just constantly absorbs the radiation from the surrounding environment and converts it into pure energy, which is then distributed evenly and stored within his N-cells until he was ready to use the stored energy once again.

Now, looking down Ophis could see a barren desert with a highway that stretches for miles on end. But what was noticeable however was the many different vehicles approaching and exciting City-T.

It was late in the evening; precisely 3:48 pm. In the evening, and at this point, Mercenaries were either preparing for an overnight stay at a chosen ruin of their choice as they drive out into the wasteland, in hopes of finding relics.

Or the Mercenaries that were finished with their hunt, were now coming back from their exploration. Some of them had huge cargo and trailers with large trucks filled with artifacts from the old world.

Others had cargo filled with many corpses of the fallen who met their end to the treacherous terrors of the wasteland, along with large batches of the severely injured male and females alike, the majority of them were not too far from death doors either.

But that is what it means to be a mercenary, in return for riches of course. One must put their life on the line to explore the unknown and seize the treasure within the ruin. It's because of this, only mutants, and cyborgs are recommended to leave, although a normal person can still be a mercenary of course at their own risk.

And that was exactly what Ophis intended to do, he needed money, and lots of it. If he was going to rebuild his body, and his life, and also aid his little sister towards a better life. Then he would stop at nothing to make as much money as possible.

That's why the first place Ophis was going to, was of course the only place in the entirety of the city one goes to; to even apply to become a mercenary.

And that was the Mercenary Association Center. There, both players, well, in this case, Beyonders and NPCs can apply to become a mercenary, of course, one needs to take both a physical examination and a theory before the Association hands you; your cyber diploma and ranking score.

Normally Ophis would skip this, and go straight to murdering, however, to sell off the items quicker, it's better to sell them in the stores, merchants, or at the association itself.

These documents and the overall application procedure are important because the association needs to have your information down in their systems.

But all three of these would require the necessary documents, as selling them illegally is both dangerous and, well illegal!

That and the fact, that selling expensive items in the black market won't make you big money, like when you sell your artifacts legally on a normal market that is on the grid.

As dark merchants won't hesitate to take advantage of you because they know unregistered Mercenaries don't have much of a choice, then and again only criminals with serious charges do business with the black markets most of the time, seeing that the association doesn't encourage criminal to step feet in their establishment as they would be shot and executed on the spot.

For that reason, Ophis has decided to do things the legal way for the moment, as he needs the perks of a registered Mercenary to make some quick bucks, as such. He was getting a job within the game in a kind of a way.

However, this was just the beginning of something greater. He had a lot of business plans that would allow him to be one of the richest people in both worlds. But for that to happen he needed to start small, and slowly walk up the hierarchy ladder.

First, as a civil servant in the post-apocalyptic world of the cyberpunk sub-genre not too different from his original world.

Then into a criminal mastermind that will form an underground mafia that will extort taxes from others to expand their influence to new levels.

However to become both he will need to do it, in a way where he is both the icon of fear and admiration. So if he wanted to be a mafia boss then he would need to do it in a way where he is not involved. In short, he was going to be a boss in the shadows, as one of his subordinates will take on that important mantle.

Of course, he wasn't going to dirty his hands, that's why servants and minions exist, as long as they get the job done there will be no problem, of course, he was going to make his men or in this case, his minions live in luxury, but just enough to make them satisfied with the perk of the gang, and be obedient.

Although Ophis doesn't mind one or two defiant, after all, he does need an idiot or two to make an example out of. And yes, just as he would bring up his organization bearing luxury and riches, he was also going to build it with overbearing fear.

Betrayal and defiance can only be repaid in one word. "SUFFERING!" not "DEATH" No death was a mercy many take too lightly, Ophis know this better than anyone else.

Many days when he was trapped in his body he had wished to die, to be free from it all, and yet he was denied every time. Death was so close and beyond his tank, and yet it was unreachable.

Mental torture made him the man he is today, isolation is a weapon many take too lightly. But not him, No! He was built differently from these dolls, he saw the world for what it was.

Mentally meant everything and to be mentally broken was a fate worse than death, and to be voided of it when one desired the sweet embrace and freedom it offers was a humbling and painful experience, to say the least.

To make his minions learn of the loss and loneliness, he would not target them, no he wouldn't even bring physical pain to them, instead, he would bring pain to their loved ones. Ophis would do it in such a way, for everyone to see, just his name and presence alone would make his minions cry in pain, vomit in disgust, and quiver in fear.

Others might treat Pandora as a game, but to him, this was now a way of life. He might well be reborn, Cain is dead in this world, and only Ophis remain.

To make a better life for himself and Minerva, Ophis had no issue in committing horrible acts, and sinful deeds to get what he wants. This was his business as such, he wasn't going to risk it and treat Pandora as a game. No! VRMMORPG Game his ass, money, and lots of it were on the line.

The real world is cruel, here he could easily escape the Matrix, and take all for himself. Why the hell would he sacrifice a gold mind for privileged fun?

But regardless of that, a business need to start from somewhere right, as such, the first path to making a successful carrier would be here in the City-T at the Association Center.

Currently speaking he was floating above the large Dome of City-T, looking closely at it, he couldn't see anything as it was a large metallic structure.

In front of him was a checkpoint, a long line of Mercenaries was before him. Some experience some young.

He flew past the large line not wanting to wait for such a long time to gain access to the city, at this moment he activates a telepathic barrier so the officers don't press him about direct exposure to the oily rain.

And as he levitates forward, skipping the long line before him, it was what he expected. No one told him otherwise, some look at him with frustration, others in awe, and the majority in fear. This black halo does have its uses.

Whisper and rumors spread amongst the crowd quickly.

'Wow, he has a fine ass body, MMMMHH... I never went blue before but I'm tempted to bite.'

A woman said internally keeping her dirty thoughts to herself, in the safety of her mind.

Or that is what she thinks because Ophis heard her loud and clear, but just ignore her as he passes by.

'Wow, a Beyonder... And he also floats, is he esper type, *Sigh!* how envious.'

A teenage boy said in awe and envy.

'Tsk. Great another one of those fuckers!'

A man said in annoyance, but mind his own business otherwise, although Ophis didn't appreciate his tone, and so he got his payback in another way.

[Notice. $151,983.81¢ has been deposited to your bank account]

These combinations of awe and insult enter his mind, till eventually he reaches the front. At that point, he hacks everyone that bad mouth him. Accumulating a total of $1,734,693.09¢ and yes he mercilessly dried their bank accounts, with zero consideration.

At this point, the Nagasaur "Technomancy" is his favorite inherent ability so far.

And like he originally thought no one tells him anything, hell the female officer was trembling when Ophis came floating before her, and looked up at her with an imposing look, clearly asserting his dominance as a male creature of higher species, both arms crossed.

He then talks to her via his telepathy as she was inside his mental field.

'Female Homosapien, I demand entry to the city, may I pass?'

The girl was surprised at first, she has seen many Beyonders in her life, but this was the first time one communicate with her via means of telepathy, much less calling her a Homosapien, truly it was an experience, to say the least.

However, she regains her composure when another telepathic message was sent her way.

'Hello... Honestly, does this planet truly have no sign of intelligent life anywhere?'

She shivered a little but quickly bowed and said out aloud confusing everyone with her weird action.

"Awwww. I'm so sorry, one moment, please?"

And like that, she looks at Ophis and asks while pulling out her tablet.

"Am... Well you see I am going to need a picture, may I?"

'Make it quick, please.'


And like that, she took a picture and ask.

"What's your name?"


"I see, what a beautiful name, ok age?"

'Beyond your comprehension.'

"Am... Well, you see I am going to need a number, sir."

'100,000 years old... Anything else?'


'Rather not say.'

"Am sir you see..."

'Ahhh for fuck sake... Just put Dinotarian down.'

"Ahhh. Thank you... My apologies, it's just natural procedures you see."

'So are we done now?'

"One minute, just let me approve this, alright there we go, now I just need you to sign here, and by the way my name is Misty it's nice to meet you."

Misty said as she gave Ophis her tablet and electric pen to sign his name.

And to her surprise yet again, Ophis grab both the pen and the tablet from her hands without even moving and made it float in front of him as he signed his name with what she can only presume was with his mind alone.

Right after he made the tablet and pen float back toward her, Misty of course grabs it and pressed enter, from there she opens the gate to the gate to City-T and said.

"Please enjoy your stay."