
understanding through pain

little sis : bye big bro I'm headed to school .

bro : be careful on your way( wait a sec isn't she going earlier than usual? lol she's probably like going to school now, I'm happy for her)(look at the clock) wait a sec I have a bus to catch, ugh I hope I don't miss it again ...

(after finishing his class moving to the library where it's his part time job)

bro: what a slow day today there's not a lot of people here , I guess I'm gonna head home early today Yassss.

boss: Shhhhh where in the library dummy!!!

bro: sorry.

(after half hour he got a phone call)

numb: hello are you "..." guardian?

bro: eh yea that's me why, what's happening?

numb: comme to the location of "___" hospital ASAP!!!!

bro: what ? what's happening? ... hello?(phone hang up)... eh boss I got to go fam emergency!!!

boss: Okay take care .

(moving seens to the hospital)

bro:(in the secretary office) hello where's "..." patient? in witch floor and room?

secretary: evening, hang on a minute, patient "..." is in the operation room now but she will be moved after in the third floor on the right room 205.

bro: okay thanks.(dash to the room

and waited in the nearest bench stressfully).

nurse: doctors we needed more blood type AB- and where's the bloody AED machine who took it now? we have a patient in life death situation here!

(after waiting an 1h 30 min )

nurse: excuse me , are you "..." guardian?

bro: yeah that me where is she ? can I see her now?

nurse: Sorry for your loss sir.

bro: wait what? she died ... no no way , you are joking right? tell me you're joking and she alright in the room 205!

nurse: sorry the doctors tried their best but it look like she hit her head hard on th road after the car hit her.

bro: so she died ... of a car accident.

nurse: (tap on his shoulder trying to comfort him) time of death 6:47pm.

(moving seens to his apartment)

bro: Why ? Why does she have to leave too? even after reaching a better living for her not the best life but it's better from before.

(then the memories bar start playing infront of him, from the sad memorys: their parents death then how they got kicked out of their parents house because they didn't have enough money to pay the rent, to the funny memories: when his sister saw a spider and started jumping to run away from it and when his sister tried to cook and burned the food so they had to eat the leftover not like it was that bad ...)

bro: well now what? all my life I was trying to give her the life that I couldn't have as a child and now she's gone, ... I Wana give up and be with her now like what do I have left anyway? a bunch of useless stuff here and there I guess.

(then the scenario of his sister came to his mind when he started giving up on something she run towards him and keep encouraging him till he make it , and she tell him that she's always be proud of him in whatever he does and she will keep cheering up for him all the time)

bro: No ... I'm gonna keep on living, with those memories of her I will never give up in life and I will make her proud that I resisted and kept going through everything.(Smile)