
The Small World We Live In

Ju_ng · Realistic
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7 Chs

Cupid Cat

Tigger (cat) p.o.v

"Tigger, do you want to play with mousy?" Tigger's owner asked, squeaking the toy mouse to get his attention. "Is that mouse bullying you?" Tigger thought as he got ready to launch. Tigger's owner accidentally threw the mousy near the balcony as they were playing. Tigger stared at where the mouse landed and turned back at the guy, "Don't worry. I'll find the pest for you."

He took off looking for his mousy, "It ran around here, where could it have gone?" Searching beneath the table outside the balcony, inside the plant pots, and the clothes that fell from the laundry drying stand.

Just when Tigger's owner took his eyes away from Tigger. Tigger notices a small crack, "Did it escape into the gap? It's going to bring more of its friends back here! I have to find it first before it invades my territory, and protect that boy." Gathering his courage, he peeks inside the crack, "There's one way to find out." He started scratching the fence making the hole wider for him to enter, but his lower half got stuck midway. He forcefully pulled himself through the hole.

Relieve to be out, he started pacing around, "Come out now! Playtime is over." As he began his searching, "You have been caught, cat?" Frighten as he was with nowhere to hide, "Waaa. What is this!? Are you here to catch my prey? I had eyes on it first." Tigger hissed.

Ye Jin P.O.V

"What is this? Where did you come from, little one?" asking while slouching closer at the hissing cat, trying to get a better look.

Gazing at its nametag, "Tigger, mhmm." Soon as Tigger tried to pounce Ye Jin. Startled Ye Yin laughed, "I see why you're named Tigger." Glimpsing at the address again, "HUH? Isn't that the next-door address? That makes sense now, to be able to climb up the third floor, would be ridiculous. Shall we bring you back to your owner?"

Trying to get a hold of Tigger, inching closer and closer, as she was able to get a grip of him. He dashed back to the hole but apparently got stuck again. Shock by the scene, Ye Jin couldn't help herself and found it cute watching, Tigger struggling, "Aigoo, let me help you out, little one." She slowly and carefully took him out and carried him to the front door of her neighbor.

When the door opened, a noble figure appeared in front of her: tall, sharp-featured, well built, and looks intelligent. Ye Jin wasn't expecting such view, stumbling on her own words, "Tigger ...hand... I mean... home." Holding up Tigger in front of his face, out of embarrassment, " He was at my place." Taking a quick look at his face again, wondering to herself, "Where have I seen that face?"