
The Slytherin Prince- Eaturne

Draco become sensible from a young age; he inherited much magic from the Malfoy Manor. Watch from a different perspective, how he weaves his way through the changing wizarding world. When new ideas try to subvert the old ones, watch how he tries to preserve his family's standing in the emerging society. Is magic declining? Is new magic weaker than ancient magic? What happens when, pursuit collides with worldly views? PS. The starting is slow, wait till he is a teen.

Eaturne · Movies
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49 Chs

Chapter 35: Sirius Black escaped from Azkaban.

Ever since Draco got the materials, he was focusing on studying them. He also opened up a laboratory in his house and started delving himself into black and blood magic. 

Draco never used any black magic before. He has been learning the basics and theories only, as using Black magic might leave serious harm, if not controlled properly. Also, he was young, and his mind couldn't handle the burden. Now, he is starting to perform the ones he can handle. 

During this time, he has already scoured all the books on dark arts in the library and vaults. He limited himself in using black magic only three times a day. Even without any physical damage, the effects of using black magic were there. His temperament has gotten a lot colder again. 

One morning during their breakfast, Draco's mother Narcissa was shocked by the news on Daily Prophet. Her cousin Sirius Black escaped from Azkaban. This was the first as Azkaban was heavily fortified and surrounded by dementors all the time.

Lucius also warned Draco to be careful of him. Although Sirius was arrested for siding with Voldemort, they remain suspicious. 

Draco was listening from the side when he suddenly recalled something and suggested to his parents, "Maybe we should go to Gringotts. The Black family vault should have some rare black magic book. After all, the Blacks are famous for powerful black magic. And according to Wizarding inheritance, we can exchange some things. I don't care about their money. 

Mother should remember the ancestral house, we should check it out once."

Narcissa agreed to do so, later that day, the Malfoy family visited Gringotts. They were received in a VIP lounge. After the welcoming niceties, they stated the purpose of the trip. The goblins disapproved of their request at first but relented once they were promised commission for the procedure. 

They were taken to the Black family vault. Narcissa put a drop of blood in a signature space of a goblin made inheritance document then pressed in the vault door. The vault opened and they saw the collections of the Black. 

With the help of the goblins, they quickly sorted the pile and separated what needed to be exchanged. His father and mother also took some things that they fancied. Draco didn't take the common items but never let go of any banned or other dangerous goods. 

Once they finished selecting, they exchanged them with gold galleons and other common items including Muggle goods. 

They deposited most of the goods in the Malfoy vault and left after taking the rest in suitcases. They brought special suitcases enchanted with undetectable extension charm. 

Leaving Gringotts, the family didn't return home but Narcissa brought them to 12 Grimmauld Place, where the Black ancestral house is located. When they reached the place, they didn't find any house. The place seemed to be hidden using magic. 

Draco tried using his spiritual eyes. He can see that there is magic in the surroundings but can't see anything specific. Draco tried his newly learned blood identification magic, but it didn't work. The magic protecting the place must be set by someone other than Black. His parents also can't come up with any other useful ideas. 

Draco thought about something then he called his elf Mitty. "Mitty there should be a magical house around here. See if you can sense it and go find out what's happening inside.", ordered Draco. 

"Yes master", Mitty complied and disappeared. Watching this, his parents were amazed and approved of the method. 

After some time, Mitty reappeared with another house-elf. "Master Draco, Mitty found Kreacher living alone.", stated Mitty. 

Kreacher looked at the three guests then bowed and said respectfully, "Lady Black, it's good to see you. Anything to order Kreacher?" 

Narcissa looked at the old house-elf and replied, "Well it's good to see you still alive, Kreacher. Can you take us into the house? We have some business there." 

"Certainly, lady mistress. Please…" Kreacher snapped and cast a spell. They disappeared from the spot and reappeared inside the house. 

Looking at the dilapidated house, Narcissa sighed. Draco ordered Kreacher to show him the library, leaving his mother with her memories. 

At the library, Draco casted a dust removal charm and started choosing the books. They stayed at the house for nearly 5 hours and searched every corner. Draco even used his spiritual eyes to make sure they have collected everything they want. 

The trip was a success, they found many black magic books and items hidden in the house. Draco even saw a Horcrux in the elf's cupboard. He just looked at it and left it there. 

They informed Kreacher of Sirius's escape from prison and ordered him not to tell anyone about their visit. Draco even suggests leaving the house dirty after he learned that the Order of Phoenix, an organization under Dumbledore, used the house as a meeting point. He also guessed who put the spell around the house.

The Malfoys returned to their Manor with a full load. Draco and his father organized the books and notes in a secure room. His mother had already gone to take a bath and rest. They were all exhausted. After washing up, they decided to have dinner early and went to bed.