
House visit

6 A.M. in the morning Suzuki woke up, he yawned and go to the toilet to fresh up before going for his morning jog when he grabbed his phone he could see the massage light was on and check who was massaging him, there was around 99+ massage that he received. Suzuki is confused right now how could he get over 99 massage overnight? then he look at the name who massage him it was Caroline. Suzuki didn't know how to react but he just made a wry smile before looking at the massage. Yesterday Suzuki exchanged his contact address with Caroline who was fidgeting and blushing that goes until her ears for some reason

'I might be the first person she changed contact with, hahaha that couldn't be right?' Suzuki thought

Then Suzuki opened his massage box and the content was

"Ryu-kun are you there? this is Caroline checking to see if this worked please massage me back if you see this" Caroline massaged at 11:00 P.M.

"Ryu-kun? are you getting this? I hope I'm doing this correctly please massage back" Caroline massaged at 11:01 P.M.

"Ryu-kun are you ignoring me?" Caroline massage at 11:02 P.M.

"Or are you angry Ryu-kun?" Caroline massage at 11:03 P.M.

"Am I bothering you? then I'm sorry please just contact me" Caroline massage at 11:04 P.M.

"Ryu-kun I'm sorry for what ever I've done to make you ignore me!!! please contact me if you willing to forgive me!!!" Caroline massage at 11:05 P.M.

And those kind of repetitive kept going on until 12 A.M. Suzuki didn't know what to say but he just held his eyes not knowing why the tears wouldn't stop flowing

'I'm so sorry Carol-san!!!' Suzuki thought as he held back his guilt then opened his chat with Caroline

"I'm sorry Caroline that I didn't have a chance to reply to your massage yesterday, a lot of thing happen and I usually sleep at 10 so please forgive me" Suzuki massaged

"Oh is that so then it's fine then" Caroline massaged

'Instant reply!!! did she even sleep yesterday?!' Suzuki retorted in his mind

"Ok then so where do you live Carol-san? you haven't give me your address yet" Suzuki massaged

"Really? well how about you wait near the station Ryu-kun I will pick you up there" Caroline massaged

"Is that fine? I mean wouldn't it be a bit to bothersome for you?" Suzuki massaged

"No don't worry, I don't think it's that much of a problem" Caroline massaged

"If you say so then I will wait near the station at 7:30, is that ok?" Suzuki massaged

"That is fine then I'll see you at 7:30" Caroline massaged

"Yeah see you later" Suzuki massaged then he closed his phone and started his morning jog. Suzuki return to his room at 6:40 A.M. then he took a bath an changed his clothes then he went out. As he walk there was quite a lot of people around walking in the streets

'I guess it is the weekend' Suzuki thought

Suzuki finally reached the station then he look for a place to wait. As Suzuki was looking around he could see some one familiar then he got closer too make sure. When Suzuki got a better look at the person it was a girl with a long blonde hair wearing white one piece and a white sun hat. Suzuki then look at his phone to see it was 7:10 A.M. right now then he approached the girl in one piece

"Carol-san is that you?" Suzuki asked

The girl twitched a little "N-n-no I th-think you got th-the wrong per-person-desuwa" the girl said as she hid her face under her hat while blushing

Suzuki sighed 'Is she even trying to lie?' Suzuki thought then he went closer, Suzuki bend his body to match her line of sight then lifted the girl hat and that person was of course Caroline who looked speechless and was blushing furiously for some reason

"See, why did you try to lie Carol-san?" Suzuki said

'Wa-wa-wa-wa to-too close, he is too close-desuwa!!!' Caroline thought as her eyes spun in circles

Actually Caroline was too excited since yesterday and did get any sleep because it's the first time a friend of her (in high school) is going to visit her house. So when Suzuki said he was going to the station to wait for her, she got to worked up that she can't stay still so she decided that she would be going out for a while but if she did go out and forgot about Suzuki it would be very bad so she decided to go around the station but if she did get there earlier than Suzuki wouldn't it be to weird so she decided to go in disguise but in the end she was found out by Suzuki. Right now she was trying to find the right word to say but she couldn't think of any then Suzuki sighed looking tired

"Well I don't know your reason why did you wait here earlier than me but you should take care of your self, I mean you are a girl you should take care of your body and don't wait here alone or else some bad people will get you, you know" Suzuki said worriedly

Caroline didn't thought that Suzuki would care about her so much then she felt her heart throb for some reason 'Wh-what is this warm feeling-desuwa?' Caroline thought

"Do you understand?" Suzuki said

"Ye-yes" Caroline said meekly

"Now cmon cheer up I'll treat you ice cream before we go to your house" Suzuki said trying to cheer Caroline

"I-is that ok-desuwa?" Carline asked with sparkling eyes and she was drooling a little bit

"Yes it fine so what flavor would you want?" Suzuki said

"Vanilla-desuwa!!" Caroline said excitedly

Suzuki and Caroline went to get ice cream then they walk together to Caroline's house. Suzuki and Caroline was walking towards the residential area there was a large fence beside them Suzuki then looked at the inside of the fence. Suzuki could see the lawn inside is so well maintained and there is a big house in the middle of the area, it looks like a fancy club house from outside. As they walk Suzuki noticed that the streets around here are quite empty and he look left and right to see only a few people around the streets then Caroline stopped suddenly then she turn toward a big gate beside the fence

"We have arrived-desuwa" Caroline said

"What?" Suzuki said, he was startled

Then suddenly the gate swing open revealing a neat row of muscular men wearing black suit and sun glassed and the all of them saluted with perfect sync

"Welcome home Ojou-sama and Guest!!!" all of the men in black shouted'

Suzuki shuddered at the sheer pressure the men in black are giving but Caroline just went inside like it was normal for her

"Yes thank you-desuwa, hmm? what's wrong Ryu-kun?" Caroline asked while tilting her head

"Wait wait wait let me process this first" Suzuki said as he touched his fore head with his index finger while making a difficult expression

"Why is there something wrong-desuwa?" Caroline asked innocently

"Yes there is first is this what you called normal?" Suzuki asked

"Well it's not normal I guess" Caroline said as she put a finger under her lips while looking up

Suzuki sighed in relieved when he heard this 'Whew I guess it's fine' Suzuki thought then Caroline looked like she remembered something and asked the bald man in black near her and whisper something then the bald man nodded and made some gestures

"Alright they will do the normal greeting now-desuwa" Caroline said

"Ok that is fine" Suzuki said

Then the men in black dispersed and went to the side of the footpath and they took something from the ground and fiddle with it before putting back on the ground where they took it. Suddenly Suzuki could hear a loud humming noise from some where then he looked up. What Suzuki saw was a helicopter that is hovering above them then he saw two black figures dropping from the helicopter. Suzuki squinted his eyes to see that it looks like the bald man from before and another man in black who is sky diving towards them while holding a banner that said "Welcome Honored Guest ♥" and they landed perfectly in the same spot as before then a few fireworks shoot out of the ground beside the men in black out side of the footpath and they were clapping their hand in unison

"So is this more normal-desuwa?" Caroline asked while smiling cutesily and looking excited to what is Suzuki going to comment

Instead of feeling startled Suzuki was more speechless than anything 'This is normal in this house?! and why sky diving?! can't they just hold the banner on the ground!! and the banner why is there a heart symbol in the end?!' Suzuki retorted in his mind non stop but he felt someone is tugging on his clothes, it was Caroline who was still looking at him with anticipating look

"Um, how do I say this" Suzuki said, he looks like he is having trouble finding the right word to say

"Yes-deuswa?" Caroline said as she got closer

"Well did you make the banner?" Suzuki asked while he avoids eye contact and making a stiff smile

"Yes I did-desuwa! is it good and how did you know that it was me-desuwa?" Caroline asked while hopping happily making her abundant chest shook uncontrollably

Suzuki who was near her tried his best not to look but it was difficult to do so 'They looked like pudding, no no no what are you thinking me!! we should be a gentleman in this moment!!' Suzuki thought as he mentally slapped him self regaining his composure then he looked at Caroline

"Of course I know because I can you working hard while making that banner for your guest" Suzuki said while smiling 'and maybe because it has a heart in the end' Suzuki added in his mind

"Hehehe is that so-desuwa I'm glad then-desuwa" Caroline said while smiling bashfully 'It was worth making it yesterday' Caroline thought "Well cmon let us enter my house-desuwa!" Caroline said while she pulls Suzuki by the hand

As they walk along the footpath Suzuki was still feeling pressured because all of the men in black are following the from behind while Suzuki is still holding hands with Caroline then Suzuki went closer to Caroline's ear

"Why are they following us?" Suzuki whispered then Caroline stopped and looked back

"It's ok now-desuwa I can take it from here-desuwa" Caroline said

"Bu-but Ojou-sama we were ordered by the master to accompany you while the guest is here" the bald man in black said, it looks like he is their representative

"It's an order from Daddy-desuwa alright let's go Ryu-kun we are going to talk to him-desuwa" Caroline said as she turned back and hasten her steps while pulling Suzuki along

"Wait! should I stay out from your family matter?" Suzuki asked worriedly

"No it's fine-desuwa, yesterday Daddy said that he wanted to meet you-desuwa" Caroline said

"I-is that so?" Suzuki said looking nervous

"It's fine Ryu-kun Daddy is nice and gentle so he won't say anything mean-desuwa" Caroline said while smiling

'That is not what I'm worried about!!!' Suzuki retorted in his mind 'Isn't this just like when your parents want to see who is their daughter's male friend!!' Suzuki thought feeling more pressured than before

When Suzuki saw the door it looks very luxurious with a beautiful flower carved in them then the door swing open to reveal a big hallway with a big central stairs in the middle and there is one man in black standing near the stairs, he looked like very handsome with grey spiky hair and a scar on his left eye brow

"Welcome back Ojou-sama" the man said as he bowed

"Yes thank you Frank, by the way do you know where is Daddy?" Caroline asked

"The master? I think he is in his study room, why do you asked?" Frank said

"Yes you see I brought the gue- I mean my fr-friend-desuwa" Caroline said while blushing at the word friend

"Oh! so you actually had one!! thank god I thought you were just imagining them!" Frank said as he wipes the corner of his eye

"Hey! what do you mean by that-desuwa!" Caroline said while puffing her cheeks but Frank ignored her and went to meet Suzuki and that made Caroline hitting him angrily

"So how do you so Ojou-sama's friend I'm the head body guard here just call me Frank" Frank said as he hold out his hand for a handshake while smiling

"Yes I'm fine and my and name is Satou Ryu" Suzuki said as he grabbed Frank's hand for a handshake while smiling

"Now that I think about it you looked familiar" Frank said while pondering then he snaps his fingers "Right you are that barista from the coffee shop before" Frank said as he pointed at Suzuki and Caroline was intrigued by the topic so she became quiet

Suzuki tried to remembered the costumer from before that has the name Frank, now that he think about it Frank was wearing a brown overcoat and was wearing wearing glasses "You're right aren't you the costumer that ordered Half-caff last time" Suzuki said while smiling

"Yes, man the coffee there was great" Frank said looking amused

"Thank you, I'm the one that made your coffee last time" Suzuki said

"Oh! then you gotta make some more of that when I come" Frank said excitedly

"Of course a loyal costumer is always welcomed in our shop" Suzuki said while smiling

Then Caroline raised her hand "C-can I also co-come too-desuwa?" Caroline asked shyly

"Yes you could come with me Ojou-sama then I could see your troubled expression when you are going to order" Frank said while laughing

"Enough!! I'm going to Daddy now-desuwa!!" Caroline said angrily while stomping her feet as she walks away

Frank doesn't look troubled by Caroline's demeanor and just urged Suzuki to follow him to the head master's study room. While they were walking Suzuki looked around the house amazed by the high ceiling and the decor around it looks like the family has fondness around arts then they reached the end of the hallway showing a big double door then Frank opened the door and urged Suzuki to went inside. When Suzuki entered the room he could see Caroline happily speaking to a man who is in their 40's. The man has a short clay brown hair and looked muscular and right now he is giving a warm smile to Caroline as he listened to her

"So that is why you should stop the guards from following us-desuwa" Caroline said

Then Caroline's father made a difficult expression and before he could answered Caroline stopped him from speaking then she turn her sight to Suzuki and the man followed her line of sight

"See this is my fr-friend that has visited us-desuwa, say hello to Daddy Ryu-kun" Caroline said while smiling

"How do you do Caroline's father as you can see I'm her friend that has come to visit and my name is Satou Ryu please to make your acquaintance" Suzuki said as he politely bow down a little

"See he is well behaved so can you please stop the order-desuwa" Caroline said then Caroline's father held his hand in the hair halting Caroline from speaking anymore then he turn his direction towards Suzuki and he made a solemn expression

"Hmm" Caroline's father grunted as he squint his eyes as he looked at Suzuki, right now Suzuki is feeling pressure from the gaze then Caroline's father smiled

"Hmm hmm hmm hmm" Caroline's father grunted with a cheerful expression

"Really Daddy! you will remove your order-desuwa! I'm so happy your the best-desuwa!" Caroline said as she hugged her father

"Excuse me?" Suzuki said feeling confused

"He said that since you are a good kid and it's a request from my daughter than it can't be helped" Frank said

'Wait he said those words while grunting?! or the grunt he made means those word?!' Suzuki retorted in his mind then Caroline runs towards Suzuki after she let go of her father

"Ok then Ryu-kun let's go to my room and play-desuwa!!!" Caroline said excitedly as she dragged Suzuki by the hand

"What about the assignment!!" Suzuki retorted

"Hehehe that can come later-desuwa" Caroline happily said then Suzuki dragged by Caroline left the study room and headed towards Caroline's room. When Suzuki entered he could see a big square shaped that has windows on the other side of the other room room actually Caroline's room is quite large that even if there is ten people here there would be still enough space to move around freely, her room was decorated with three book shelf near the window and there are a few dolls on top of her bed also beside the bed there is a computer.

"Come on in make your self at home-desuwa" Caroline said while urging Suzuki to enter

"You have a pretty nice room Carol-san, actually this place might be bigger than where I'm staying" Suzuki said impressed as he entered the room

"Really-desuwa? I thought my room was quite small-desuwa" Caroline said while innocently titling her head as she looked at her room

'Ugh! I forgot that our common sense are different!" Suzuki thought as he remembered the scene from the entrance before then he shook his head trying to forget that memory "So you said that you wanted to play Carol-san?" Suzuki asked

"Yes-desuwa!! let's play board game-desuwa!!" Caroline said excitedly then trotted towards her bed then she crouch to take something from underneath the bed then she wiped the dust on it before heading back towards Suzuki "Let's play this game" Caroline said as she smiled while showing Suzuki a rectangular box

On the box there is a word "Monopoly" written on in then Suzuki looked interested and nodded. Suzuki and Caroline went inside and sit on the floor then they lay out the pieces out of the box. Caroline chose the heart piece while Suzuki chose the bowler hat piece. The rules are the same just like in Suzuki's previous world so Suzuki already understand the rules and they start playing. The first person to go was Suzuki and he got six, he moved his piece six paces and landed on the rail road tile then built a house after that it was Caroline turn and she got three. And so the game goes on but Caroline noticed something after playing for a few minutes that Suzuki's dice throwing was precise and accurate to the point that he could go to the best spot very quickly in the game and he could avoid landing on Caroline's tile numerous time while Caroline landed on the jail twice and landed on Suzuki's tile multiple times

'Why is he so good at controlling the dice?' Caroline thought soon after that surprisingly Caroline won the game because Suzuki's piece landed on the most expensive tile that Caroline had and went bankrupt. Caroline was so happy that she started hopping around before she was depressed at how easily Suzuki got the railroad tiles but now she is happy

"Look look I've won-desuwa!!" Caroline said happily

"Yes well done, you have bested me" Suzuki said while smiling 'I forgot that I'm playing with a person that has never had anyone playing board game before' Suzuki thought.

Suzuki has lost on purpose because when he saw Caroline's teary eyes that looked like she could cry if she have lost then he couldn't help feeling like he should let her win and right now he was happy that he made the right choice when he saw Caroline hopping happily

"Is there anything else you would like to play Carol-san?" Suzuki asked

Then after that Suzuki and Caroline had a very good time playing random games like jenga, poker, domino and the likes. 'Are we not going play the computer?' Suzuki thought but before he could say it he looked at Caroline happy smile then he dismissed the idea and just play with her until she is satisfied. Few hours had passed playing games and right now is 12 P.M. when Suzuki looked at the time he urged Caroline to stop playing and start making the project thought Caroline made a reluctant face she consented with the idea then they start making the bridge for their assignment

It didn't took even took three hours to make the bridge and all that is left is to do experiment with it and write the report then they put the bridge on top a table that Caroline asked one of the guards to bring in. Suzuki who was given by Caroline an electric fan is standing in front of the bridge and Caroline was on the other side of the bridge watching intently

"Are you ready?" Suzuki asked

"Yes-desuwa!" Caroline said with sparkly eyes

Then Suzuki turn on the fan and the fan turns gently and that made the bridge wobble slightly and Caroline is writing down the results in a note book

"I'm going faster" Suzuki warned

"Ok-desuwa" Caroline said

Then Suzuki made the fan turn faster and the bridge was shaking and wobbling more violently than before and Caroline made note of that

"Alright I think that's it" Suzuki said

"Eh? but I want to see more-desuwa" Caroline said despondently

"If I go any faster the bridge would have broke you know" Suzuki said

"It's fine I'm sure the bridge can take the force from that speed-desuwa" Caroline said

Then Suzuki with a wry smile made the fan spin at it's fastest speed and that made the bridge wobble up and down uncontrollably but surprisingly the bridge looks fine even though it's shaking that much. Then Caroline went closer but she step on an empty bottle that was unused and tripped backwards making her fall onto her but while her feet hits the table making the content on top the table fall but before anything dangerous fall upon Caroline Suzuki rushed in and blocked the fall items but a glue bottle that hasn't been closed spilled it's content to Caroline making her sticky with white goo. Caroline is trying to remove the glue from her face but it was quite difficult

"Eww it stinks-desuwa" Caroline said

'Oh god she looks very perverted right now' Suzuki thought "A-are you alright Carol-san?" Suzuki asked as he backs away while turning his head to the other side

"Yes I'm fine but I'm all sticky now-desuwa" Caroline said while making a wry smile

The look on her face gave Suzuki quite an impact, a well endowed beautiful blonde girl covered with white sticky goo would definitely sells if this was a magazine then he shook his head

"I think you should clean up first" Suzuki said while still looking away and blushing a little bit

"Yes I'm going to take a bath-desuwa" Caroline said then she stood up then headed to the bathroom that is next to her computer desk while Suzuki started to clean up the mess

After around 30 minutes later Suzuki had cleaned the room and the report also, he was quite happy with a satisfied smile on his face then he heard the bathroom door opened with a click

"Oh your don-" Suzuki said as he turned his head to see Caroline with a refreshed expression wearing nothing then he cover his eyes "Carol-san your clothes please!" Suzuki said

Then Caroline remembered that there was someone else on her room then she quickly goes back into the bathroom and slammed the door shut

'She is very big' Suzuki thought while blushing then he remembered the scene before 'No no no don't make it any worse by combining them!!!' Suzuki retorted in his mind while grimacing then he heard the bathroom door opened with a click and Caroline timidly goes out from the bathroom while blushing intensely until her ears

"Pl-please fo-forget what happen be-before-desuwa" Caroline said shyly while looking downwards still blushing

"Ye-yeah" Suzuki said awkwardly while scratching the back of his head "Also I think it's about time I head home" Suzuki said as he looked at the time, it was 6 P.M. right now

"Eh! you are no-not sta-staying for dinner-desuwa?" Caroline said while looking at Suzuki then she looks downwards again while blushing

"Well I don't want to intrude and I will come back here later to help you bring the project to school But you can do it yourself" Suzuki said as he remembered what kind of family Caroline had

"No no no please by all means come back here and help me carry the project-desuwa" Caroline interjected

"Eh? why your family could drive you there right?" Suzuki said

"We-well it's not like I want to go to school together with Alicia-san, Chi-chan and you or anything-desuwa" Caroline said shyly

"Oh~ is that so well if it's like that then I will come here quickly so we won't be late" Suzuki said with a knowing smile "Alright goodbye Carol-san see you next time" Suzuki said while smiling

"Yes see you next time Ryu-kun" Caroline said with a smile then Suzuki headed out of the house

From the window Caroline could see Suzuki going out then he looked back and waved at Caroline then Caroline waved back to the Suzuki left the residence. Caroline goes to her bed and jump to it and landed with a plop, she was tired and happy at what happened today. 'Having a friend over is fun-desuwa' Caroline thought as she remembered the time where she and Suzuki plays game then she rolled on top of her bed from the excitement recalling the memory then she recalled her blunder from before and then she screamed out loud in a pillow from the embarrassment then she slept because she was exhausted

(Congratulation user relationship with Caroline Vyacheslavovich has improve. Caroline regarded you as her best friend)

'Well as long as your happy I guess' Suzuki thought as he looked at the massage while smiling and walks along the night time street. Suzuki reached his room at around 7:30 P.M. then he took a bath and ate dinner then he grinded all night long before falling as sleep at 11 P.M.

Yay my test are over and finally I could take a break so I will take the next week off that means I won't be uploading any chapter next week. I hope you guys would understand and thanks for your comment and support until now I appreciate them. That is all for now

jefupleycreators' thoughts