
Chapter 15

I must've made a suffering sound, because Jacek threaded his fingers through mine into a tight, unbreakable ball. "It's okay if you can't remember."

"No." I swallowed hard. "I remember exactly. It's just I can hear the static already, a warning, like what I imagine chewing on aluminum foil would be like."

Jacek dipped his chin to look me in the eyes. "Okay, we need to get you a new imagination."

"Stop joking around, Jacek," Eddie snapped.

Jacek shot him a warning look. "I'm trying to help put her at ease, Smiley."

Eddie grimaced. "I've never been smiley in my life."

"Until today. After last night, you're glowing instead of your usual sulking over your books." Jacek grinned. "Be a big boy and just accept it."

My face heated. So Jacek knew? Of course he did. This was his house, too. Still, Eddie didn't seem to mind that Jacek was holding my hand. He knew I needed comfort. They all did.