
Chapter 14

This was my new favorite time of day. Eight forty-five p.m., after the sun had set and night fell, was the hottest, at least in the vampire nest's kitchen. Because that was when Jacek and Eddie stumbled in with bedhead, sexy, sleepy smiles, and with morning wood. All of it - the whole, ahem, package - drove the air form my lungs. That feeling should have dropped me to the ground with oxygen deprivation. Which would require mouth to mouth...

"Belle?" Jacek had his hands posted on the table near my biology homework. He leaned in, dressed in nothing but boxers, and peered at me with his amber-colored eyes, his customary grin firmly in place. His short, dark hair stuck up on either side like devil horns, which snapped me back to reality. I'd had enough devils to last me a lifetime, both the real and the unnamed ones.

"Where did you go just now?" he asked.

"Sorry, I was just thinking about" - morning wood - "how this is my favorite time of day. Right now when you guys wake up."