

"Fancy meeting you here, Trevor. You're welcome. Now, I gotta go." I tried to rush past him but he grabbed me by my arm. I looked at him and surprisingly, he was blushing while scratching his nape, face showing signs of embarrassment.

"Thankyou and um, don't tell anyone about this alright, please?" He nervously plead.

"No, don't worry, I won't tell anyone that this is how Renoir meets his friends." I taunted rolling my eyes. He cleared his throat once and nodded quickly. I freed my arm from his grasp and to say I was shocked when I turned around would be an understatement.

Are all Asian guys that beautiful? The guy standing in front of me was absolutely gorgeous too, silver hair contrasting to Trevor's, beautiful eyes and a chiseled jawline. He was shorter than his friend, an inch or two taller than me and his Aura too was absolutely breathtaking.

"Thankyou. I swear you're an angel. You see, Trevor here keeps causing trouble that too without backup. It was a pleasure to be saved by you, M'lady," He dramatically bowed taking my hand and planting his cute lips on it. I chuckled a little at his cute antics and nodded.

"You're welcome. What's your name?" I asked, still smiling.

"Jack it is, and as I've heard you're beatrice?"

"Yes, Jack. What you heard is right. My name is Beatrice, but call me Bee."

"Wow, you already like him but not me? I even ate with you." Trevor said murmuring the last part.

"Well, he didn't lie to me about his name, Renoir slash Trevor." I spat, folding my arms across my chest.

"I'm sorry, you see I have things to deal with it and honestly it's not safe to give my name away to strangers. But hey, you know it now?" he said smiling like a little kid, he had a lot of warmth in himself, I couldn't deny that part of me wants to entangle him in a bear hug but at that moment I was the cool Bee so I let that chance of a hug go.

"Yeah, its fine." He opened his mouth again but my phone rang. Oh fuck. I forgot him again.

"Yes, Noah?"

"Bee, I need your help, you have to come, NOW." My breath hitched and I uttered an almost inaudible okay before disconnecting the call.

"Jack, Trevor you guys know a little combat?"

"Yeah, why?" both of them answered in unison.

"Come with me, I might need help."


We were now at Noah's front door, he hadn't opened up yet and I was contemplating whether or not we should break the door down. I banged my fist on the door again and after like 15 seconds, he opened up. I didn't see who was with me or who was with him, I jumped straight onto him and held his face in both of my hands. He looked really surprised with eyes wide and Brows up.

"Are you okay? what happened? was somebody here? Did your cat go feral or something?" He smiled, then sighed and placed his hands on my waist, swinging me from side to side.

"No, it was just my heart, It missed yours." he kissed the top of my head after saying so.

"Mhm, keep trying I won't come again next time." I said shoving him away from myself.

"Oh come on little one, you know you love me too."

"No, I do not." I folded my arms against my chest acting tough when I was already melted into him like always.

"Oh come on little one, you know you love me too."

"No, I do not."

I searched the source of the voice and saw Jack and Trevor standing exactly like me and Noah. Jack as me and Trevor as Noah, both of them copying us in a mocking tone.

I gasp remembering how they witnessed soft Bee. Oh no, they only needed to know cool Bee. Great, now my dominant image is gone.

"Shut up."

"Bee, baby, what happened to your sleeves, as long as I remember this top of yours had sleeves?"

"Oh, I um, got into and a fight and don't call me baby. I'm not a child." I said murmuring the last part half-heartedly.

"Yeah, she fought and saved us, I'm pretty impressed." Jack said winking at me with a small smile.

"Beatrice Brown! Why do you have to be the Hero all the damn time?!" Noah yelled, and I admit I was scared, really scared. Last time I had tried helping strangers, I almost got hit by a car and he stopped me from going out for two weeks. He even put Jack as guard on my door when he himself wasn't there.

"Noah, they really needed help, I'm strong now, I can take care of myself, you can't ground me." I whined stomping my feet under his stern gaze.

"Yeah, don't ground her, I'd like to take her out for coffee, she deserves a treat," Jack looked at me expectantly, I smiled wide and nodded aggressively. He was really cute, might as well make a new friend.

"No, she's supposed to get coffee with me, I wanna apologize too, let's go together, yeah?" Trevor asked politely patting my shoulder.

"Sure." Noah said, and I gave him a weird look.

"What do you mean sure? You're not coming anywhere. Stop hijacking my plans."


"What? Really?" I asked, surprise filling my insides.

"Yeah, anything for you, just don't act like this again, for now let's have dinner and treat these boys' wounds, yeah?"

"Mmmkay, I made you pasta." I said showing him the bag I had in my hand.

"I'll heat it up while you help bandage them up, go."

"come on, boys, you have a little time, right?"

"Yeah we do." they said in unison again. Are they soulmates or something? They kept talking in unison.

"Sit on the couch I'll bring the kit." I motioned towards the couch and moved on to go find the first-aid kit.

I took the bandages and started treating their wounds, Jack didn't have any wounds except on his knuckles, so it didn't take time for me to cover them up but Trevor had a few on his arms too so I was applying ointment to the ones on his right arm, sitting on the couch between both of them.

"Are you and that Noah guy dating?" Trevor asked with puppy eyes pointing a little towards the kitchen where the said man was handling the food. I followed the direction of his fingers to look at him.

I wish I could've said yes that 'Yes, we're dating and we're completely happy with one another', But I can't.

"No, we're just friends, best friends."

Best friends who love each other and cannot seem to let go even after six months of breaking up, best friends who can't seem to stay from each other even after causing each other pain.