
The Skill Extractor in OnePiece

Note the main cover isn't mine. If the person who reads this fanfic thinks starting is ridiculous or at least the starting is worst well I can't do anything about it. NOTE: Read at least till chapter 8 and NO, MC has his journey. If my grammar is bad then please I am sorry I can't live up to your expectations, I am writing this for fun and to improve my writing skills not to hear your negative reviews. ( I will take your honest reviews about my grammar and if you want to talk about the story plot and character development then please just go and reach the abyss by digging with a toothpick )

X_x_INFINITY_x_X · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

BaroqueWorks ??? Bounty Hunters ??? Capture My friends ??? Well , Genjutsu!!!

After a year and 6 months after coming to the world of One Piece -

Infinite has been on a very strict training regimen every single day . Brogy and Dorry very even scared of the progress Infinite has been on , they even said to Infinite that he would probably be able to take on a medium power level Giant all by himself in a year or so . Which Infinite left it as joke not believing it a bit , he thought it was an encouragement , and motivation from the Giants but only the Giants knew what they even said was an understatement . Infinite Skills have been upgraded a lot and this how it is as follows

[ Skills - Muscle Control (Max) ,

Breathing Technique (23/60) ,

Astrea Sword Arts (Lvl 22/100) ,

Sword art (Max) [ High Novice - low Grand master ]

Wood Works ( Lvl 13/50) , Bolting (Lvl 10/50) ,

Madara Uchia Battle style (Unique ) ( Lvl 9/100)

Intermediate Hand to Hand combat (Lvl 64/100)

Shuriken Jutsu (Lvl 82/100) ,

Kunai Arts (Chunin) ( Lvl 60/100) ,

Cooking (29/100) ,

Claw arts (Intermediate)( Lvl 89/100) ,

Senbon arts ( Lvl 69/100) ,

Stealth (Intermediate) (37/100) ,

Tacking (Intermediate) (94/100) , .....


Infinite did get a lot of skills from both Brogy and Dorry , but hasn't practiced much due to his interest on upgrading few which he though would be best at present and learn the rest slowly . The other improvements are as follows

[ Total Chakra Level : Jonin

Chakra Control - 73%

Lightning Chakra Mastery - 53%

Fire Chakra Mastery - 51%

Water Chakra Mastery - 50%

Wind Chakra Mastery - 13% ]

As a reward for achieving 50 % control over his Chakra Mastery , Infinite got a lot of rewards as it was a hidden mission , the rewards as follows

[ Hidden Mission (You are quite good)

Requirements - Achieve Chakra Control of 50%

Rewards - 5% upgrade in Chakra ,

3 Tome Sharingan ,

Two of Reinhard Blessings (lucky draw ) ]

When Infinite saw these rewards he was dumb struck , he was so happy that Brogy and Dorry thought he was mentally ill due to his actions for few days .

Infinite took his time to come out of his good mood , and after a week or so his drew his lucky draw .

'April , Draw one of Reinhard's Blessings '

' Confirmed , Processing

[ ... Congrats host on gaining First attack Immunity : The first time an attack is performed at you, it always misses and the knowledge of how to dodge , deflect and counter will be known as well (If the knowledge of how to dodge or , deflect or counter is not know then that means host isn't up to point where such a feet can be performed ). ]

Infinite didn't know what to say it was broken a talent , if used properly he can even kill some high tier people . Infinite couldn't suppress his happiness and used his other Draw as well .

' April , Draw one of Reinhard's Blessings '

' Confirmed , Processing

[ .......Congrats host on gaining

Unarmed Mastery: Very strong even without any weapons. You can use a swordless style of fighting in which you can use your hand like a sword or integrate any weapon art in your style ]

Infinite couldn't even move , as the shock of it was so high , he even couldn't believe it . The first one was broken as it was guaranteed to miss , and the second one gave him to be a Hand to hand master combatant . He could even use this style with the Madara Uchia Battle style which he got and it would be on a league of his own and it could also be categorised as an unique style , as not many people can use any weapon styles in unarmed combat . He could be called a genius and a monster to the world of One Piece as they don't know his system .

Infinite deciphered the battle style of Madara Uchia which was , shocking , he couldn't even believe how Madara came up with such a style all by himself .

' No wonder he was called a monster and only Hashirama can beat him , wait if this guys battle style on this league then what about Hashirama , OMG !!!!!!! I can't wait to unlock it , but first I will master this ' .

The battle style used his Sharingan , with the Unarmed combat , or other weaponery combat in such a way of that could perceive weak points and other weaknesses in a formation and other stuff , and the way described can't be deciphered by everyone as it needs a lot of computing power it would take Infinite probably a year or two completely decipher it if it weren't for his wish , for having greatest mind . Though the process explained was simple on paper Infinite knew it would be on the level near or equal to

Astrea Sword Arts .

The 5% upgrade in Chakra , improved his Chakra quality , and even increased his Chakra level , thus having reached Jonin level . All his attacks are even more powerful than before . He also used his normal chakra affinity choosing and choose Wind , next Mastered his Chidori , Fire release stream , Chidori Nagisaki , and all of his B rank Jutsus which now allows him to skillfully control and he knows how to use them in different ways than one .

He even got down to hunting A rank monsters and animals , though utilising traps , though he doesn't have a skill of using traps he could still use his own super brain to do it .

Infinite caught wind of two Bounty hunter 6 months before now and has been using them as his practice for stealth , tracking and practicing his 2 tome Sharingan , though he has unlocked 3 tome Sharingan he hasn't mastered the 2 tome , and using them as practice toys , he put both of them in a lot of Genjutsu , and mastered few basic ones as well . But he never let them go easily as they were here to hunt Brogy and Dorry for their bounty and planned to kill them using explosives in their drinks .

They even planned on bringing a new ship just to give them the drinks and how would Infinite let them go as easily as they think , is it just a joke to mess with a friend Of ' MADARA UCHIA ' , Nah , Nah , they would be bringing death in themselves , and so it began he put them under Genjutsu twice day every day and release them after he was done toying with them , till now and they have been scared shitless , The one who got scared by the Genjutsu the most was the man named Mr.3 , who had the ability to use wax and the girl who was beside him also seem to have a mysterious power but , Infinite didn't know what it was she never spoke it our unlike her partner . To know more about both the bounty hunter powers he put both of them under Genjutsu .

Infinite got to know the girl name was

Miss. Goldenweek , which was her code name and her name real name being Marrine , she has no devil fruit powers and the next person was the man , His code name is Mr.3 , his real name being Galdino , he has eaten a paramecia type devil fruit and the fruit name is Wax - Wax fruit , he also said that it gives him properties of wax and allows him to secrete it and control it as well .

He got to know more about the world outside , Infinite also checked their skills but didn't like any , except for , drawing skill , art skill and painting skill , which he collected from Miss Goldenweek for three weeks , though they didn't seem much useful at all . What surprised Infinite more was that these people have been planning this for a long time . He also got the information when they plan to use trickery on both Brogy and Dorry , and it seemed there was still 6 months left . He left them and he thought of catching them during them trying to what they want to do . It isn't that he sees Brogy and Dorry as pawns , it's just that he wants to practice with them . He also intended to give this information to both Brogy and Dorry as well .

After releasing them from their Genjutsu in which they were investigating the island ' Little Garden ' ,

Infinite ran as fast possible to Dorry and Brogy and informed them and also said that he wants to use them for his techniques . Though they got angry at first when they were informed about interrupting about their sacred duel they got over it very soon .

They told Infinite that he can do as he pleases with them and they will also be on guard .

He then used two real people as dummies for mastering his abilities for 5 more months before they left . He thought they will be coming soon as they planned for both Brogy and Dorry bounties for a long time . Who in the world would just waste 11 months of time and just leave it as it .

Just like Infinite thought they came back after three weeks and they were also speaking about a new pirate crew . He wanted listen so he used his stealth techniques and heard them talking about Straw Hat Pirates , which made Infinite kinda happy as he will be able complete his main mission . The rewards are also what he is after . and it was also soon time for claiming his Survival

sub mission .

As the days were coming closer , he was thinking of how to join the Straw Hat Pirates as they won't allow a stranger in their crew just like that .

So Infinite was planing , and also training and he got pretty good at what he wanted at . He mastered all his D rank Jutsus , the ones he has affinities with , earth style techniques can also be performed but it takes a lot of chakra so he left them .

As Infinite was doing his things , soon the day he was waiting for came ...