

Young Celeste Grace came to Sinking Town to attend her best friend Rosa's wedding, along with her friends Aretha, Nora and Meira. But she didn't know that her fiance, Avin was also coming to Sinking Town. Soon they realize that coming to Sinking Town was the biggest mistake of their lives which led them to their deaths.

Lady_Candy · Urban
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Chapter 2: The Funeral

Later that day, after their deaths, all their friends came at the hospital. Rosa's

parents refused to go in the morgue as they couldn't see Rosa's face cut in

halves. Celeste and all her friends went in there, they were first scared to see

her face but Celeste slowly removed the cloth from face. To see her cut in

halves, they felt even more uncomfortable and pain. Celeste put her head on

Avin's shoulder and started crying. Celeste saw the Black Bride standing next

to her body, she pointed at it and shouted:

"Celeste Grace! look at your friend…keep this in mind that now I' m coming

for you!"

"What?" she asked as she was confused

"What is it Celeste?" Avin asked

"This lady… she disappeared"

The Black Bride vanished in air, surprisingly no one saw her.

"Huh?...which lady?" he asked

"No…nothing, I must be assuming things" she thought

Later in church, they sang chorus, suddenly Celeste heard a voice from the

coffin. It was Rosa' s voice, it screamed:

"Help me Celeste! Help me!"

Celeste worriedly and hopelessly opened the coffin. People tried to stop her but

she didn't listen. She ended up opening it and saw Rosa lying dead.

"I'm sorry...but Rosa called me for help…I swear I heard her" she apologized

"Celeste…it's okay…you're just hearing thing in grief" Avin thought

She thought he was right so she sat down on a chair next to Avin.

When they buried her, Celeste realized that it was the same place from her

dream. She told Avin about it but he said it must be a coincidence. Everybody

left but Celeste stayed.

"Lets go Celeste" Avin uttered

"No I want to stay a little longer…you go I'll be alright" she said

"Then I'll stay with you" he said

"No, I want to be alone with her…please if you'll don't mind" she requested

"If you say so…" he said and left

She was staring at her grave when she heard her voice again, she was again

calling her for help. She thought she was hearing things again so she tried to

walk away. But a hand came from the grave and grabbed her leg. She screamed

for help, luckily Avin was there, he helped her and the hand went back into the

grave but left scars on her leg.

"Avin did you see that!?" she asked

"No, I didn't… maybe it was just a hallucination" he thought

"My assumption?!...there're are scars on my leg…it had such long claws and it

looked like a person's hand" she argued

"Alright…lets go to a doctor" he suggested

Then both went to psychiatrist, he said that she was only having hallucinations,

they are common in these situations. She asked about the scars, he said that she

could her hurt herself unconsciously. She thought maybe that was the truth. The

doctor gave her pills and both went home.

On their way home, Celeste was looking through the window. Avin knew she

was upset so he tried to cheer her up as:

"Hi! what's with the sad face? Cheer up! Lets eat ice cream"

"Do you think I'm crazy too?" she asked

"What?! No!...why would I think that?"

"Because I'm talking nonsense and acting crazy" she sighed

"Hey! It can happen to anyone, that doesn't mean you're crazy and besides even

if you're you go crazy, I'll still marry you…" he joked and smiled.

She smiled back at him.

"You still glad we met?" she asked

"Always!" he answered

He made her even more happy, then she happily started looking through the

window. Surprisingly, she saw familiar doll in the doll shop and quickly asked

Avin to stop the car. He stopped the car and both went in the doll shop.