
Welcome to Parenthood!

Red Tiger noticed her savior has changed. He was always with the newborn, focusing on nothing else.

When he introduced her and the cubs with Hope, his eyes were full of love. Something Kiba saw in Red Tiger's eyes as well whenever she looked at the cubs.

"This must be why she was willing to sacrifice herself back then."

Kiba thought with a smile.

He then thought of the woman from the slums whom he helped many months ago, after the party at White Angel Corporation. She was a mother who starved to keep her children fed with what little food she earned.

Kiba realized that in the eyes of a parent, there was space for nothing or no one but the child. Not even the dreams, desires, and needs.

It was something he obviously knew from his experience with people but didn't comprehend until he became a father himself.

Somethings could be only understood from personal experience...