
The Sin of Pride on the Straw Hat Ship (One Piece)

One Piece The Sin of Pride on the Straw Hat Ship

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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329 Chs

Chapter 160

Luffy and the others were surrounded at the port.

"We can't let you enter the island, there was a group of pirates who entered the island and wreaked havoc, and now we don't know if they left or not, and we can't make it worse!" Please leave! Dalton said in a deep voice.

Not long ago, the invasion of the Blackbeard Pirates brought huge losses to the Magnetic Drum Kingdom.

But it wasn't all bad, at least King Valpo, who had heard rumors that this guy was the one who killed the world's strongest man, Whitebeard, and managed to escape.

There was no fighting, and they were frightened and fled in a hurry.

In this way, the tyranny that has been ruling the Magnetic Drum Kingdom has finally come to an end!

But for Dalton and the civilians, of course, the fewer pirates the better.

"I was really hated, obviously it was the first time I met!" Yamaji spoke.

Although pirates are not welcome, as a large group, as long as they do not come to show aggression.

Usually do not suffer such a bad attitude! Even many people like to do business with pirates.

While high risk, it also means high returns many times.

"Don't talk back!!" A villager said excitedly and pulled the trigger at Yamaji nervously! Bullets hit the deck, punching out a hole!

"Shoot!!" Usopp immediately exhaled.

Yamaji's face immediately darkened, ready to teach these villagers a lesson, shooting and not shooting, but two completely different concepts.

The legs are full of strength, ready to come strong, no matter what, we must find a doctor as much as possible, and we can't put all our hopes on Reka.

In case Reka can't find it! Nami's life is in their hands!

"Slowly, Yamaji, don't do it!" Vivi stood up in front of Yamaji and stopped Yamaji from moving.

At this time, if you choose to do it, things will only be more troublesome, not to mention whether there are any stronger people on this island than them.

Even if not, as long as these people do not cooperate, they will still find it difficult to move forward, and even just hide some key information.

They will have no choice but to fall into a very passive situation.

So you can't use violence!

Bang! But Vivi had just stepped forward, and someone on the shore had fired another shot, and Vivi fell down in response.

Sauron Sanji and the others changed their faces dramatically: "Vivi!! "

"Bastards! How dare you…" Luffy was instantly furious!

"Ready! Aim!! "The villagers on the shore saw the situation, and they knew that they could not be good, so they all raised their weapons in their hands and prepared for battle!"

"Damn!!" Luffy rushed out one step at a time, but was directly held by Vivi and blocked!

"Wait a minute! Fighting is not a good solution to the problem! My injuries don't matter, they just scratch my arm! Vivi said.

Kneeling directly towards Dalton, he expressed his sincerity: "Then we will not go ashore, can you please call a doctor to come, we have a partner with the patient, step into the island first, if there is a doctor, we can call him back!" "

"Vivi!" Several people in Sauron Ussop looked at the kneeling Vivi and were shocked in their hearts!

Obviously, she is a princess of a big country, but for the sake of Nami's illness, she can bow her head!

"Vivi…" Luffy was also stunned.

"Luffy, being a captain is not such a simple thing, fighting bravely can't solve all the problems, even if you win them, but if they don't treat Nami, then what will they do?" What about Nami? Vivi said in a deep voice.

Luffy was completely stunned, at this moment, he learned an extremely precious quality from Vivi!

"Our companion is suffering from a serious illness, please help us, please!" Vivi pleaded.

"Sorry, I was wrong, sorry, please call the doctor!" Please save our partner! After Luffy woke up, he also knelt down directly in the direction of Dalton, and even the straw hat fell, and he did not pick it up at the first time.

The atmosphere froze at once, and everyone present looked at luffy and Vivi on their knees.

Dalton looked at the two men in silence for a moment and then put away his weapons: "I'll take you to the village!" Come with me! "

Dalton waved for everyone to put away their weapons.

Although there are risks, Dalton is too kind after all!

And, he didn't feel like they were lying!

"You see, they understand our suffering." Vivi smiled, this is at least a good start.

"Vivi, you're so powerful!" Luffy also sighed heartily.

Luffy and Yamaji Weiwei and the others quickly followed.

Leave Sauron and run fast to watch the boats!


A group walks in the snow, and the destination is the village where Dalton is located.

"Let me tell you first, there is only one witch doctor in our country!" Dalton said that was why he couldn't let the doctors go to the shore, but let them into the village.


"What's going on? A country with only one doctor? Yamaji said he couldn't understand such a big country.

How can it be enough to have only one doctor's words!!

"In other words, what country are you here?" Usopp asked curiously.

"The country has no name yet!" Dalton told the truth.

"A country without a name, is there such a country?" Even Vivi felt a little incredible.

Faced with such a question, Dalton was just silent, after Valpo escaped.

This country, for the time being, is taken over by him, a sinner, and none of them want to recognize the kingdom that preceded it!

Only when that kingdom has been destroyed will they be reborn!

Just like the man who was called a quack that day.

Although the country is no longer incurable, as long as someone pretends to be a sick person for help, he will come foolishly, so that he will eventually perish!

This is the person who really wants the country to get better and stronger!

All he is doing now is atonement!

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh It's a bear!! Pretend to be dead!! Usopp was startled when he saw a huge white bear coming towards him and the others!

"That's a hiking bear, there's no danger, don't forget the climbing etiquette, give him a nod salute!" Dalton said quietly.

The other villagers, of course, knew about the white bear and nodded in unison at the hiking bear.

The white bear also nodded politely at them, and the two were at peace, passing by!

This makes it seem that Usopp, who had just immediately laid on the ground and pretended to be dead, was very embarrassed!

And just as they were about to reach the town, suddenly a bloodied villager ran over!

"Lord Dalton, things are not good! The Blackbeard Pirates appeared and were in town, and Old Joseph clashed with them and was killed! "

"What!?" Dalton's face changed dramatically, and he thought the Blackbeard Pirates had left.

Unexpectedly, it appeared again!

"Gather your men, hurry up now, and never let this group of pirates go on a rampage again!" Dalton muffled.


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