
The Sin of Pride on the Straw Hat Ship (One Piece)

One Piece The Sin of Pride on the Straw Hat Ship

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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329 Chs

Chapter 159

"Princess Vivi, Straw Hat, Instruction Book, MR.0!" Smaug's eyes sank slightly.

"This should be a code name, and in this case, it should be related to the suspicious swordsman we captured on The Island of Runesse two days ago!" The man, he said his name was MR.11! Darth Vader pointed to a swordsman tied to the main mast and analyzed.

"That's right, criminal organizations that refer to each other by numbers, you carry out their tasks according to the instructions, right?" Smaug looked at the swordsman and asked.

"Ahem! MR.0 criminal organization, I don't know anything, don't say such unfounded words! The swordsman's eyes flickered, and he retorted without even thinking about it.

"So, what's the instruction book in your pocket?" Hearing Smaug's words, the swordsman's face turned frightened, and his instruction book should have been burned!

"That, that is…" The swordsman subconsciously tried to find an excuse to prevaricate!

"Which one is?" You have nothing in your pocket! Smaug immediately paraphrased MR.11.

"Princess Vivi, I remember that this is the name of the princess of the kingdom of Alabastan, and I have heard this name when passing through Alabastan before!" It should be in an unidentified situation now! "

"If civil unrest seems to be breaking out in Alabastan right now, is this criminal organization and the Straw Hat Boy gang also involved in this incident?" Darth Vader heard this and immediately remembered some information about Alabastan.

"I don't know, but now this is the only clue that can determine the whereabouts of the Straw Hat gang!" Smaug spat out smoke rings, already paying attention in his heart.

He turned to the officer next to him and said, "Contact headquarters and ask them to send a permanent pointer!" "


"Let's go and have a look, Desert Kingdom, Alabastan!" ...

It was still early in the morning, on the Golden Merry.

"Then again, don't you think it's too quiet and warm?" Yamaji looked at the calm sea and said.

"Yes, the sudden calm is abnormal, will it be a cloudy and uncertain climate on the great sea route?" Usopp is tapping and patching the cracks of the Merry's broken places.

"That's not necessarily true, it means that there is an island nearby, Yamaji, please pay close attention to the horizon." Vivi came out of the cabin at this time and said.

"Vivi sauce."

"There should be a winter island near here!"

"Winter Island?!"

"Meteorologically, the islands of the Great Passage are divided into four categories, spring, summer, autumn and winter, and then, each island has its own four seasons, that is, sailing on the Great Passage usually takes sixteen seasons, such as the summer of Spring Island to the winter of Winter Island, and of course there are many strange islands that are completely unclassifiable!" Vivi explains.

"It turns out that it is because of so many seasons that there is such a strange and changeable climate!" Usopp suddenly realized.

"Yes, so if the climate is generally stable, we must be close to one of the islands!"

"Indeed, see!" At this time, Yamaji, who was holding a telescope and listening to Wei Wei's words, suddenly opened his mouth.

Just above the horizon, I saw the outline of an island in front of me!

"I see the island!!" Yamaji sighed.

"It's the island, it's great, Nami, it's the island, it's discovered!" Your illness can be cured, it's the island! Luffy sat next to Nami, shaking her legs with joy.

"Just go and see, you don't have to take care of it here." Sauron said helplessly.

The next second, Luffy came to the bow of the ship.

"Wow!! It's an island, white, that's a snow island! Luffy said excitedly as he looked at the island with its many columnar peaks and white expanse.

"Luffy, this time I can tell you first, we don't have time for you to explore, after going to the island, finding a doctor is the top priority!"

"Of course! But, snow white, I like it so much! Luffy said with a look of intoxication.

"Get ready to land!" Yamaji's voice fell.

Reika walked out with Nami in his arms at this time, he couldn't wait any longer, he couldn't drag it out any longer.

"I'll take Nami to the island to find a doctor first, and you'll also go to the island to find it, and if you find it, you'll send a signal notification, so that it will be faster to act separately!" Reka spoke.

"Understood!!" Luffy and the others listened, and also felt that there was no problem, after all, Reika could fly, super maneuverable!

Although they had also practiced the Six-Style Moon Step, they were not yet proficient!

And acting separately is indeed the most efficient way to do it.

Of course, it was mainly Reka who knew where to find the Witch Doctor.

And the other doctors on the whole island are the same ones as Valpo before!

They were useless, only Joba and his two doctors were left, but she wasn't necessarily in the castle all the time.

Maybe going down the mountain to treat people' diseases, so look for them separately, and whoever finds them first will take Nami over for treatment.

"Buzz!" A thin transparent fire shield spread around Reka, enveloping the two of them to avoid the wind and cold.

Then it took off, like a line of fire, and flew towards the island!

"Is this okay?" It's a completely unfamiliar island, and we don't know what's on the island yet. Vivi asked with some concern.

"It's okay, with Reika, everything will be fine!" So much snow! I'm so happy! Luffy behaved like a "south" person, and after seeing that the whole island was snow, he was very excited.

However, as soon as the ship approached the harbor, it was surrounded by Dalton and the villagers!

"Someone's here." Luffy looked around and said.

"But it looks like the atmosphere is terrible!" Usopp had begun to fear and tremble.

"Of course, we're pirates!" Sauron thinks that's normal!

"The pirates have listened, get out of here quickly!" Go now! Dalton, who was physically strong and carrying a weapon that resembled a large fan and had unusually sharp edges, stepped out and said.

"We came to see the doctor!" Luffy said directly and simply.

"We won't be fooled like this, despicable pirates!"

"This is our island, and we can't let the pirates take half a step!"

"That's right, that's right!" ...

"It should be one of these cylindrical peaks!" The higher the wind and snow, the more intense it becomes! Reka felt a little strain, and at high altitudes, the cold wind and ice and snow roared strongly, obscuring the sun.

Let him in normal circumstances, some of the successor is weak, natural disasters, people can never underestimate!

"Don't worry too much, as long as there are people on this island, we will definitely be able to find a doctor." Nami gradually began to feel uncomfortable again.

Reka could only continue to divide a little mana and cast healing magic.

"See!" In the process of constantly flying high, Reika saw a magnificent castle wrapped in silver on a huge pillar mountain!

Now I hope that Joba and the witch doctor will be inside the castle at this time!

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