
The Sin of Pride on the Straw Hat Ship (One Piece)

One Piece The Sin of Pride on the Straw Hat Ship

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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329 Chs

Chapter 157

The Golden Merry moved on.

"I didn't expect that the group of doctors could not even cure this disease, it was really a bunch of useless things!" Yamaji stood at the bow of the ship, looking at the ship that had been bombarded by Rekasan, and said with great uneasiness.

Since there were so many doctors who couldn't do it, even if they did arrive at some inhabited island.

Can Nami's illness really be cured?

In order not to waste time, they race against the clock to continue to move at full speed!

"No, it must be, these are just the general doctors of pirates, and there must be better doctors on the island of man!" Yamaji can only look forward to it.

"What to do, what to do, why isn't Nami getting better yet?" Luffy is in a hurry, but sometimes, many things, just having strength is not enough.

As the sun sets, they walk according to the pointers, and they don't know where they're going!

The sky was full of red light, which was a beautiful scenery, and it was still snowing heavily, but at the moment, no one had the heart to enjoy this scenery.

"I feel like I'm fine." Nami woke up and said.

"No, Nami, that's reikasan who has been using magic to heal you, as long as you stop for a while, you will be delirious again, and you will not be able to stand up on your own." Vivi saw that Nami wanted to stand up and quickly stopped her.

At this time, Reika came with a bowl of white porridge with a variety of rich ingredients.

"What do you want to do?" Lie down, come, open your mouth. Reika said expressionlessly, scooping up a spoonful of white porridge, a cold breath wafting through, the temperature was just right.

Nami saw the situation, her heart was extremely warm, and even suddenly she had a feeling that it was quite good to be sick.

Nami did as she was told, feeling that the food was more delicious than usual.

Obviously, she didn't have any appetite, but she ate one bite after another.

"Nami will leave it to you, I'll go and see the course." Vivi saw Reika coming, smiled and smiled, and her eyes were full of envy!

That's great! Nami has someone who cares so much about her! And a bunch of friends who worry about her!

"You've worked hard." Reka politely replied.

Vivi just shook her head faintly, talking about hard work, she just helped take care of Nami, which was nothing.

The real hard work is himself!

Just because they felt that there were doctors on the other ship, they all took them down.

If it wasn't for Nami asking Reika not to embarrass those doctors.

I'm afraid those doctors really don't have a good ending.

Now I am taking care of Nami all the time.

Night soon fell, and Although Luffy was not at ease with Nami, Reika was guarding Nami.'s side.

They thought that Nami should be fine.

Because of the recent attack, Sauron and Yamaji are on a vigil outside tonight.

Prevent any more pirates from approaching and attacking them.

Luffy and Usopp stayed up until midnight, and gradually could not stay up, so they went back to the cabin to sleep.

Vivi and the runner were standing on the side of the boat, she had trouble sleeping, and she had to find a doctor as soon as possible.

In this way, we can rush back to Alabastan as soon as possible, and now the situation in the country is not known.

Nami slept and got up in the middle of the night, feeling a lot of energy.

But as soon as she opened her eyes, she saw Reika, still awake, sitting on the ground, like a statue.

Reika just sat quietly, casting a healing spell every once in a while so that Nami wouldn't feel pain in her sleep and wake up.

With Reika's strength, even if he didn't sleep for ten days and a half months, it would have no impact.

"It scared me to death, I thought it was a nightmare." Nami looked at Reika and said with a throbbing heart.

She had just fallen asleep, thinking she was waking up in her room, and then found that someone was staring at her in the room.

She almost unconsciously pulled out the stick and hit a set of combination sticks.

Only then did I realize in hindsight that I remembered that I was sick.

Of course, the most important thing to see in the person is Reka.

The main reason why Nami sleeps in the bed in the conference room is to facilitate Reika's absence, and Torre is taken care of by Vivi or someone else.

If the situation changes, it is good to respond at any time.

"Am I a nightmare…" Reika was slightly speechless, looking at Nami, who was covered in pain and was extremely weak.

He was still a little unaccustomed, he was still used to Nami commanding, and naturally directing everyone's appearance.

"No, no, I'm not that moment, anyway… Thank you. Nami quickly retorted.

But by the end, the voice was getting quieter and quieter.

"You're welcome, you're a navigator on a ship, and if something happens to you, it's going to be a lot of trouble."

"Actually… You're worried about me, I'm not being honest. Nami said mischievously.

"Well… Sort of. Reka didn't deny it, much to Nami's surprise.

But at the same time, I also understand that this illness has really made everyone feel uneasy.

"I'm sorry, but I was sick at a very important time." Nami felt guilty at the thought that Vivi was still in a hurry to return to Alabastan and carrying the future of millions, tens of millions of people.

"No, I should apologize, knowing that this kind of thing may happen, but I still don't pay enough attention to it, so that you have suffered a pain that you don't have to eat."

"Stupid, who could have predicted this kind of thing, and I don't feel very hard, just a little weak." Nami smiled at the man.

In his heart, he must have had his own, this sea is too dangerous, except for the road they have to take.

And this dangerous and severe environment, maybe when, an accident strikes, they will die.

At that time, if there are still many things you want to do that you haven't done, then…



"That, I…"

"What's wrong? Is it urgent? "

"Not really!! You wooden idiot!! "

"Well, it's good to have spirits, but it's a big night, so don't make a loud noise."

"It's not you yet."

"So what are you trying to say?" Drink? Still hungry? "

"I like you!!"

"What?!" Reika was stunned on the spot, what did Nami say just now, did she hear it wrong?

"I said I liked you the best!!" Nami plucked up the courage to say it again, and after saying it, she quickly covered herself in the quilt, shyly afraid to look at Reika again.

After the words were spoken, the whole room suddenly became as quiet as a needle.

In the quilt, Nami could clearly hear the sound of her heart beating, so urgent, and as loud as thunder.

After a while, there was no movement, nami became more and more uneasy, and her blush became more and more hot! What the hell is going on?

How come Recca doesn't say a word?! Did you scare him?

Are people gone? I don't feel any movement at all!

Nami couldn't help but slowly pull down the quilt, and her head came out of the quilt, but she was startled!

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