
The Sin of Pride on the Straw Hat Ship (One Piece)

One Piece The Sin of Pride on the Straw Hat Ship

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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329 Chs

Chapter 12

"Hawkeye!!" This is the purpose of Sauron's voyage to sea.

As soon as Reika mentioned the name, Sauron's eyes lit up with a fiery sense of war.

After Guina's death, he had made a promise that he would work together with her share!

He will definitely become the world's number one swordsman!

After so many years of hard work and dedication, do you have to explain it here?!

I have not yet become a world-famous swordsman, and Guyna's efforts have not yet received any recognition!

You must not just fall like this!

Sauron's eyes reflected the oncoming navy, and they had raised their guns and aimed them at Sauron.

At the same time, this eye is loaded with Sauron's entire childhood memories.

"It seems that I have no other choice, I can join you, but I have my own ambitions, one day, I will become the world's number one sword master, if you prevent me from realizing my ambitions, then use your human head to apologize for your sins!" Sauron looked at Luffy and Reka and said.

"The world's largest swordsman!" To become One Piece's partner, it's a matter of course! Luffy smiled contentedly!

From today onwards, his pirate regiment has one more companion!

"How dare you say it!" But I have one more request, I hope to play with you later!! Sauron looked at Reka with torch-like eyes.

Luffy is the captain, the other man is not the captain, Sauron also knows that he is not the captain's material, Luffy's strength is not to say.

But since even the man in front of him surrendered, he had no opinion, but Reka's strength made him ignite the will to fight.

Don't challenge Luffy because the pirate world has default rules, challenge the captain, and if you win, it's the new captain.

Sauron has no interest in it!

"No problem."

In the face of Sauron's challenge, Reika smiled slightly, there was no opinion at all, can have a cathartic sandbag, and the strength is not weak, what can be the problem?

No, maybe it can also increase the proficiency of the playing.

"Shoot!!" Monka growled.

"Yes, Colonel Monca!!"

In an instant, a series of gunshots thumped and thumped.

A chain of bullet light poured down.

"Oops!" Sauron's pupils shrank suddenly, and this idiot captain agreed, but first untied the rope for himself, what was the pride there!

Are you going to die now before you're about to be free?!

But Luffy just smiled confidently, and the whole person blocked in front of Sauron, and both Sauron and Kirby were shocked! Thought Luffy was dead!

Even Kirby was so frightened that he closed his eyes.

Tweet tweet… All the bullets were fired at Luffy's body, and in the horrified eyes of everyone, Luffy's body hit by the bullet was deeply sunken, and a rubber line was pulled out of his back.

"It's useless, I'm a rubber man!" All back to you! Luffy slammed his hands together, his body shook, and all the bullets bounced back!

The unlucky Navy was suddenly hit.

But more than that, my legs trembled with fright! The bullet obviously hit, but nothing happened, and it bounced back.

Even Colonel Monca was so shocked that his jaw was about to fall, but fortunately it was made of iron.

"What the hell are you?" Sauron couldn't help but ask in shock, one is not counted, the second is also so non-human?

"I'm Luffy, the man who wants to be One Piece!" Luffy still had a confident smile on his face.

The first time he heard it, Sauron thought it was a general and arrogant target, but now, he didn't think so!

His confidence and strength, perhaps, is not entirely impossible!

"Could it be… Demon Fruit, I have heard before that there are such people in the Great Passage, someone can breathe fire, someone can cause a tsunami, I didn't expect it to be true, since the gun is useless, then take the knife, rush up to me, who dares to hesitate, I split him first! After Monca was horrified, he quickly calmed down.

The Navy was horrified by freaks like Luffy, but they were even more afraid of Monca.

"Kill!!" The navies drew their sabers and rushed toward Luffy and the others.

"It seems that I, the captain, am not an ordinary person, and I am exactly what I want!" Sauron smiled slightly.

Kirby rushed to untie Sauron, and now that the conflict had occurred, Sauron would naturally have a higher chance of winning if he could become their fighting force.

"Luffy, this guy has to be handed over to me." Reika looked at Colonel Monca.

Is Monka powerful? No, he was only a defeated general under Captain Chloe of the Bobcat, and he was also hypnotized by his hypnotist Zangao, and he appeared powerful in this poor and remote area.

Put on the great route, at best, the strength of an elite naval soldier.

Such people, usually, Reka didn't want to pay any attention to.

But now at noon, the sun's magic was burning, and he needed to vent.

In addition, this guy's name even dares to take a "card" word!?

At this moment, the arrogance in Reika's heart has soared to the extreme!

Even if a "Ka" pu appears, he dares to come forward and provoke!

The fact that a mere naval colonel had a name that dared to include his own card was a silent insult!

"Why?" Luffy was puzzled that these navies were not powerful, including Monka, and he could easily handle them alone!

"His name, how dare he carry the card word!" How disrespectful this is to me!! It is up to me to punish such a maniac with my own hands! Reika looked frantic and grinned.

Monca was stunned for a moment, and there were thousands of grass and mud horses galloping in his heart! He was dictatorial, domineering, and thought he was great!

I've never seen such a maniac before!! Just because of his name, with a card word, he is like a vendetta against himself?

This man is sick!

You're such a cow, why don't you go to the naval hero Karp?!

Luffy was on the side of his head, thinking about what Reka had said, and what he was going to do.

"This guy hasn't been saved, so don't provoke the Navy now." Whoops…" Kirby was aggrieved.

I am now tied to a boat with them, and afterwards, it is a pirate!

If you escape from here, you may still be rewarded, your naval dream, is this the end of it!

But regret it? Not!

"You really are, Yong!" Sauron also couldn't help but complain that such a domineering and arrogant person, he was still the first time to see, many pirates were not as brave as him.

"Okay, then he'll leave it to you, and I'll deal with the rest." Luffy's words fell, and the navy rushed to the front.

"Rubber rubber, machine gun!!" The rubber fist exploded, and a piece of the navy was beaten and flew out!

The Sauron rope was untied, his body turned, and the navy that was coming from the other direction put down a few and snatched the weapons from their hands!

"Three knife flow!" Boom! There were about a dozen weapons cut down, but they were all blocked by Sauron alone.

"Whoever dares to move, I will send him back to the west!" Sauron exudes a murderous, ferocious breath, like a magic beast that chooses people at any time.

Frightened by these navies, Qi Qi shivered, and then Sauron stabbed three times, and all the navies were shocked by the powerful force of the blade explosion and flew out!

"Now it's your turn to figure out how to repent?" Ant!! Reka walked towards Monca step by step!

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