
The Shinobi of Straw Hats

Jono is just an ordinary guy with ordinary life. But he died young because of pandemic. But when he's about to be judge by GOD, he's got a chance. But of course, just because you're reincarnated with some wishes, doesn't mean it will be a smooth road. __________________________________________ This is my first time writing, and english is not my first language, so please understand if i made many mistakes. __________________________________________ I don't own the characters in this story, even MC's appearance are not mine. ________________________________ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/PeekACoo

PeekACoo · Anime & Comics
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282 Chs

36. Knock Up Stream

The Strawhats, Cricket, and monkey brothers party that night. Just like always, no matter how small a dinner is, it will be a party with the Strawhats.

Then suddenly, all of Jon's clones dispelled. It seems the clones have finished their information gathering and some pirates stealing. Jon will gladly take money from some cruel pirates. But he won't take citizen's or some nice pirates like his crew. He also leave some clue that other pirates have stole their money, so they can fight by themselves.

But there's an interesting information he got about the crew, and a clone is coming to give the proof of that information and the money they got. Sometime later the clone come and give him many papers and scrolls before dispelling and transfer information to him. The other also curious why Jon have a clone come from outside.

"Hey guys, i have an interesting news."-Jon

Jon take out 3 bounty posters and put them on the floor. The others see it and surprised.

"Our new bounty posters.

'Strawhat' Monkey D. Luffy: 100.000.000 Berri

'Pirate Hunter' Roronoa Zoro: 60.000.000 Berri

'Devil Child' Nico Robin: 79.000.000 Berri

Well, Robin didn't have a change, and they don't know she's our crew."-Jon

"WOHOO, 100 Million"-Luffy

"Heh, i'm a little behind, only 60 million"-Zoro

"Oy freak eyes, where are my bounty poster? It should be there"-Sanji

"No, it's only those two that have new bounty."-Jon

"It's because of what we do in Alabasta."-Nami

"That's right, and the only Marines that see our fight there is Smoker's team. They must raise Luffy and Zoro's bounty because Smoker had fight them before. Also the two of them are a little famous before."-Jon

"But, why only them?"-Nami

"It seems the Marines and Goverment want to hide Crocodile's incident, so the only one that can get their bounty raised are those two, as it will not be that suspicious. They can't make people know that Crocodile has been defeated by a pirate crew. Sichibukai is made to make other pirates scared, so if a Sichibukai getting defeated by a rookie pirate crew, no pirates will be scared of them. Beside, if people know that a Sichibukai make a kingdom suffer, and the one that save that kingdom is a pirate crew...."-Jon left the next part unsaid.

"People will not believe in Sichibukai, and they eventually won't believe in Goverment and Marines"-Robin


"I don't understand but, let's continue the party. For our new bounty, Cheers!"-Luffy

They continue their party until Cricket tell them about the gold city that are in the skull's right eye. He didn't know what it means too, but Norland say that. Then he remember something important.

"Oh no, you guys need to find a South bird to go to knock up stream."-Cricket


"Because you guys need to go to south, and South bird always point the south."-Cricket

"But we can just go there right?"-Luffy

"No Luffy, this is grandline. We don't know which is south or north in this sea. That's why we use log pose"-Nami

"That's right. Now go search that bird!"-Cricket

"Wait, you guys just stay here and help them fix Merry, i will search that bird. I can see more clearly than you guys at night, and i can move at higher place. Birds will stay at higher place right?"-Jon

"Oh, alright Jon, get that bird. We will help the old man fixing Merry"-Luffy

"What are you saying? It will be faster if more people search together."-Cricket

"Eh, what? Did you say something old man?"-Jon

Cricket and the monkeys saw there are 16 Jon in front of him. Their jaw dropped and can only stare at Jon quietly.

"N-no, nothing. Alright you guys, let's prepare your ship"-Cricket

Jon and his clones move from tree to tree while looking around the forest with his sharingan. Some minutes later, he saw a bird that look very similar to Cricket's gold statue. He move fast and catch the bird immediately. Cricket say this bird is rather smart, so he catch it before it can realize him.

"Well, that's easy. But this bird really have a weird sound. Hahaha, it also always point at south direction."-Jon

Jon try to change where the bird's head pointed but it always back to south. He find it amusing and play with it for sometime before he decide to go back. When he's arrived, he see many people getting beaten up by his friends.

"Yo, what happen?"-Jon

"These guys want to steal uncle Cricket's golds, so we beat them up"-Chopper

"Ooh, damn, i missed the battle. If only i don't play with this bird."-Jon

"Did you get the bird?"-Nami

"Yeah, here. Are they strong Luffy?"-Jon


"But you got beaten up by him before"-Nami

"So they're the ones that injure you before. Sigh, i thought they're some strong people to injure you two. To think they're just small fries. Hmm? Wait, this guy also have a bounty. Let me check it"-Jon

Jon take out a stack of bounty posters and flip through it.

"Oh, here it is. Bellamy the 'Hyena', 55 million berri. Hmm, they're sichibukai's ally pirate crew, Sichibukai 'Heavenly Demon' Donquixote Doflamingo, former bounty 340 million berri."-Jon

"SICHIBUKAI? 340 million?"-Crew


"Well, his base is in New World, and that bounty has been freezed for many years since he became Sichibukai. If he's not, i don't know how high it will be now. Alright, let's throw them away."-Jon

They throw Bellamy pirates on their own ship, and Jon make a clone to sail it away to random direction and take their log pose before it dispelled. The strawhats keep preparing their ship, but Luffy got banned from helping as he's only break things.

With the help of many Monkeys pirates, the ship get prepared fast. They finished at morning, but the design is a little, strange. It looks like a chicken, and it actually is. It's designed to fly, and Chicken can't fly, but they let it be.

The Strawhats decide to immediately go. The monkeys pirates will help them to reach knock up stream and the crew say goodbye to Cricket. They sail and after some hours, they see the sky become dark.

"It's earlier than prediction, luckily we go quickly."-Nami

"Shoujou, find the location"-Mashira

Then Shoujou and his crew use their sonar power to search knock up stream location.

"It's at 10 o'clock, Mashira, pull them"-Shoujou

Mashita then pull Merry to the predicted direction. When they arrive there, a massive whirlpool is there too. It's the location where knock up stream will emerge. The trio coward panicked and persuade Luffy to cancel their plan and go back. But Luffy become happier instead, make them more despaired.

Sometime later, they arrive at the center of whirlpool, but it's very calm there. There's no current or wave at all.

"Hmm, they're not coming, it's a relief."-Jon

"Who's coming?"-Zoro


"What? Why will they come here?"-Sanji

"I heard their plan before. They want to make their captain a Sichibukai, but he still didn't have bounty at all. So to get that position, he need to prove himself by catching a pirate with at least 100 million bounty. Luffy now have it, so he will try to catch him. Furthermore, if Goverment know he caught someone that can defeat Crocodile, the former Sichibukai, he will instantly approved to be a Sichibukai."-Jon


"Why he want to be a Sichibukai?"-Luffy

"I think it's because he is wanted by a Yonkou. You know this, Ace has task to catch him, he is a Division Commander, so it means Shirohige will try to catch him no matter what."-Jon

"I don't understand why he want to be a Sichibukai?"-Usopp

"Because he will get support and protection from Goverment and Marines"-Robin

"Right, that's why i take all bounty posters in Mock Town. Luckily their information gathering is bad, so they only know your bounty is 30 million. But it's not that important for us now. When will the knock up stream coming?"-Jon

"Ah, that's right"-Crew

Sometime later, the sea water start to move up. It's still slow but it become faster and faster. Suddenly the water below them shot up very fast and their ship follow the water. The water stream is very big, even people from Jaya can see it. The crew go up very fast following the water, but sometime later, their ship start to leave the water.

"Oh no, if this keep happening, we will fall to the sea again."-Robin

Just right when she said that, a seaking fall past them to the sea. They start to panic but Nami found a solution.

"That's right, this is a sea too. Everyone open the sail!"-Nami

"Eh, why?"-Luffy

"We will use the wind to push the ship up"-Nami

They all start to open the sail, but the ship still leaving the water. They can only hope it's working now. Then the ship leave the water completely, but it didn't fall, instead, it follow the stream up.

"We fly, ahahahaha, WE FLY"-Luffy

"Heeh, a chicken that can fly, interesting"-Jon

The ship keep moving upward at fast speed. After sometime, they pass through cloud and the water from the top of knock up stream spray on them. The ship swaying and shaking strongly and they all need to hold on the ship to avoid getting thrown. Jon make clones and hold all the crew because he can stick on any surface.

Sometime later, it all finally end, the ship has became stable. But the ship got some damage, the wings and tail also got destroyed. They all except Usopp that faint, stand up and look around, all they see is white, white clouds. Their ship also stay floated on the cloud.

"This cloud work like sea, that's why the ship didn't fall. Then that also why the sunlight can't past through, it's denser than normal cloud."-Jon

"Yes, and it seem there are more layer up there. Because if this place is sky island the people here can't stand on this water like clouds. They need more solid clouds."-Robin

"So clouds can be used to sail huh?"-Luffy

"No, this cloud is special."-Nami

"Special? How?"-Luffy

"Well, it's a mysterious cloud"-Jon

"Oh, i understand now"-Luffy

Usopp suddenly stand up and Chopper explain where they are.

"WHAT? SEA? Hehehe then i will swim. Brave man Usopp will try the cloud sea."-Usopp

Luffy and Chopper cheer at him, but when he just jump, Jon catch his nose and throw him to the ship again.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING JON?"-Usopp, Luffy and Chopper

"You guys are really... Sigh, where are we?"-Jon

"Sky"-Luffy, Usopp, Chopper (LUC)

"That's right, and what is the sea here made of?"-Jon


"Have you ever swim or even touch clouds?"-Jon


"Then what happen if you can't swim here?"-Jon


"Where to?"-Jon


"What below the clouds?"-Jon


"How you get to the sea from here"-Jon

"We fall"-LUC

Now they have pale faces.

"That's right, you fall from thousands meters above the sea. I didn't need to tell you what happen if you fall from this height right?"-Jon

They nodded like a chicken pecking their food.

"Sigh, at least wait until we meet some sky island people and ask if we can swim here. Also i noticed that we can't breath properly now."-Jon

"It must be the altitude, the air here is thinner than below there."-Robin

"Ah, you're right, it's harder to breath. Well, let's adjust our breathing first."-Luffy

When they adjusting their breathing, they heard an explosion. They got up and look to where the explosion was heard. It's too far so they can't see it properly, but Jon can see it very clearly.

"It's a ship getting destroyed by someone that use mask and shield. Shit he come here, gliding on the cloud, it must be a native here."-Jon

Then the crew also saw the man with mask. He's almost reach their ship, but Jon will not let him do that. He can't let the ship also getring destroyed. He don't know what he use, but the ship before is bigger than their's, so Jon will not let him get closer.

Jon throw some kunai with paperbomb tied on them. The masked man can avoid them but that's not the point of Jon's attack.



Some explosion happen and the masked man got thrown backward and injured. His shield also break because he use it to defend the explosion. The masked man didn't give up and still want to attack, so Jon also prepare some kunai with paperbombs again. He hasn't adjust his body in this new altitude, so he can't use ninjutsu or taijutsu properly. But when they almost move, they heard something.