
The Shinobi of Straw Hats

Jono is just an ordinary guy with ordinary life. But he died young because of pandemic. But when he's about to be judge by GOD, he's got a chance. But of course, just because you're reincarnated with some wishes, doesn't mean it will be a smooth road. __________________________________________ This is my first time writing, and english is not my first language, so please understand if i made many mistakes. __________________________________________ I don't own the characters in this story, even MC's appearance are not mine. ________________________________ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/PeekACoo

PeekACoo · Anime & Comics
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282 Chs

240. Jon's Worst Day

The Straw Hats finally arrive on Red Hair Pirates' base. It's just a small island with a small village on it, very different from other Emperors' bases. Well, at least they have a base because Straw Hat Pirates don't have it even though they have a lot of territories.

The Straw Hats dock their ship on a coast and many Red Hair Pirates' members are gathering there. The Red Hairs are on guard because another Emperor crew is approaching their base. They don't know Shanks' relationship with Luffy, they are just footsoldiers, after all.

They all are getting ready for confrontation even though they are nervous. Straw Hat's feats have spread worldwide, so they all know how strong the Straw Hats are. They are very nervous that they even take some steps back when the Straw Hats get down from Sunny.

Just like the nervous Red Hairs, the trio cowards are also nervous. They hide behind the others who are busy looking around curiously. But strangely, Jon can't be seen among the Straw Hats, making the Red Hairs confused.

Well, it's not that Jon doesn't want to come, he can't come. He is still busy making fertilizer on the ship. His stomach just can't wait to produce its main product.

There's a reason behind this actually. Last night, he was very hungry but there's no food in the kitchen. So he tried to ask Sanji but then Jane said she will cook.

As her brother, he can't refuse his sister's offer because Jane has helped him a lot since he came to this world as a system. Also, he thought that it won't be that bad, but he was wrong.

Jane's cooking is at the same level as Luffy's cooking. The differerence is that Jane's food looks normal and even appetizing. But the taste and 'poison' level is the same as Luffy's cooking.

He doesn't know how she could mess her cooking even though she has a lot of food recipes in her database. But well, cooking is a skill, so someone can mess the food they make even if they follow the correct recipes.

But as a good brother, Jon still finished his sister's cooking. Although he suffer a severe stomachache now. Not even his strong body & ninja skills are useful to protect him from the food that attacks his intestines.

So the other Straw Hats leave him alone because he might take a long time to finish his business. They just stand near the ship while being surrounded by Red Hair Pirates. Jon really misses the chance to make an epic emtrance together with the others.

Luffy looks around and asks, "Where's Shanks?"

The clueless Red Hairs gulp their saliva because they think Luffy wants to challenge Shanks. But then they look back and split to make a way while cheering. Red Hair Pirates' main members have finally come.

"SHANKS!" shouts Luffy excitedly before he runs.

He wants to hug Shanks but then the Red Hair punches his face while grinning. The Red Hairs are cheering, but then they get confused seeing Luffy is fine. Shanks didn't use haki on his punch, so Luffy isn't injured at all.

"I see that you're still a brat, Luffy. A great pirate doesn't hug his rival like a friend," says Shanks while grinning.

"Come on, once is fine, right? This is our first time meeting after years," says Luffy while pouting.

"Haha, Luffy, you need to keep your good image as a Captain in front of your crew," says Lucky.

"Good image? He never has it in the first place," says Sanji.

"Oi, you shouldn't say that in front of them. We need to look cool in front of another Emperor Crew," says Usopp.

"Oh, Usopp, long time no see. You look very strong now," says Yasopp.

"Dad! Hahaha, you look good too," says Usopp before running to Yasopp like a kid.

The Straw Hats sweatdrop seeing him and Zoro comments, "Didn't he just say that we need to look cool?"

Shanks then tells his clueless crewmates that the Straw Hats aren't their enemies. They all suddenly get relaxed and some people even start to talk with the Straw Hats. These people are very easygoing surprisingly.

The main members who have joined Red Hair Pirates for a long time have met Luffy in the past so they all talk with him. The ones who haven't met Luffy before are talking to the other Straw Hats. Red Hairs' executives also talk with the other Straw Hats before invitimg them to the Red Hairs' village.

Most of the Red Hairs go, leaving those on guard duty to guard the ships on the shore. They all know that there will be a party so those who are free immediately follow the main members. The ones on guard duty are disappointed, but there's nothing they can do about it.

"Sigh, why should I be on guard duty today?" a man lamenting his fate.

"Yeah, the party must be big because our Leader looks very excited," says another man.

"Let's just hope that the party will last long so we can join after our work hours end," says someone else.

"You're right, let's just watch over these ships," says a different man.

The guards are looking at the ships before they walk closer to Sunny. They all are very curious about the Straw Hats' ship. Its design is quite interesting to watch.

"Hey, what do you think that is?" asks someone while pointing at Sunny's head figure.

"A sunflower?" asks a man unsurely.

"No way, a sunflower doesn't have eyes and mouth. I think that's a sun," says another man.

"Oi, a sun also doesn't have eyes & mouth. I think that's a lion," says someone else.

"That doesn't look like a lion," says a man.

"But that's true, actually. Franky made it based on lion, but funnily, the ship's name is Thousand Sunny," says Jon who suddenly stands between the pirates.

"Oh, so that's how it is," says someone.

Everyone nods in understanding before they all get silent. But just a moment later, the Red Hairs jump in surprise while looking at Jon who suddenly appeares, and talk to them. They couldn't feel his presence at all so they get surprised hearing an unfamiliar voice.

The Red Hairs immediately get into fighting stances and ready to attack Jon. Seeing their quick response makes him very impressed. They are just the lowest ranked members of Red Hair Pirates, but they are better than most pirate crews' executives.

"As expected from an Emperor crew, you all are good," says Jon while nodding.

"Who are- Eh?! Aren't you one of the Straw Hats? Why are you here? Did you forget something?" asks a man.

"No, I've just came out of the ship actually. The others leave me behi- Ugh, damn!" says Jon as his stomach hurts again.

He jumps back to Sunny and runs to the toilet again. His super body that can heal injuries faster than everyone is useless against Jane's food. At this rate, her cooking might be worse than Luffy's, and Jon will keep suffering.

"Just what kind of thing that she put in the food?" asks Jon while crying miserably.

Kurama laughs his ass off seeing Jon's suffering. This is the best entertainment that he ever had in this world. Even destroying Mariejois wasn't as satisfying as seeing Jon run back & forth to the toilet.

"It seems I need to increase my poison resistance again after this. I doubt that even Magellan's poison is as deadly as this. This is just the worst," laments Jon as he comes out of the toilet.

Today is simply one of Jon's worst days.