
The Shinobi of Straw Hats

Jono is just an ordinary guy with ordinary life. But he died young because of pandemic. But when he's about to be judge by GOD, he's got a chance. But of course, just because you're reincarnated with some wishes, doesn't mean it will be a smooth road. __________________________________________ This is my first time writing, and english is not my first language, so please understand if i made many mistakes. __________________________________________ I don't own the characters in this story, even MC's appearance are not mine. ________________________________ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/PeekACoo

PeekACoo · Anime & Comics
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282 Chs

226. Festival

Chapter 233 & 234 have been posted today on my Patreon page for my patrons. Please consider become a patron and help me pay college fee.

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The Straw Hats have decided to stay on Elbaf until the Winter Solstice Festival. At the day before the festival, Sanji go to help cooking the Semla. The others also do what they want today.

Meanwhile, Jon & Robin go to meet the King. They'll ask him for permission to join the festival. They're not this country's resident, so they need to ask permission first.

Jon & Robin arrived at the castle, and go to meet the King. They get inside the King's room after gaining permission. Inside the room, there is another old Giant, he is Jarul, one of the past Captain of Giant Warrior pirates.

"So you want to join the festival and even the fast before that. Hahahaha, it's very rare to have visitors join this event. Are you sure about it?"-Odin

"Yes, one of our member idolize Giant's way as warriors. He want to become a warrior like you, so he want to learn as much as he can."-Robin

"So he want to participate in the festival, including the fasting to learn warrior's way, is it? But what about you guys? Why did you want to participate too?"-Jarul

"Because we are his friends."-Jon

Jon answer nonchalantly, but that make Odin & Jarul widen their eyes a little.

'They join the fasting just because one of their friend join too?'-Odin

Odin & Jarul know just how hard it is for human to fast for 12 days. Very few humans could last for 12 days without eating or drinking anything. So to do something like this just because one of their friend do it, is unbelievable.

"Hahahaha, so you are willing to suffer together with your friend is it? Interesting, really interesting. Fine, you can do what you want, but don't cry if you can't finish it."-Odin

"Why should we cry over something like this?"-Jon

Jon & Robin leave after gaining permission to join the festival. And on their way out, they meet the Giant Prince, Loki. The prince walk on the corridor with his guards that seem to be around his age. Loki walk past them with haughty expression and looking down on them.

"Hmph, some humans try to fast for 12 days like us? You won't be able to do it, better give up now before you die from hunger."-Loki

"Hahaha, they won't even last for a week."-Guard 1

"That's too long, they won't even last for 5 days."-Guard 2

"No, 3 days, hahaha."-Guard 3

Loki & his guards ridicule them, but Jon & Robin just stay silent. There's no benefit in talking back to their words now. Action talk louder than words.

Loki & his guards look at Jon & Robin who didn't intend to reply, so they snort and leave. Jon & Robin also leave without saying a word. They're too lazy to talk with some idiots.

From his investigations so far, Jon know that Loki is a pampered & selfish prince. His father always gave him what he wanted, so he grow to be a selfish person. His status as a prince also make it possible for him to get whatever he want.

His selfishness was also showed when he propose to Lola, the daughter of Big Mom, who is considered as Elbaf's enemy. Altough it's because of his love to Lola, but that still show his selfishness. He put his feeling before his people's feeling, and that's not how a prince should behave.

'Many prince & princess put their kingdom & people before themselves, and they even accepted arranged marriage for their kingdom's sake. It's not like i didn't allow him to chase his love, but he need ti consider his people's feeling too.'-Jon

Jon think about Vivi who suffer to protect her Kingdom. Shirahoshi who suffer to keep her promise to her mother, who want to protect her Kingdom. Even the crybaby Shirahoshi know how to not become selfish for her Kingdom.

Jon then remember Rebecca's mother who selfish enough to fake her death and marry Kyros. However, she thought of her people's feeling and Kyros' feeling before she married Kyros, that's why she faked her death. But Loki use his authority as a prince to propose Lola, ignoring his people's feeling, and even Lola's feeling.

"Sigh, who am i to blame him? Even i am selfish enough to get Alabasta's princess for myself, and she is selfish enough to accept a pirate like me."-Jon

"Hihihi, at least she have risked her life for her Kingdom. Her people would gladly let her be happy, and you are not their enemy, but their hero."-Robin

"Yeah, their enemy is you after all."-Jon

Robin didn't have any change in her expression, but she seem pissed. So Robin grow some arms on Jon's body and locked his limbs to make him unable to move. Then she pull Jon's head & leg behind to make him look like a bow.


"You shouldn't joke like that with your big sister, you know."-Robin

"Alright, alright, i'm sorry, no need to hurt my back like this right?"-Jon said while holding his back pain

Robin giggle and release Jon, make him relieved. He look at Robin who already sit on the bike like nothing happened. Jon give her a stink eye, but she didn't care, so he just sigh.

Jon then take Robin to explore the island because she want to learn it's history. At least she pay for the ride, so he's not that disappointed. If it's Nami who ask for the ride, he won't get payed at all. Heck, she will even find a way to make him pay her.

Jon & Robin move around and stop on many places until afternoon. Then they return to the village where the participants for the fast will eat semlas later. It will be their last meal for the next 12 days, so they really need to fill their stomach.

The King actually invited the Straw Hats to join the feast in the castle, but they refuse. They decide to eat the semlas on the village with Astrid's family, Hajruddin & co, and also their other friends. Jarul will also eat there, so the King didn't really mind it, as he's friends with Jarul.

Jon & Robin arrive on the village soon, and meet with their crew. The New Giant Warrios Pirates & old Giant Warrior pirates are there too. Almost all Giants will participate in this tradition. The only exceptions will be babies, really young children, really old people, or those who are sick & ill.

Everyone gather on the plaza where some giant tables & chairs were prepared. On the tables, there are many Semlas with gigantic sizes of course. These Semlas have high calory, that will energyze everyone during their fast.

On a side, there is a big table with small sized Semlas. It's the Semlas for the Straw Hats that were made by Sanji. The Semlas for Giants are just too big, so Sanji made normal sized Semlas for the crew.

But even if the size is normal, the amount is not normal. Sanji made a lot of Semlas, because he know the Straw Hats can eat a lot. Now they will eat more because they won't be able to eat for days.

"Don't forget to drink enough too, guys! The biggest problem in fasting for days is not the hunger, but dehydration. Your body can hold hunger by using body fat, but it won't hold the lack of fluid."-Jon

"Is that so?"-Zoro

"I don't know, i just thought it is."-Jon

Zoro get pissed and have a brawl with Jon. The other just sigh, but Chopper say that Jon is basically correct. They really need to hydrated enough during fasting and try to not lose too much liquid from their body.

After some minutes, all participants have gathered on the plaza. Jarul then have a simple speech before they start eating their Semlas. Then soon, they all start to eat the Semlas.

The Straw Hats start to eat the semlas, and they widen their eyes. It's really sweet, and delicious, but it's not overwhelming, as even those who don't really like sweets can eat a lot. And just like usual, they start to feel energized after eating Sanji's food.

The Giants on the other hand, got very surprised by the Semlas. They always eat it every year, but this year's semlas taste a little different. They're tastier than the usual semlas that they ate each year.

"These semlas, it didn't really change in the taste, but it also taste better than usual."-Jarul

"That's right, i can't describe it too, but it make me want to eat more."-Kashii

"This is because of Sanji's help, he can find a way to improve the taste even though he just made it for the first time today."-Astrid

"Hoho, you must be a great chef, young human. I'm glad that you guys decide to join and help in this event."-Jarul

"Don't mind it. I'm also glad that you let me learn your cooking, so it's just right for me to help you in your cooking."-Sanji

"Hahaha, you guys are really different from most human pirates that i've ever met."-Jarul

"I told you that, Master Jarul, you just didn't believe me."-Hajruddin

"Hahaha, well, it's very rare after all. The only pirates who behave like you are some people from Roger & WB pirates. I haven't met anyone like them again, and if i don't meet you, i won't believe that there are pirates like them ever again."-Jarul

They all got happier now and continue their meal. Then soon, the meal turn into a feast, and the feast turn into a party. It's just impossible to not have a party when they eat & drink a lot with the Straw Hats.

The Giants also easily merge with the party and enjoy it. Most of them were pirates, retired pirates, and their family, so party is usual thing for them. They dance, sing, eat and drink a lot until midnight.

Many people got wasted at night after such a big party. They can't even return to their room and just sleep outside. Meanwhile, Jarul approach Jon who's still fine even after eating & drinking a lot. He didn't even have bulged stomach like the others.

"You eat a lot, but didn't seem to change at all, boy."-Jarul

"Well, i have a technique that can help me digest my food easier. Beside, those guys will return to their original form after some time."-Jon

"Hmm, you guys are really abnormal for humans."-Jarul

"That's what people always said."-Jon chug his ale

"I heard you lived with Dorry & Broggy for 2 years. How are they?"-Jarul

"They're fine, and still have their duel, but that's 2 years ago. I haven't return for 2 years since i started my journey. But i think they're still fine now, and still continue their duel. I predict that their weapons will break first before they can find any winner."-Jon

"Hehe, then they will continue their duel barehanded."-Jarul grin

"Yeah, that's their warrior way, where they fight for their honor. That's what Usopp really admire from both of them. He just met them for a day, but he admire them for his whole life."-Jon

"Hmm, how about you? Do you admire them?"-Jarul

"Of course i am. They were like my teachers & friends for 2 years. I admire them, but it didn't mean i want to be like them. I am a ninja, i have my own way and own perception of honor. And that honor, is not that of a warrior. I don't put honor above everything, the most important thing for me is my loved ones. If i need to throw my honor for them, i will do it without question."-Jon

"Hmm, everybody have different perception about honor. For you, it might be second or third, but that's fine, as some people even put honor below anything. For us, Giant warriors, honor is really important."-Jarul

"Broggy told me this, 'The value of honor for Giants & humans are different. Giants lived much longer than humans, that's why honor is very important, even more important than life. But humans lived a short life, so life is more important than honor.' I found that statement to be right most of the time, as i went through my journey."-Jon

"You must've learned a lot during your journey, young man. That's good, so keep learning! You will find more as you grow older & meet many people."-Jarul

"Yeah, thanks old man."-Jon