
The Shinobi of Straw Hats

Jono is just an ordinary guy with ordinary life. But he died young because of pandemic. But when he's about to be judge by GOD, he's got a chance. But of course, just because you're reincarnated with some wishes, doesn't mean it will be a smooth road. __________________________________________ This is my first time writing, and english is not my first language, so please understand if i made many mistakes. __________________________________________ I don't own the characters in this story, even MC's appearance are not mine. ________________________________ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/PeekACoo

PeekACoo · Anime & Comics
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282 Chs

221. Go Green

Jon go to the nearest wasteland from Flower Capital, Udon, with the Straw Hats & Kozuki families. The Straw Hats see him walk with Kozuki Family guys and decide to follow. They're curious on what's Jon gonna do with all these Kozuki guys.

They arrive on Udon which almost have turned into wasteland completely. The destruction from Kaido's factories is really bad. No vegetation can be seen, and the water streams are dirty.

"You don't plan to build settlements here are you?"-Jon

"Not for nowl, the condition of this place is very bad and no one can live here. We need to restore the environment first before we can build something here. At the very least, we need to make the water consumable again."-Yasuie

"Alright then, i'll help you to make it faster. All of you, step back!"-Jon

Jon tell everyone to step back and he stand there. Jon clap his hands and close his eyes. He start to gather nature energy, which is really scarce in here because the environment is really bad. It take some minutes before he can enter Sage Mode, which usually just take a minute.

"Mokuton: Deep Forest Emergence!"-Jon

Trees start to grow in front of Jon, and it spread fast. The trees grow everywhere on the wasteland and it keep spreading. Jon also keep absorbing nature energy to supply his jutsu.

Soon, the trees cover half of the wasteland, but Jon has run out of nature energy. He can't gather faster than his usage, because of the low nature energy in here. Jon now use his own chakra, until he finally cover the whole wasteland of Udon.

"H-he cover the whole of Udon with trees in an instant. T-this is unbelievable."-Denjiro


"So this is the power of someone who defeat Kaido alone."-Inuarashi

Everyone there have their eyes shaken, and their body trembled. Even if someone have devil fruit power, but to cover a whole region in one go with that power will need a lot of energy. Udon is big, really big, as it have the size of a small island. So they can't imagine how much energy that Jon use just now.

Jon is panting hard now, because he never thought it will be this hard. The soil & water condition are very bad, and make it harder for him to grow the trees. If the soil & water condition are good, he won't need to spend that much chakra to create the forest.

"Damn, if the soil & water are good, just my senjutsu will be enough."-Jon

"You're forcing yourself too much."-Jane

"It's fine, because i made a new discovery now. I'm glad to find out that the soil & water condition are affecting the jutsu."-Jon

Jon have use wood element on Wano's bad environment before. But he never realize that it need more chakra than usual because he only use small scales jutsus or too absorbed on his fight to notice it. Now when he use such a big scaled jutsu, he finally feel the effect of bad environment on his wood jutsu.

"Well, trees grow on soil, and they need water. They need many kind of minerals in the soil & water to grow. So if the soil & water are bad, the trees will not grow properly too, and it might even die."-Usopp

"Ooh, you sound like a botanist, Usopp."-Chopper

"Well, i've learnt a lot about plant for 2 years of my training with Heraclessun-sensei."-Usopp brag

"That's just a common sense on how trees will grow."-Nami

"Come on, just let me have some fun here."-Usopp

They all laugh at Usopp, who sulk at the side. Jon himself is laying on the ground and think about all of this. It seem he is too complacent and forget about the basic. All his jutsu is based on basic elements, which are part of nature. So nature & environment will affect his jutsu.

'I forget about basic things because i've gotten a lot stronger. Just like how fire is weaker on cold area, or water is weaker on hot area, wood also will be weaker if it's 2 basic elements which are earth & soil are not good enough.'-Jon

Jon think that he need to re-learn the basic again. He can't forget about basic things, as it is the foundation. Jon then decide to revise everything he learned since he became a ninja.

'Sometime we need to learn from the past to create a better future.'-Jon

They return to Flower Capital, and Jon take some rest. Before he rest, Jon say something to the Kozuki guys.

"The trees have grew, but it didn't mean the land has cured. The soil & water are still bad as before, and the tree will help it recover faster. Even so, you still need to do what you can to make the land return to it's previous condition."-Jon

"We understand, we will work hard to make our land recover."-Hiyori

Jon then go to his room and take a sleep. He choose to sleep rather than meditating. Meditation is good, but he want to take a real sleep too.

The next day, Jon use Deep Forest Emergence to cover the whole wasteland of Kibi. Then, the day after that, he do it on Kuri's wasteland too. As for other regions, they didn't really turn into wasteland, but their villages & towns are destroyed. They just need to rebuild it, so Jon didn't cover them with trees.

The next day after he cover Kuri with trees, Jon go to Okobore Town. At least, the remains of it, because he have destroyed it in his battle with Jack. Jon make many wooden houses with his jutsu for the citizens. The Flower Capital and Bakura Town didn't have enough building to house everyone, so Jon decide to rebuild Okobore Town, and he rebuild Ebisu Town too after that.

After finishing all of that, Jon go to Northern Cemetery on Ringo. This is the place where warriors rest after their death, and Jon think it's a suitable place for his Kusanagi to rest too. Jon have asked for permission from Kozuki family guys, and they allow it.

"It's time to part ways, partner. You've helped me for 2 years now, and i'm really grateful for that. I will let you rest, and what place is better for your last resting place than this place? Many swords also lay here, so you will have a lot of friends."-Jon

Jon grow a small tree from the ground, then use a branch to bind Kusanagi's remains & it's scabbard on the trunk. Jon grow some flowers from the branch that bind Kusanagi as decoration. Then he carve Kusanagi's name under the sword before he leave.

It's been a week since the Straw Hats arrived in Wano again. The log pose have been set, and Jon have finished all his business here. So they will sail the next day and continue their journey.

That's why tonight, a big party is held for the Straw Hats. Well, rather than a party, it is more like a festival. The festival is open to everyone on Wano, not just those from Flower Capital or Bakura Town like when Orochi was the shogun. Rich or poor can enjoy festival together now, there's no wall that separate them again.

The Straw Hats also enjoy the festival, and they show these people some real entertainments. They all dance, sing, eat, drink, laugh, compete, etc. This festival is also the celebration of their victory over Kaido & Orochi that haven't been held because of the war with WG.

The festival is being held all night long until morning. No one want to stop because they're too happy. They've never felt so free for such a long time. Fire Festival was good, but they still need to restrain themselves, unlike this festival where they don't have any restriction.

The Straw Hats also enjoy the festival too much. That's why they got too tired at the time of their departure. However, they still need to go. It's not like they never sail when they're dead tired.

They have some talk with their friends there before leaving. Jon also leave some advices for Tama on her training. He still tell her to not get close to Momo though, and tell her to kick his balls if he try to do something funny.

"Boy, come here!"-Hitetsu suddenly call Jon

"What is it, old man?"-Jon go to Hitetsu that have a black box on his hands

"I've finished your sword."-Hitetsu

"Didn't you said it will take a month? It's just 3 weeks since i order it."-Jon

"You've worked hard these days, so i decide to work harder too. I saved a week to make this, but don't worry! I promise it still have the same quality with what i'll make in a month."-Hitetsu

Hitetsu open the box, and there is a sword inside. Jon take the ninjato sword that have the exact same shape with Kusanagi. The only difference is the colour. Kusanagi have black scabbard & hilt with red accent, just like Ichigo's bankai. Meanwhile this new sword have maroon scabbard & hilt with black accent.

"What's the name?"-Jon

"Well, considering your epithet as Demon Eyes, and that red like blood colour, your sword will be named as Demon Blade, Kijin."-Hitetsu

"Kijin, huh? That's nice."-Jon

"I've poured my heart on this creation, and i can proudly say that this sword is as good as those of 21 Great Grade sword so it will match your Inari. However, for it to gain that fame or not is all up to you."-Hitetsu

"Wow, thanks old man. It seem you don't want to lose to Kozaburo geezer, huh?"-Jon

"Of course. It's such a long time since someone use our creation together like how Oden use Enma & Ama no Habakiri. If Kozaburo give you a Great Grade, than i will give you one too."-Hitetsu

Jon draw his new sword and he feel a strange sensation. His haki suddenly got activated and Kijin absorb it. It is a lot weaker than how Enma absorb Zoro's haki, but it has the same property like Enma.

"It absorb haki?"-Jon

"Yeah, it have the same property as Enma & Ama no Habakiri. I made it with the exact same process, so it have the same result. However, the absorption is still very low because it is new. Enma & Ama no Habakiri absorb a lot more because Oden have used & feed it with Ryuo for many years."-Hitetsu

"So Inari is greedy of chakra, while Kijin is greedy of haki. Great, they will suck me dry in the future."-Jon

Jon force his will on Kijin to stop it from absorbing his haki. He make it submissive with his will, like how Zoro make Enma submissive. But it's easier for Jon, as he is the first wielder and the sword is newly made, so it didn't have such a strong sword spirit like Enma.

Jon try to flow his chakra & haki on Kijin, and it work well. It have better haki flow than Inari, but the chakra flow is below Inari. But it still have good chakra flow though, so he didn't really need to worry.

"If i use chakra bases attack, i will prefer using Inari, but if it's haki based attack, Kijin will be a better option."-Jon

Jon put a mark on Kijin's hilt like Inari, so he can use teleport on it. Jon throw Kijin to a tree and it stab deep on it. Then Jon teleport to Kijin and take it from the tree.

Jon really need to improve his Thunder God jutsu, so that he will be able to call the items that he have marked, rather than he go to the item with the mark. It is not how the Thunder God works, but he want to make it work like that too.

'If i can do that, i will be able to replicate Sasuke's Rinnegan ability, altough it will be limited with seal mark.'-Jon

Jon sheath Kijin on it's scabbard and walk back to his friends. He thank Hitetsu again and give Hitetsu a gift. He give Hitetsu a block of chakra metal with good quality.

After finishing everything and bid their farewell with everyone, the Straw Hats start to sail. They can finally continue their journey to search for One Piece on Laugh Tale.