
The Shinobi of Straw Hats

Jono is just an ordinary guy with ordinary life. But he died young because of pandemic. But when he's about to be judge by GOD, he's got a chance. But of course, just because you're reincarnated with some wishes, doesn't mean it will be a smooth road. __________________________________________ This is my first time writing, and english is not my first language, so please understand if i made many mistakes. __________________________________________ I don't own the characters in this story, even MC's appearance are not mine. ________________________________ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/PeekACoo

PeekACoo · Anime & Comics
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282 Chs

136. Punk Hazard

The Straw Hats leave Fishman Island, and go to the New World. On their way to reach the surface, they do what they want. Nami take a shower, with Chopper accompanying her. Sanji & Brook are peeping at Nami, but she electrocute them. Jon is making seals for Zoro and Sanji, and the rest decide to go fishing.

Jon is making the seals on cloth that can be tied anywhere. Zoro & Sanji need to change clothes, so they can't always wear the one with seal. A piece of cloth is more flexible to wear and can be discarded anytime.

The ones that fishing, catch a fish and Luffy knock it out. But that fish attract a bigger fish, which attract an even bigger eel. So Zoro kill the eel, but it's too heavy and make the ship stop moving.

"Leave that fish! We can't move at all with it."-Nami

"EEEHH, but i want to eat it."-Luffy


"Oi, what's that?"-Jon

Suddenly an underwater maelstrom appear in front of them. Nami say it's called White Storm, and it's actually trying to suck them. The big eel got sucked by it, and pull the ship toward it too.

They have a wild ride for some time, and then their ship hit something. They look at it and realize that it's an Island Whale. They look around and find many Island Whales are there.

They come accros a pod of Island Whale, and Luffy mistake it as Laboon. Brook crying and calling Laboon's name, but Usopp calm him down. Laboon is at the other side of the world, so these Whales are it's kind.

Nami realizes it is still dangerous for the ship even though they've left the maelstrom. So they raise their sail to ride the current made by the whales. It's like the whales gives them a ride to reach the surface.

Brook start to sing Bink's Sake and attract the whale's attention. The crew also getting excited and sing with Brooks. They see the surface and start to count down. When they finish counting, they finally reach the surface of the New World sea.

Everyone look around and see the new sea that they'll explore. They are very excited and anticipated the new challenges that await them. This is the reasom they train for 2 years, The Final Sea: New World.



"Each one of those whales are really as big as a small island."-Jon

"That's why they're called Island Whales."-Robin

"Yeah, but this sea, isn't it too stormy here?"-Jon

They look at the sky that full of thunder, and the wind & waves are strong. Suddenly rain pour, but then it stop, and it start to snow. Just when they're getting excited to play with snow, it stop and big chunks of ice fall. They're bigger than sunny, so the crew defend the ship by destroying the ice boulders.

"Isn't this change of weather happen too fast?"-Jon

"This is the New World, it's not called the Final Sea for nothing. Just leave the navigating to me, i've learned a lot in weatheria in these 2 years."-Nami

"As i thought of our navigator."-Usopp

They sail the new ridiculous sea that looks like a moody girlfriend. The weather in Paradise will change after days or decided by distance, but this place can almost change every moment. Finally after some hours, the weather start to calm down.

"I hope this weather is just on this area."-Jon

"Well, at least it will not happen in islands, or people won't stay there."-Robin

"We don't know that, human's adaptability is very strong."-Jon

"Hey look, there's a volcano erupting there. Let's go there!"-Luffy

"Hmm? Strange, none of the log pose pointed there."-Nami

"Who cares, let's go!"-Luffy

They go toward the erupting volcano, because they're sure it will not change the log pose. There's no magnetic field there, so the log pose won't change.

"Oi, i've roasted some meat."-Sanji

"MEAT? YAHOO."-Luffy

They all enter the kitchen and eat some meats. It's cold, and hot food & drink are very welcomed. Suddenly, their denden mushi went off, and it's a distress signal. Robin warn them that it can be a trap from Marine.

"Hmm, so distress signal can be caught by white denden mushi."-Nami

"Well, it only counter eavesdropping by black denden mushi, and distress signal is a call from normal denden mushi."-Jon


"Hello, this is Monkey D. Luffy, a man that will be the Pirate King."-Luffy


"Is it necessary to use that introduction everytime?"-Jon sweatdrop

"That's just how he is."-Sanji

The call is from someone that asking for help. He say their unit is being attacked by a samurai. They say they're on Punk Hazard, but the sentences are being repeated again and again. Robin say that most likely the signal is being sent before the man got killed.

"What's a samurai?"-Zoro

"Samurai is the swordsman of Wano Country. The country itself is closed to the outside world, and they're not affiliated with World Goverment."-Brook

"Wano right? I hear there are ninjas too in that country. I want to see what they can do, maybe there are techniques that i can learn."-Jon

Luffy decided to check the signal sender, which is most likely in that volcanic island. They sail there and see that the island is blocked by a wall of fire. It's difficult to get inside, but Luffy insist to enter. He will not let an adventure like this passed.

Nami then decide to use a lottery paper to choose the ones that will go with Luffy. Jon will go even if he didn't get the lottery. He want to use his sharingan, but the others prohibit it. Luckily he succeed and will go with Luffy, Zoro, Robin, and Usopp.

Sanji prepare some food for them and they use Mini Merry II. Nami then make a milky road with her new sorcery clima tact. Jon is marvelling on how the cloud didn't disperse in this low altitude. They ride the cloud and go to the flaming island.

While going there, they eat their lunch box and it's really delicious. Sanji must've learn a lot about cooking in these 2 years. His food feels like giving energy after they consume it.

"Hey, is that a gate?"-Usopp

"So there is people that live here. They must be heat resistant."-Jon

"Was, not 'is', but 'was'. There's no way people still live in here. Ah, actually i have 'Can't set foot on new island' illness."-Usopp

"We know."-All

"Poor Usopp, you must've suffered in these 2 years with that illness of yours. I'm glad you're still alive."-Jon

"You'll be better after eating your lunch box."-Robin

"I-it's okay, sigh."-Usopp

Usopp give up and just accept his fate to suffer. They reach the island and see the big gate which have WG and Marine logo. Zoro cut it down, and they trespass the area. Usopp panic and say they will incur the wrath of WG and Marine.

"We've done that many times, one more time is not that different."-Jon

"Tha-that's right, but..."-Usopp

They keep walking despite Usopp's fear, and see many melted buildings. Robin deduced that this was a goverment base before it destroyed. The area is so hot, that they need to change clothes. Jon, Zoro, & Luffy just take off their upper clothes, while Robin change, Usopp didn't do anything though.

Usopp then comment on how the man on distress signal said about the island's coldness while it's so hot. Robin thought that there might be a cold area in this island. Jon deduce that it might be on the other side or even the center. Grandline's islands are so strange that it could have 2 different weather at once.

While they walk, they stumble upon a massive skull. It's bigger than giant's and it must be perished during the catastrophe that happen here. The skull is still not burn completely, so the catastrophe must be happened not that far in the past.

"Maybe it's an Oars."-Jon

"It's possible, i can't think of something bigger than giant other than Oars."-Robin

They hear something and turn around to see a surprising thing. They see a red dragon behind them, and it's a western dragon. The dragon seem to talk and ask who they are. Without waiting for an answer, the dragon attack them with fire breath attack.

"Tch, a breath attack!"-Jon


They all jump to the side and avoid the fire breath. The attack is strong and it will be bad if they get hit. Luffy try to attack the dragon with gear 2nd, but it's scale is very tough. The dragon attack and send Luffy flying, while Jon make some hand seals.

"Doton: Earthen Stone Shoots"-Jon

Four earth spike come out from 4 directions around the dragon. They hit the dragon, but they can't pierce the tough scales. Jon click his toungue and see Zoro also try to attack. Zoro's attack didn't work either, and the dragon attack Zoro instead.

"It's not only tough, but also strong."-Zoro

"Are you with that Sichibukai?"-Dragon

"Hey, it's talking."-Jon

It didn't wait for another answer again and just attack them. Jon is very annoyed by this dragon, it ask but didn't wait for answer. Jon have enough and look at the dragon that flying on top of them.

Jon then flicker and use geppo to reach the dragon. It try to attack him, but he can easily dodge with geppo. Jon land on the dragon's back before he smirk and make some hand seals.

"Doton: Ultra Added Weight Rock Jutsu."-Jon

The dragon suddenly gain a lot more weight. It didn't fall yet, so Jon add the weight again. Now it really fall to the ground and the Straw Hats surround it. They all have evil grin and prepare their attack. The dragon seem afraid, but it will not change anything.

They finally kill the dragon and strangely, they find someone stuck on it's head. The man is just left with his lower body outside. Luffy try to pull him and when he came out, it's just the lower body without upper side.


"WAAHH, I'M SORRY."-Luffy panic too

Just when they freaked out, the lower body suddenly stand and talk. Now they are more freaked out because of this. The legs try to attack them but it's useless.

"WOAH, IT'S TALKING, SO COOL. Hey legs, join my crew."-Luffy


The legs run and Luffy try to chase it. The others let him go by himself and start to roast the meat on the fire. It's really good, and Jon store the dragon's carcass after dismantling it. He can use the materials for many things afterall. Or at least he can sell it for high price in blackmarket.


"There he goes again."-Usopp

"Dragon scale is so tough, the bones should be tough too. Then the blood is said to be medicine. The heart is also a treasure, but the most prized organ is the uvula and tonsils which create the fire. Bwahahaha, it will hqve high price in blackmarket."-Jon

Jon keep laughing like a wretched merchant, when suddenly Luffy come back and surprising them. It's not Luffy's return that surprise them, but something attached on his back. The legs actually attached to Luffy's back.

"Wait, what happen when you chase him?"-Jon

"I don't know, i just crashed with him and suddenly it become like this. What do you call this?"-Luffy


"Yosh, i'm a centaurus now."-Luffy

Luffy seem very happy because a lower body is attached on his back. Now he looks like a centaurus, and he is happy. This make everyone sigh and just let Luffy do what he want.