
The Shape Shifter System

I am Alexander Graham and I am going to chang the world into a better place! The humans are in war against the many races invading earth and in this generation, the coming of mana and other strange types of energy leading to humans having abilities. All the great abilities are hoarded up by the rich and strong, while poor and weak cannot get their hands on any abilty and our MC is one of such poor humans. Activating the shape shifter system, will he be able to change his fate ? Join us to find out.

Usfal_Aizen · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Antonio | Group fight.

Status window

Alex call out and the floating holographic screen came out.


<<Ability: >>

<< Strength: 19>>

<<Dexterity: 19>>

<<Intellect: 19>>

<<Stamina: 19>>

<<Perception: 19>>

<<Free attributes: 33>>

The free attributes are gain from the daily quest and Alex level up for a total of nine times and gain five points to each of his attributes each time he level up.

Alex has been stockpiling on Free attributes point, saving them for a rainy day.

'The class is over, is time to leave' Alex gets up to leave.

'Jake is out alone, i should check up on him' Luke thought.

Outside the hall...

In a remote place is a dark and strong boy with bulging muscles, he is currently facing a kid with black hair.

The boy with black hair has similar looks to Alex, it is Jake.

"Already itching for a more beating ?" Jake asked.

"You must be very stupid to come here alone" Antonio said.

"I alone is enough for defeating you" Jake send a fire ball.

"Argh!" Antonio charge straight at the fireball and went right through it.

He wanted to get closer to Jake but Jake is now much smarter than before and whenever he attacks, he open the distance between them.

Jake send a barrage of fireballs, he keeps attacking Antonio while Antonio keeps dodging the attacks and approaching closer.

'Such persistence like a cockroach, why did he keeps fighting me and he never gives up. Maybe, me from another generation has kill him from another generation, yes that must be true' Jake thought of a ridiculous idea. This cockroach of a boy is approaching closer.

'Why did i not think of this before? Hehehe come closer, you damn cockroach, i should say that louder'

"Come closer you damn Cockroach!" Jake made a provocation gesture, opening his hand and closing it again, a sign for Challenging Antonio to come closer.

"Who are you calling Cockroach? I will have already gotten to you since if not because you are running" Antonio is enraged

"Of course you are the one and Only Cockroach" Jake happily said.

'Aha just in range' Jake prepared to execute his new move.

"Why don't you test my new move, Flaming kick!" Jake's legs are on fire as his leg's speed increase.

Antonio braced himself.



The kick landed, Antonio quiet felt the pain but he has not been sent flying, only that his hand now has a scorched mark.

"What? How is that possible?" Antonio is astonished, no, he is scared. He can't believe that his super powerful physique is injured, physical strength is his ability, he just can't cone to terms with what is happening.

Out of no where an exploding fireball hits Jake squarely in the chest sending him flying.

"Antonio, such a disgrace to the gang. You can not defeat a single enemy" The boy that attack with a flame said and two other gang members emerged.

'Oh my, that is unexpected. If i am to hit something hard at this speed I am moving, it will really be super painful' Jake thought but the hard fall he is waiting for never came instead a hand grab him.

"It seems we are right on time" Jake heard his sweet brother's voice from behind.

The whole team are here and ready for some super group fight.

"Gentle men, why are you ganging up on a little boy" Luke's calm voice is heard.

"That is why we are call a gang" One of them reply.

"And we will show you why we are a team" Reginold has already get into a fighting stance after all he is a battle maniac.

"You should know by now that their are people that you should never offend, if you do, your school life will be a living hell" The fire ability boy gets into a fighting stance.

'Hey kiddo, teach all those scums a good lesson, will ya?' Alex heard the shifter emperor's voice.

'My pleasure' Alex is not going to make peace with this idiots that threaten his brother's safety.

"Hey Luke, it seems that we have never fight in a group. Let's teach them a lesson" Jake dusted his clothes off.

"With pleasure" Luke happily complied.

"Jake get that idiot you are fighting, Reginold get that one with wind ability, I will fight the other boy and Luke-

Before Alex finished his words, Luke already attack the boy with fire ability.

'Guess that is not needed' Alex charge at his enemy which also happens to be a wind user.

The squad leader fires a straight beam of flame at Luke.

Luke just smirked as he turns into a water.

'What in the world just happen here? Such mastery' The boy is confused for a split second but regain his composure.


Luke has come out of the puddle and is now at the back of the squad leader.


The squad leader is also not so bad, he is able to block Luke's sneak attack.

"Nice try" Luke can't hide the surprise in his voice.

The water animals starts to emerged.

"Come my minions" Luke's body is covered in a blue hue.

At the other side...


Reginold punch his opponent directly in the gut.

The opponent attack with a wind blade immediately after he was hit and sent flying.

Instead of a deep cut, only a shallow wound is left on Reginold's Qi covered hand.

Alex is having a bit of a hard time here, actually he can't transform in front of the guys.


Alex shoulder has an ugly wound on his shoulder, blood is drawn.

'You idiot, laughing like you are stronger than me, you are very lucky that i will not transform here' Alex smile wryly.

<<11 free attributes added to Strength>>

<<Strength: 30>>

"let's even the playing field, shall we ?" Alex muscles are fill up with energy, the only thing he wanted to do is find a scapegoat to test his new strength, he just happen to find one.


Everyone was scared silly with sound they heard and everyone stop fighting turning to Alex's Direction.

Alex himself is dumfounded with what happen, such strength, he can't believe he did that.


<<Hilton Miller>>

<<Ability: Wind>>

<<Status: Heavily injured>>


'Thank God he is alive, i thought he is death' Alex is really scared earlier, if he kill a student, what will he do?

The Eradicators seize this opportunity when the opponent are not concentrating on them.

"Hoooo" A chop to the back of the neck by Luke.

Reginold with a Qi infused punch to the face of his opponent.

And Jake's Flaming kick to the opponent's where it hurts the most.

"You should change your gang name to Dragon shit gang" Luke said.

"I don't think that is gentlemanly, Luke. And what's with the shouting you did before attacking?" Alex asked.

"Don't you see martial arts movies, they Shout and attack, it is very cool" Luke said his reason.

"Alright mister Cool"

Decided to set all attributes to ten, it will be much better this way.

Usfal_Aizencreators' thoughts