
The Shadows Edge

In the enchanting realm of Elaria, where magic is the lifeblood of society, Kaze is born into a noble family renowned for their powerful magical abilities. However, Kaze is an anomaly—he possesses no magic. Determined to prove his worth, he trains rigorously to become a master swordsman. However, Kaze’s life takes a dark turn when a mysterious force strikes, tearing him away from what he knew. In the aftermath of this tragedy, Kaze discovers a hidden power within himself. But will this be enough to enact his revenge?

Cultivating_legend · Fantasy
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13 Chs


The Akagawa estate, once a bastion of warmth and security, has become a scene of unimaginable tragedy, the air thick with the stench of death and the echoes of a family's anguished cries., Kaze's world has crumbled around him, his family torn from him in a brutal and senseless act of violence. Beaten and broken, he is dragged away by the duke's men, his struggles futile against their iron grip.

Through the haze of his tears, Kaze catches a glimpse of his family's estate, the once-proud structure now engulfed in flames. The sight sears itself into his memory, a vivid symbol of the destruction of his former life.

The Akagawa estate, the place he had called home, the sanctuary where he had trained and celebrated his triumphs, now lies in ruins, consumed by the ravenous flames. Kaze's heart shatters, the weight of his loss crushing him, fueling a thirst for vengeance that burns like a raging inferno within his soul.

As he is hauled away, Kaze's gaze is drawn to the flickering flames, the orange glow casting an eerie light upon the shattered remnants of his world. The scene will forever be etched into his mind, a constant reminder of the price he has paid and the retribution he now seeks.

Kaze's captors, sensing the shift in his demeanor, tighten their grip, but they cannot extinguish the fire that now burns within him. The thirst for vengeance, once a distant ember, has been stoked into a raging blaze, one that will not be quelled until he has exacted his pound of flesh from those who have taken everything from him., Kaze's world has been reduced to the confines of a dark, damp cell within the shadowy organization's hidden fortress. The oppressive atmosphere presses down upon him, a stark contrast to the warmth and security of the Akagawa estate he once called home.

Thrown into this bleak and unforgiving environment, Kaze drifts in and out of consciousness, his mind tormented by vivid nightmares of his family's brutal murder. The images, seared into his memory, play out in an endless loop, the anguished cries of his parents echoing in his ears.

The constant fear and uncertainty weigh heavily upon him, a crushing burden that threatens to suffocate his very spirit. Gone are the days of training in the courtyard, the pride in his father's eyes, the joyous celebrations with his loved ones. In their place, a suffocating darkness envelops him, a darkness that seems to seep into the very depths of his soul.